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Question for the group - Generosity

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Here is another question that has been on my mind for a while... what

is true giving ? What is generosity ?


How do we donate our time/money/energy in an appropriate way ?


I look forward to your responses.





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Lieve Nanda,


this question has been on my mind as well :) and I am eager to know

what others have to say on the subject.


Here's what I tell myself:


-in order to be truly generous, you have to realize that nothing you

give is yours to begin with; not your time, not your money, not your

energy. Everything is given through you, you are the channel or

instrument used by the Giver of All in order to shower blessings on

all. So there's no need to be stingy with time, money or energy;

there's plenty more where it all came from.

-in order to be truly generous, you have to be able to truly receive.

Become an open channel, a willing instrument. Be thankful!

-in order to determine if you are 'in tune' with the Giver, you have

to listen very carefully for the inner voice. The Giver will not want

to give anything that would make you or the other person (or any

being) more dependent on things or persons, more bound to

circumstances or feelings of guilt, more confused or unhappy. The

Giver wants to give us freedom and true understanding and joy coming

from within. So we have to attune ourselves to the Giver of all if we

want to be truly generous. It is easy to seem generous and serve the

ego. It is difficult to truly be generous and serve God alone.

-this requires discrimination and the ability to say 'no'; 'no' to


friend who really does not want to be helped because she is unwilling

to change her situation, 'no' to close ones who want to decide for


when it is fitting to give and to whom, 'no' to yourself when you


to get or do something that is not helpful to your sadhana etc.

-it also requires the ability to say 'yes': 'yes' to life, becoming

more and more responsive to the joyous energy that seeks to be

expressed through you in all kinds of creative enterprises even


others may think there's something wrong with you, 'yes' to the


energy that wants to be expressed through you as a kind word, a


a helping hand, even if others say it's no use or that you're being

soft. It means to allow the Giver of all to develop the talents and

gifts given you and to allow yourself the freedom to blossom.

-when in doubt, ask the Giver to show you what to do. Open your heart

and listen for advice. Then do it.


with love,








, Nanda <chandimaakijai> wrote:

> Dear All,

> Here is another question that has been on my mind for a while...

what is true giving ? What is generosity ?


> How do we donate our time/money/energy in an appropriate way ?


> I look forward to your responses.



> Nanda







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rubber hits the road here.


it is easy to have big ideas about ourselves.


then we eventually say, well, what am i doing? how am i self-centered?


shivapuri baba said give 10% to spiritual persons or organizations.


i don't think i have to do things in any particular way, but i have to

make a gesture of giving time/money/energy to counteract mr. ego.


the other part is are we useful. some need our money, some want our

time. we give from the essence of ourselves.


, Nanda <chandimaakijai> wrote:

> Dear All,

> Here is another question that has been on my mind for a while...

what is true giving ? What is generosity ?


> How do we donate our time/money/energy in an appropriate way ?


> I look forward to your responses.



> Nanda







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thank you henny, beautifully said.






, "henny_v_i" <HvI@S...> wrote:

> Lieve Nanda,


> this question has been on my mind as well :) and I am eager to know

> what others have to say on the subject.


> Here's what I tell myself:


> -in order to be truly generous, you have to realize that nothing you

> give is yours to begin with; not your time, not your money, not your

> energy. Everything is given through you, you are the channel or

> instrument used by the Giver of All in order to shower blessings on

> all. So there's no need to be stingy with time, money or energy;

> there's plenty more where it all came from.

> -in order to be truly generous, you have to be able to truly receive.

> Become an open channel, a willing instrument. Be thankful!

> -in order to determine if you are 'in tune' with the Giver, you have

> to listen very carefully for the inner voice. The Giver will not want

> to give anything that would make you or the other person (or any

> being) more dependent on things or persons, more bound to

> circumstances or feelings of guilt, more confused or unhappy. The

> Giver wants to give us freedom and true understanding and joy coming

> from within. So we have to attune ourselves to the Giver of all if we

> want to be truly generous. It is easy to seem generous and serve the

> ego. It is difficult to truly be generous and serve God alone.

> -this requires discrimination and the ability to say 'no'; 'no' to

> the

> friend who really does not want to be helped because she is unwilling

> to change her situation, 'no' to close ones who want to decide for

> you

> when it is fitting to give and to whom, 'no' to yourself when you

> want

> to get or do something that is not helpful to your sadhana etc.

> -it also requires the ability to say 'yes': 'yes' to life, becoming

> more and more responsive to the joyous energy that seeks to be

> expressed through you in all kinds of creative enterprises even

> though

> others may think there's something wrong with you, 'yes' to the

> loving

> energy that wants to be expressed through you as a kind word, a

> smile,

> a helping hand, even if others say it's no use or that you're being

> soft. It means to allow the Giver of all to develop the talents and

> gifts given you and to allow yourself the freedom to blossom.

> -when in doubt, ask the Giver to show you what to do. Open your heart

> and listen for advice. Then do it.


> with love,

> Henny

, Nanda <chandimaakijai> wrote:

> > Dear All,

> > Here is another question that has been on my mind for a while...

> what is true giving ? What is generosity ?

> >

> > How do we donate our time/money/energy in an appropriate way ?

> >

> > I look forward to your responses.

> >


> > Nanda

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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To me true generosity seeks not fame or reward.


Time and energy can be donated by prayer, personal attention, a

listening ear or advice, a smile, an embrace.



Nanda <chandimaakijai > wrote:

Dear All,

Here is another question that has been on my mind for a while... what

is true giving ? What is generosity ?


How do we donate our time/money/energy in an appropriate way ?


I look forward to your responses.






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This question is in my mind too.

Here in Brazil we see many poor people. And I think to myself: How can

I help this person? I don´t have a money for all poor people. I don´t

know what I do. So now, when I give a money to poor person I recite

the Mrtynjaya mantra in my mind. Nanda <chandimaakijai >


Dear All,

Here is another question that has been on my mind for a while... what

is true giving ? What is generosity ?


How do we donate our time/money/energy in an appropriate way ?


I look forward to your responses.






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Kalacandra dd

Acesso Grátis: Internet rápida e grátis. Instale o discador agora!

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In my opinion, "true giving" or "generosity" is our natural expression

of the love and grace of God. It should be as natural and unconscious

as breathing.


Like Sadhvi, when I think of giving I think of Shree Maa and Swamiji,

who give constantly, never asking for anything in return, and, of

course, I think of my gurudeva, who gave me life.


Unfortunately, as others have intimated, our giving will never be

perfect until we are, possessing purified egos, and free from desire

and attachment. Until then, giving is sadhana.


I have lately been reading Swami Rama's commentary on the Bhagavad

Gita. He has some beautiful and interesting things to say about giving

that i would like to share here.


"When one gives up his desires, a new horizon of awareness opens to

him. But those who hold on to their desires are not able to experience

the higher dimensions of life. Fulfilling desires gives birth to many

more desires, and there is no end to that cycle. When one learns to

give up desires, however, he is elevated to the next step of

experience. There is a mental law that if your give up what you have,

you receive something new. That principle sustains life. If we do not

give up the carbon dioxide and used up gases by exhaling, we cannot

survive at all; we must exhale in order to inhale. In order to survive

and to receive, we have to give up. Give up first; only then will you

receive. This law continues to help one until the last breath of life.

The student is always afraid and hesitant about giving up, for he is

attached to all the things that he thinks belong to him. His false

sense of possessiveness is a great enemy on the path of unfoldment.

One must learn to have courage and give up what he has in order to

receive that which is glorious and beautiful, limitless and infinite."


"One thinks that if he sacrifices, he will not have enough for

himself. He thinks that sacrifice is a loss because he is attached to

and identified with that which would be given in sacrifice. Thus he is

afraid of sacrifice. Actually what one loses in sacrifice is

attachment and fear. If one is not attached to the object, there is no

loss in sacrifice. The egocentric person believes that sacrifice means

kbeing consumed or even dying, but in fact it is only one's egocentric

perspective that dies in sacrifice. The ocean is not used up in giving

off moisture through evaporation, and the resources of a human being

are not used up in sacrificing. Actually the more one sacrifices, the

more one has. In sacrificing one gives up that to which he has been

holding on, and he is then open to receive. As long as one is holding

on, he is closed off to receiving the sacrifice of the universe."


"The giving human being sacrifices his best for his beloved, but the

selfish person uses all his so-called loved ones for the sake of his

selfish pleasures. Those who are not aware of the law of expansion do

not experience the joy of sacrificing and giving. But those who have

practiced to strengthen the quality of giving cannot stop giving, for

giving fills one of the highest of joys, whereas expecting and taking

only lead to momentary pleasure that later results in disgust,

disappointment, and a sorrowful state of mind. Those who do not learn

to give or sacrifice the fruits of their actions do not know the art

of living and being.


The essence of sacrifice is giving selflessly. It is a complete

expression of love in the true sense. Those who learn to be content

with only their essential needs fulfilled are truly happy, and they

use all their resources in the love and service of others. The little

bit that is left over is used for the sustenance of their existence in

the world so that they can continue giving. Such individuals live for

others. But the selfish are not aware of the law of giving and are



That last paragraph sound like someone we know? :)


Jai Nanda!

Jai Maa!








, Nanda <chandimaakijai> wrote:

> Dear All,

> Here is another question that has been on my mind for a while...

what is true giving ? What is generosity ?


> How do we donate our time/money/energy in an appropriate way ?


> I look forward to your responses.



> Nanda







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Kala Chandra,


I understand how you feel.


I was reading recently about when Maa and Swamiji traveled to India.

While they were in the poor areas around Calcutta, they were

surrounded by many people in the greatest of poverty, all desiring

something from them.


What they did was perform a yajna.


I do not pretend to understand all the many reasons for poverty, but I

do know that as good as it is to give away one's money to someone in

need, those few awake enough to do so will not be able to help very

many. What is needed is an elevation of consciousness, a lessening of

the collective selfishness, an increase in love.


There are few who are capable of marshaling the resources of a society

to help the poor with jobs, schools, medical care, etc., but there are

fewer still who can contribute positively to the root causes,

selfishness and lack of love, on a subtle level.


(I hope this will translate well...:) )


Jai Maa!





, Kala Chandra

<kalachandra2003> wrote:

> Dear Nandaji

> This question is in my mind too.

> Here in Brazil we see many poor people. And I think to myself: How

can I help this person? I don´t have a money for all poor people. I

don´t know what I do. So now, when I give a money to poor person I

recite the Mrtynjaya mantra in my mind.


> Nanda <chandimaakijai> escreveu:

> Dear All,

> Here is another question that has been on my mind for a while...

what is true giving ? What is generosity ?


> How do we donate our time/money/energy in an appropriate way ?


> I look forward to your responses.



> Nanda









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> /









> Kalacandra dd




> Acesso Grátis: Internet rápida e grátis. Instale o discador


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Chris, this quote from Swami Rama reminds me of something i read

from Swami Satyananda of the Bihar School of Yoga;


"The relationship between you and God is very personal. It is a

direct relationship. The street of love is too narrow to

accommodate more than two people. The relationship with God is like

the street of love; there is only you and Him.


Nothing is difficult for one who is blessed by God, but He is a

complex element. It is not easy to pull Him by ropes or to pin him

down. You must pledge some act of renunciation, and you don't have

to ask anybody about it; you have to decide it for yourself. You

give something to God and you get something from him."


your quote of Swami Rama also reminds me of how i was taught to take

tests in school. i was told to first answer the questions i feel

comfortable with and skip the hard ones till the end. this is the

same way i have i have approached desires. give up the ones i'm

comfortable with and saved the hard ones for till the end. i

figured this way hopefully "the experience of higher dimensions of

life" will continue to build my courage, love, and faith to tackle

the difficult ones. may i be a child lead by the love of God.





, "Chris Kirner"

<chriskirner1956> wrote:

> Nanda,


> In my opinion, "true giving" or "generosity" is our natural


> of the love and grace of God. It should be as natural and


> as breathing.


> Like Sadhvi, when I think of giving I think of Shree Maa and


> who give constantly, never asking for anything in return, and, of

> course, I think of my gurudeva, who gave me life.


> Unfortunately, as others have intimated, our giving will never be

> perfect until we are, possessing purified egos, and free from


> and attachment. Until then, giving is sadhana.


> I have lately been reading Swami Rama's commentary on the Bhagavad

> Gita. He has some beautiful and interesting things to say about


> that i would like to share here.


> "When one gives up his desires, a new horizon of awareness opens to

> him. But those who hold on to their desires are not able to


> the higher dimensions of life. Fulfilling desires gives birth to


> more desires, and there is no end to that cycle. When one learns to

> give up desires, however, he is elevated to the next step of

> experience. There is a mental law that if your give up what you


> you receive something new. That principle sustains life. If we do


> give up the carbon dioxide and used up gases by exhaling, we cannot

> survive at all; we must exhale in order to inhale. In order to


> and to receive, we have to give up. Give up first; only then will


> receive. This law continues to help one until the last breath of


> The student is always afraid and hesitant about giving up, for he


> attached to all the things that he thinks belong to him. His false

> sense of possessiveness is a great enemy on the path of unfoldment.

> One must learn to have courage and give up what he has in order to

> receive that which is glorious and beautiful, limitless and



> "One thinks that if he sacrifices, he will not have enough for

> himself. He thinks that sacrifice is a loss because he is attached


> and identified with that which would be given in sacrifice. Thus

he is

> afraid of sacrifice. Actually what one loses in sacrifice is

> attachment and fear. If one is not attached to the object, there

is no

> loss in sacrifice. The egocentric person believes that sacrifice


> kbeing consumed or even dying, but in fact it is only one's


> perspective that dies in sacrifice. The ocean is not used up in


> off moisture through evaporation, and the resources of a human


> are not used up in sacrificing. Actually the more one sacrifices,


> more one has. In sacrificing one gives up that to which he has been

> holding on, and he is then open to receive. As long as one is


> on, he is closed off to receiving the sacrifice of the universe."


> "The giving human being sacrifices his best for his beloved, but


> selfish person uses all his so-called loved ones for the sake of


> selfish pleasures. Those who are not aware of the law of expansion


> not experience the joy of sacrificing and giving. But those who


> practiced to strengthen the quality of giving cannot stop giving,


> giving fills one of the highest of joys, whereas expecting and


> only lead to momentary pleasure that later results in disgust,

> disappointment, and a sorrowful state of mind. Those who do not


> to give or sacrifice the fruits of their actions do not know the


> of living and being.


> The essence of sacrifice is giving selflessly. It is a complete

> expression of love in the true sense. Those who learn to be content

> with only their essential needs fulfilled are truly happy, and they

> use all their resources in the love and service of others. The


> bit that is left over is used for the sustenance of their

existence in

> the world so that they can continue giving. Such individuals live


> others. But the selfish are not aware of the law of giving and are

> doomed."


> That last paragraph sound like someone we know? :)


> Jai Nanda!

> Jai Maa!


> Chris






> , Nanda <chandimaakijai>


> > Dear All,

> > Here is another question that has been on my mind for a while...

> what is true giving ? What is generosity ?

> >

> > How do we donate our time/money/energy in an appropriate way ?

> >

> > I look forward to your responses.

> >


> > Nanda

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Isn't it interesting how well your quote goes with Nanda's story?


Yes, I think everyone does the same with regard to their desires.

After all, it is a process, isn't it? It's like training the body to

sit in one asana; a little bit every day and before too long it

becomes comfortable (well, at least bearable).


Jai Maa!





, "ecjensen_us" <ecjensen_us>





> Chris, this quote from Swami Rama reminds me of something i read

> from Swami Satyananda of the Bihar School of Yoga;


> "The relationship between you and God is very personal. It is a

> direct relationship. The street of love is too narrow to

> accommodate more than two people. The relationship with God is like

> the street of love; there is only you and Him.


> Nothing is difficult for one who is blessed by God, but He is a

> complex element. It is not easy to pull Him by ropes or to pin him

> down. You must pledge some act of renunciation, and you don't have

> to ask anybody about it; you have to decide it for yourself. You

> give something to God and you get something from him."


> your quote of Swami Rama also reminds me of how i was taught to take

> tests in school. i was told to first answer the questions i feel

> comfortable with and skip the hard ones till the end. this is the

> same way i have i have approached desires. give up the ones i'm

> comfortable with and saved the hard ones for till the end. i

> figured this way hopefully "the experience of higher dimensions of

> life" will continue to build my courage, love, and faith to tackle

> the difficult ones. may i be a child lead by the love of God.





> , "Chris Kirner"

> <chriskirner1956> wrote:

> > Nanda,

> >

> > In my opinion, "true giving" or "generosity" is our natural

> expression

> > of the love and grace of God. It should be as natural and

> unconscious

> > as breathing.

> >

> > Like Sadhvi, when I think of giving I think of Shree Maa and

> Swamiji,

> > who give constantly, never asking for anything in return, and, of

> > course, I think of my gurudeva, who gave me life.

> >

> > Unfortunately, as others have intimated, our giving will never be

> > perfect until we are, possessing purified egos, and free from

> desire

> > and attachment. Until then, giving is sadhana.

> >

> > I have lately been reading Swami Rama's commentary on the Bhagavad

> > Gita. He has some beautiful and interesting things to say about

> giving

> > that i would like to share here.

> >

> > "When one gives up his desires, a new horizon of awareness opens to

> > him. But those who hold on to their desires are not able to

> experience

> > the higher dimensions of life. Fulfilling desires gives birth to

> many

> > more desires, and there is no end to that cycle. When one learns to

> > give up desires, however, he is elevated to the next step of

> > experience. There is a mental law that if your give up what you

> have,

> > you receive something new. That principle sustains life. If we do

> not

> > give up the carbon dioxide and used up gases by exhaling, we cannot

> > survive at all; we must exhale in order to inhale. In order to

> survive

> > and to receive, we have to give up. Give up first; only then will

> you

> > receive. This law continues to help one until the last breath of

> life.

> > The student is always afraid and hesitant about giving up, for he

> is

> > attached to all the things that he thinks belong to him. His false

> > sense of possessiveness is a great enemy on the path of unfoldment.

> > One must learn to have courage and give up what he has in order to

> > receive that which is glorious and beautiful, limitless and

> infinite."

> >

> > "One thinks that if he sacrifices, he will not have enough for

> > himself. He thinks that sacrifice is a loss because he is attached

> to

> > and identified with that which would be given in sacrifice. Thus

> he is

> > afraid of sacrifice. Actually what one loses in sacrifice is

> > attachment and fear. If one is not attached to the object, there

> is no

> > loss in sacrifice. The egocentric person believes that sacrifice

> means

> > kbeing consumed or even dying, but in fact it is only one's

> egocentric

> > perspective that dies in sacrifice. The ocean is not used up in

> giving

> > off moisture through evaporation, and the resources of a human

> being

> > are not used up in sacrificing. Actually the more one sacrifices,

> the

> > more one has. In sacrificing one gives up that to which he has been

> > holding on, and he is then open to receive. As long as one is

> holding

> > on, he is closed off to receiving the sacrifice of the universe."

> >

> > "The giving human being sacrifices his best for his beloved, but

> the

> > selfish person uses all his so-called loved ones for the sake of

> his

> > selfish pleasures. Those who are not aware of the law of expansion

> do

> > not experience the joy of sacrificing and giving. But those who

> have

> > practiced to strengthen the quality of giving cannot stop giving,

> for

> > giving fills one of the highest of joys, whereas expecting and

> taking

> > only lead to momentary pleasure that later results in disgust,

> > disappointment, and a sorrowful state of mind. Those who do not

> learn

> > to give or sacrifice the fruits of their actions do not know the

> art

> > of living and being.

> >

> > The essence of sacrifice is giving selflessly. It is a complete

> > expression of love in the true sense. Those who learn to be content

> > with only their essential needs fulfilled are truly happy, and they

> > use all their resources in the love and service of others. The

> little

> > bit that is left over is used for the sustenance of their

> existence in

> > the world so that they can continue giving. Such individuals live

> for

> > others. But the selfish are not aware of the law of giving and are

> > doomed."

> >

> > That last paragraph sound like someone we know? :)

> >

> > Jai Nanda!

> > Jai Maa!

> >

> > Chris

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , Nanda <chandimaakijai>

> wrote:

> > > Dear All,

> > > Here is another question that has been on my mind for a while...

> > what is true giving ? What is generosity ?

> > >

> > > How do we donate our time/money/energy in an appropriate way ?

> > >

> > > I look forward to your responses.

> > >

> > > JAI GURU

> > > Nanda

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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