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Day 2 Shiva puja class light/incense

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Namaste to you all and thanks to Linda and Kalachandra for your

questions, too.


First I would like to clarify Day 1 dhyaanam as there was some

confusion as to which dhyaanam to recite. There are 2

dhyaanams for Lord Shiva. The Beginner Shiva puja contains

one dhyaanam that begins on page 18 "om dhyaayen nityam

mahesam rajata girinibham caaru candra vatamsam...."


There is another dhyaanam in the Advanced Shiva puja on page

11-13. " om sadyojaatam prapadyaami sadyojaataayavai namo

namah bhave bhave naati bhave bhavasamaam

bhavodbhavaaya namah.....This is the dhyaanam we focused on for Day 1 that

begins after shiva's gayatri which is

also in the beginner shiva puja book. "om sadaa sivaaya

vidmahe sahasraaksaaya shiimahe tanno sambho



So when you sit down to do puja you will first recite shiva's

gayatri which is the first mantra in the beginner shiva puja book

page 6 "om sadaa sivaaya vidhmahe.......(page 11 in advanced

shiva puja.) Next you will recite shiva's dhyaanam from the

advanced shiva puja book page 11-13.(not in the beginner Shiva

puja book)


Hope this clarifies. After reciting the dhyaanam we offer the light.

(see below)


1. light


On page 13 of the advanced shiva puja at the bottom begins the

mantras for the offering of the light.

It begins: Om agnir jyotir jyotir agnih svaahaa

suuryo jyotir jyotih suuryah svaahaa.....



So you will first recite the light mantras from the advanced shiva

puja book page 13 and then recite the mantra from the beginner

shiva book page 6 (see wave light). It will go like this:



EX: Om agnir jyotir jyotir agnih svaahaa

suuryo jyotir jyotih suuryah svaahaa.

agnir varco jyotir varcha svaahaa

suuryo varco jyotir varcah svaahaa

jyotih suuryah suuryo jyotih svaaha (Shiva puja advanced

page 13)



om agni jyoti ravi jyotis candra jyotis tathaiva ca jyotisamuttamo

deva diipo-yam pratigrhyatam esa diipah om namah sivaaya

(beginner shiva puja page 6)



2. incense


The mantra remains the same as in the beginner shiva puja

page 7.



Please read the english meaning for the offering of light in the

advanced shiva puja book page 14 and read the transliteration or sanskrit for

Shiva's gayatri, dhyanaam, light and incense.


I look forward to hearing how your experience of puja is going.

For me, I also started out learning the Beginner Shiva puja and slowly added

more to it working up to the Cosmic Puja. Once you understand the basic outline

of a puja you can cut and paste like we are doing in this class. Hope it is not

too confusing.


Om namah shivaaya!

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Namaste Parvati,


I would like to share my experience on Shiva Puja and also I have a

technical question. Do we wave the lamp when we say "Om Agnir jyoti

jyotir agni svaha ...." or do we wave the lamp only when we say "om

agnijyoti ravijyotish ..."


Also, is there a number of time that we wave the light/incense (3

clockwise circles or multiples of 3 ?) Thanks for your time.


One other question ... what is the exact significance of waving the

lamp and incense ? Can you please share ... thank you.


Regarding sharing experiences about Shiva Puja....


I too started with the Beginner Shiva Puja and I was very very very

fortunate that Maa started me on this practice. I can still remember the evening

in the old temple where She made me sit next to her

and walked me through the steps of the puja, and-* oh joy *-liberally made

comments on my copy of the book.


Then She got me a crystal linga, couldnt quite find a yoni to go

with it, and so swiped one of an existing altar, found it a perfect

fit and smilingly gave it to me. She also got Swamiji to bless the

crystal linga which He did - keeping in His right hand and meditated

a while. Maa also gave me one of Her own masala boxes filled with

all that I would need - kumkum, chandan, akshat etc.


She MADE sure that I had everything I needed to start my practice

and to keep at it.


And after about 6 months into the practice, out of the blue Maa

commented and smiled "Shiva is happy with you".


I will never forget that comment and the way many things in my life

took a turn for the better especially the next few days.


I think the nicest part of the puja is that it sets the mood for the

day ahead . It is such a gradual introduction to going deeper -

starting with the external, focussing on doing the tasks lovingly -

offering the lights incense etc and so naturally cloistering our

senses to become one-pointed on our devotion to our Ishta .


Such a wonderful morning tonic - even better than freshly brewed

coffee <wink>







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Namaste Parvati,


thank you for answering my previous questions. I am also learning a

lot from your answers to questions of others, to I hope there'll be

many more:)


Munching over the text of the dhyanam again: Regarding the 'aghora'

verse, I did not understand the 'who instills the fear of evil' at

first, because I thought 'if all is Shiva, how can there be evil' and

I was reminded of texts used to instill the fear of God in me when I

was a child. But then I realized the evil is in the ignorant thoughts

in our minds, in our acceptance of appearances, luring us away from

the Goodness inside. So the fear is of losing sight of the Goodness,

and if we keep our inner eyes on the Fearless One, we need not be

afraid of apparent evil. Or so I understand the text.


Regarding the light en incense of day 2:

In the beginner's puja, we start with the Sada Shiva Gayatri only

(which is very short) and then immediately offer the light. So, when

performing the beginner's puja,I say the Gayatri, and then light the

tea-lights with 'om agnir jyotir' and wave. But now with the longer

dhyanam, I wonder if I should have lit the lights before starting

reciting the gayatri and the dhyanam and then 'officially' offer the

light by waving when saying the 'light mantra's? Or do I say the

whole dhyanam with the lights not yet burning? ( I hope I make myself



Regarding the 'om agnir jyotir' mantra's: it seems to me that the

external lights we are offering also indicate our offering of 'inner

lights', and I have been wondering about the different lights

mentioned in the text. I can think of fire as our 'bodily fire'

(digestion etc, fire of transformation), and there's the inner light

reflected in our minds giving rise to devotion, and the light in the

heart by which we see truly. Do the different terms used refer to

different 'aspects' of inner light or am I reading to much into this?

As I understand it, the offering of the light also means that we

consiously offer any small light of understanding we think we have to

the Light from which it came, to be consumed and made one with That.

But I guess in order to learn the meaning of the mantra's, it is best

to start reciting them and wait for understanding to grow from that.

>From my experience with beginner's puja I've learned that patience

had its own rewards,


thank you for your guidance,


with love,





, "parv108" <parv108> wrote:

> Namaste to you all and thanks to Linda and Kalachandra for your

> questions, too.


> First I would like to clarify Day 1 dhyaanam as there was some

> confusion as to which dhyaanam to recite. There are 2

> dhyaanams for Lord Shiva. The Beginner Shiva puja contains

> one dhyaanam that begins on page 18 "om dhyaayen nityam

> mahesam rajata girinibham caaru candra vatamsam...."


> There is another dhyaanam in the Advanced Shiva puja on page

> 11-13. " om sadyojaatam prapadyaami sadyojaataayavai namo

> namah bhave bhave naati bhave bhavasamaam

> bhavodbhavaaya namah.....This is the dhyaanam we focused on for Day

1 that begins after shiva's gayatri which is

> also in the beginner shiva puja book. "om sadaa sivaaya

> vidmahe sahasraaksaaya shiimahe tanno sambho

> pracodayaat."


> So when you sit down to do puja you will first recite shiva's

> gayatri which is the first mantra in the beginner shiva puja book

> page 6 "om sadaa sivaaya vidhmahe.......(page 11 in advanced

> shiva puja.) Next you will recite shiva's dhyaanam from the

> advanced shiva puja book page 11-13.(not in the beginner Shiva

> puja book)


> Hope this clarifies. After reciting the dhyaanam we offer the


> (see below)


> 1. light


> On page 13 of the advanced shiva puja at the bottom begins the

> mantras for the offering of the light.

> It begins: Om agnir jyotir jyotir agnih svaahaa

> suuryo jyotir jyotih suuryah svaahaa.....



> So you will first recite the light mantras from the advanced shiva

> puja book page 13 and then recite the mantra from the beginner

> shiva book page 6 (see wave light). It will go like this:



> EX: Om agnir jyotir jyotir agnih svaahaa

> suuryo jyotir jyotih suuryah svaahaa.

> agnir varco jyotir varcha svaahaa

> suuryo varco jyotir varcah svaahaa

> jyotih suuryah suuryo jyotih svaaha (Shiva puja


> page 13)



> om agni jyoti ravi jyotis candra jyotis tathaiva ca jyotisamuttamo

> deva diipo-yam pratigrhyatam esa diipah om namah sivaaya

> (beginner shiva puja page 6)



> 2. incense


> The mantra remains the same as in the beginner shiva puja

> page 7.


> Homework:

> Please read the english meaning for the offering of light in the

> advanced shiva puja book page 14 and read the transliteration or

sanskrit for Shiva's gayatri, dhyanaam, light and incense.


> I look forward to hearing how your experience of puja is going.

> For me, I also started out learning the Beginner Shiva puja and

slowly added more to it working up to the Cosmic Puja. Once you

understand the basic outline of a puja you can cut and paste like we

are doing in this class. Hope it is not too confusing.


> Om namah shivaaya!

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Namaste Parvati,


Thank you for these classes and I am eagerly adding them to my

beginner Shiva Puja practice.


I have a question on the dhyanam. Can you please help me break out

this word into something easier to pronounce? This one is quite an





Thank you once again for these valuable classes and I will let you

know when I have more questions.


Jai Shiva

Jai Shree Maa

Jai Swamiji

Jai Guru



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You are truly blessed dear Nanda.

Om namah shivaayaNanda <chandimaakijai > wrote:

Namaste Parvati,I would like to share my experience on Shiva Puja and

also I have a technical question. Do we wave the lamp when we say "Om

Agnir jyoti jyotir agni svaha ...." or do we wave the lamp only when

we say "om agnijyoti ravijyotish ..."Also, is there a number of time

that we wave the light/incense (3 clockwise circles or multiples of 3

?) Thanks for your time.One other question ... what is the exact

significance of waving the lamp and incense ? Can you please share

.... thank you.Regarding sharing experiences about Shiva Puja....I too

started with the Beginner Shiva Puja and I was very very very

fortunate that Maa started me on this practice. I can still remember

the evening in the old temple where She made me sit next to her and

walked me through the steps of the puja, and-* oh joy *-liberally


comments on my copy of the book.Then She got me a crystal linga,

couldnt quite find a yoni to go with it, and so swiped one of an

existing altar, found it a perfect fit and smilingly gave it to me.

She also got Swamiji to bless the crystal linga which He did -

keeping in His right hand and meditated a while. Maa also gave me one

of Her own masala boxes filled with all that I would need - kumkum,

chandan, akshat etc. She MADE sure that I had everything I needed to

start my practice and to keep at it.And after about 6 months into the

practice, out of the blue Maa commented and smiled "Shiva is happy

with you".I will never forget that comment and the way many things in

my life took a turn for the better especially the next few days.I

think the nicest part of the puja is that it sets the mood for the

day ahead . It is such a gradual introduction to going deeper -

starting with the external, focussing on

doing the tasks lovingly - offering the lights incense etc and so

naturally cloistering our senses to become one-pointed on our

devotion to our Ishta .Such a wonderful morning tonic - even better

than freshly brewed coffee <wink>JAI MAAJAI SWAMIJIJAI

SHIVANandaDo You



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beautiful story Nanda!


my qstn for Parvati is also about the lights and waving them ... left

hand, or right hand?




, Kali Kali

<kaliananda_saraswati> wrote:

> "And after about 6 months into the practice, out of the blue Maa

> commented and smiled "Shiva is happy with you"."


> You are truly blessed dear Nanda.

> Om namah shivaaya



> Nanda <chandimaakijai> wrote:

> Namaste Parvati,


> I would like to share my experience on Shiva Puja and also I have a

> technical question. Do we wave the lamp when we say "Om Agnir jyoti

> jyotir agni svaha ...." or do we wave the lamp only when we say "om

> agnijyoti ravijyotish ..."


> Also, is there a number of time that we wave the light/incense (3

> clockwise circles or multiples of 3 ?) Thanks for your time.


> One other question ... what is the exact significance of waving the

> lamp and incense ? Can you please share ... thank you.


> Regarding sharing experiences about Shiva Puja....


> I too started with the Beginner Shiva Puja and I was very very very

> fortunate that Maa started me on this practice. I can still remember

the evening in the old temple where She made me sit next to her

> and walked me through the steps of the puja, and-* oh joy

*-liberally made comments on my copy of the book.


> Then She got me a crystal linga, couldnt quite find a yoni to go

> with it, and so swiped one of an existing altar, found it a perfect

> fit and smilingly gave it to me. She also got Swamiji to bless the

> crystal linga which He did - keeping in His right hand and


> a while. Maa also gave me one of Her own masala boxes filled with

> all that I would need - kumkum, chandan, akshat etc.


> She MADE sure that I had everything I needed to start my practice

> and to keep at it.


> And after about 6 months into the practice, out of the blue Maa

> commented and smiled "Shiva is happy with you".


> I will never forget that comment and the way many things in my life

> took a turn for the better especially the next few days.


> I think the nicest part of the puja is that it sets the mood for


> day ahead . It is such a gradual introduction to going deeper -

> starting with the external, focussing on doing the tasks lovingly -

> offering the lights incense etc and so naturally cloistering our

> senses to become one-pointed on our devotion to our Ishta .


> Such a wonderful morning tonic - even better than freshly brewed

> coffee <wink>






> Nanda



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Steve said

> my qstn for Parvati is also about the lights and waving them ... left

> hand, or right hand?




Hi Steve,

Hope you dont mind if I answer your question. All actions (unless

needing both hands) is always done with the RIGHT hand and always





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thank you, nanda, for sharing this. it was so nice to hear. it must

have been a very inspirational feeling for you.


Nanda wrote:

>Namaste Parvati,


>I would like to share my experience on Shiva Puja and also I have a

>technical question. Do we wave the lamp when we say "Om Agnir jyoti

>jyotir agni svaha ...." or do we wave the lamp only when we say "om

>agnijyoti ravijyotish ..."


>Also, is there a number of time that we wave the light/incense (3

>clockwise circles or multiples of 3 ?) Thanks for your time.


>One other question ... what is the exact significance of waving the

>lamp and incense ? Can you please share ... thank you.


>Regarding sharing experiences about Shiva Puja....


>I too started with the Beginner Shiva Puja and I was very very very

>fortunate that Maa started me on this practice. I can still remember the

evening in the old temple where She made me sit next to her

>and walked me through the steps of the puja, and-* oh joy *-liberally made

comments on my copy of the book.


>Then She got me a crystal linga, couldnt quite find a yoni to go

>with it, and so swiped one of an existing altar, found it a perfect

>fit and smilingly gave it to me. She also got Swamiji to bless the

>crystal linga which He did - keeping in His right hand and meditated

>a while. Maa also gave me one of Her own masala boxes filled with

>all that I would need - kumkum, chandan, akshat etc.


>She MADE sure that I had everything I needed to start my practice

>and to keep at it.


>And after about 6 months into the practice, out of the blue Maa

>commented and smiled "Shiva is happy with you".


>I will never forget that comment and the way many things in my life

>took a turn for the better especially the next few days.


>I think the nicest part of the puja is that it sets the mood for the

>day ahead . It is such a gradual introduction to going deeper -

>starting with the external, focussing on doing the tasks lovingly -

>offering the lights incense etc and so naturally cloistering our

>senses to become one-pointed on our devotion to our Ishta .


>Such a wonderful morning tonic - even better than freshly brewed

>coffee <wink>









"Naan Amme Snehikkunnu"


Be Love,

Egyirba (Berijoy)



When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each

other. ~Eric Hoffer

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