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Leela: Ganesh Atharvasirsham

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Dear Leela,

YES !! And you are not late - very much on time. We would love to

have you join us.



PS - The Ganesh Atharvasirsham is found in the Ganesh Puja and the

Adv Shiva Puja among the Devi Mandir Publications.



, "durgakali8" <durgakali8>


> i would love to be chanting with you all, but don't have the book.

> if i can find it in santa fe tomorrow, may i join in late? don't


> if our local spiritual bookstore will have it though.

> ~leela



> , Nanda <chandimaakijai>


> > Dear All,

> > I mentioned to Maa and Swamiji yesterday about our group sankalpa

> and I cant tell you how PLEASED they both were to hear the news.

> >

> > With their blessings, I pray that the momentum picks up and we


> finish this sankalpa by Friday. I request anyone that has chanted


> Ganesh Atharvasirsham as part of this sankalpa to send me the


> of times counted.

> >

> > May our prayers given with pure love in someway be of help to all

> those affected by hurricane Katrina (and that is just about


> >

> > Here is where we stand now - we have 827 more to go !!!! GO TEAM

GO !!!!

> >

> > Here are the individual stats based on the emails that I have

> received from you as of 1.50 PM PDT.

> >

> > Name of sevakNumber of times done so far as emailed to

> NandaHenny38Mausumi21Nanda80Srini2Ramya2Sanak8Surath7Parvati5Pahari

> Maa2Muktimaa10Mahananda6TOTAL181

> >


> > Nanda

> >


> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Could someone post the Ganehs Atharvasirsham or upload it as a file...or at

least email it to me? I found one version on the web. Is this it? If so, what

is the Ganesh Mula Mantra?






Om namas te ganapataye | tvam eva pratyaksham tattvam asi | tvam eva kevalam



| tvam eva kevalam dhartâsi | tvam eva kevalam hartâsi | tvam eva sarvam



brahmâsi | tvam sâkshâd âtmâsi nityam || - 1 -


rtam vacmi | satyam vacmi || - 2 -


ava tvam mâm | ava vaktâram | ava shrotâram | ava dâtâram | ava dhâtâram |


avânûcânam ava shishyam | ava pashcâttât | ava purastât | ava cottarâttât | ava


dakshinâttât | ava cordhvâttât | avâdharâttât | sarvato mâm pâhi pâhi samantât

||- 3 -


tvam vân:mayas tvam cinmayah | tvam ânandamayas tvam brahmamayah | tvam


saccidânandâdvitîyo'si | tvam pratyaksham brahmâsi | tvam jñânamayo



|| - 4 -


sarvam jagad idam tvatto jâyate | sarvam jagad idam tvattas tishthati | sarvam



idam tvayi layameshyati | sarvam jagad idam tvayi pratyeti |tvam bhûmir

âpo'nalo'nilo namah | tvam catvâri vâkpadâni || - 5 -


tvam gunatrayâtîtah | tvam kâlatrayâtîtah | tvam dehatrayâtîtah | tvam


mulâdhârasthito'si nityam | tvam shaktitrayâtmakah | tvam yogino dhyâyanti

nityam |


tvam brahmâ tvam vishnus tvam rudras tvam indras tvam agnis tvam vâyus tvam

sûryas tvam candramâs tvam brahma bhûr bhuvah suvar om || - 6 -


ganâdim pûrvam uccârya varnâdim tad anantaram || - 7 -


anusvârah paratarah | ardhendulasitam ||târena ruddham | etat tava manusvarûpam



gakârah pûrvarûpam | akâro madhyamarûpam | anusvârash cântyarûpam | bindur

uttararûpam | nâdah samdhânam | samhitâ samdhih | saishâ ganeshavidyâ | ganaka

rshih nicrdgâyatrî chandah | shrîmahâganapatir devatâ | om* gam | (ganapataye

namah) || - 8 -


ekadantâya vidmahe vakratundâya dhîmahi | tanno dantî pracodayât || - 9 -


ekadantam caturhastam pâsham an:kushadhârinam |abhayam varadam hastair bibhrânam

mûshakadhvajam ||


raktam lambodaram shûrpakarnakam raktavâsasam |


raktagandhânuliptân:gam raktapushpaih supûjitam ||


bhaktânukampinam devam jagatkâranam acyutam |


âvirbhûtam ca srshtyâdau prakrteh purushât param ||


evam dhyâyati yo nityam sa yogî yoginâm varah | - 10-


namo vrâtapataye namo ganapataye namah pramathapataye namaste'stu


lambodarâyaikadantâya vighnavinâshine shivasutâya shrîvaradamûrtaye namo namah



- 11 -


etad atharvashiro yo'dhîte sa brahmabhûyâya kalpate | sa sarvavighnair na

bâdhyate | sa


sarvatah sukhamedhate | sa pañca mahâpâtakopapâtakât pramucyate | sâyamadhîyâno


divasakrtam pâpam nâshayati | prâtaradhîyâno râtrikrtam pâpam nâshayati |


sâyamprâtah prayumjâno'pâpo bhavati | dharmârthakâmamoksham ca vindati || - 12 -


idam atharvashîrshama shishyâya na deyam | yo yadi mohâd dâsyati sa pâpîyân



|sahasrâvartanâdyam yam kâmam adhîte tam tamanena sâdhayet || - 13 -


anena ganapatim abhishiñcati sa vâgmî bhavati | caturthyâm anashnañ japati sa

vidyâvân bhavati | ity atharvanavâkyam | brahmâdyâcaranam vidyât | na bibheti

kadâcaneti || - 14 -


yo dûrvân:kurair yajati sa vaishravanopamo bhavati | yo lâjair yajati sa

yashovân bhavati


| sa medhâvân bhavati | yo modakasahasrena yajati sa vâñchitaphalam avâpnoti |

yah sâjyasamidbhir yajati sa sarvam labhate sa sarvam labhate | ashtau brâhmanân

samyaggrâhayitvâ sûryavarcasvî bhavati | sûryar grahe mahânadyâm

pratimâsamnidhau vâ japtvâ siddhamantro bhavati | mahâvighnât pramucyate

mahâdoshât pramucyate | sa sarvavid bhavati sa sarvavid bhavati | ya evam vedety

upanishat || - 15 -


om sahana vavatu sahanau bhunaktu

saviryam kara vavahai

tejas vinavadhi tamastu ma vid visha vahai

om shantih om shantih on shantih





Monday, September 05, 2005 2:29 PM

Leela: Ganesh Atharvasirsham



Dear Leela,

YES !! And you are not late - very much on time. We would love to

have you join us.



PS - The Ganesh Atharvasirsham is found in the Ganesh Puja and the

Adv Shiva Puja among the Devi Mandir Publications.



, "durgakali8" <durgakali8>


> i would love to be chanting with you all, but don't have the book.

> if i can find it in santa fe tomorrow, may i join in late? don't


> if our local spiritual bookstore will have it though.

> ~leela



> , Nanda <chandimaakijai>


> > Dear All,

> > I mentioned to Maa and Swamiji yesterday about our group sankalpa

> and I cant tell you how PLEASED they both were to hear the news.

> >

> > With their blessings, I pray that the momentum picks up and we


> finish this sankalpa by Friday. I request anyone that has chanted


> Ganesh Atharvasirsham as part of this sankalpa to send me the


> of times counted.

> >

> > May our prayers given with pure love in someway be of help to all

> those affected by hurricane Katrina (and that is just about


> >

> > Here is where we stand now - we have 827 more to go !!!! GO TEAM

GO !!!!

> >

> > Here are the individual stats based on the emails that I have

> received from you as of 1.50 PM PDT.

> >

> > Name of sevakNumber of times done so far as emailed to

> NandaHenny38Mausumi21Nanda80Srini2Ramya2Sanak8Surath7Parvati5Pahari

> Maa2Muktimaa10Mahananda6TOTAL181

> >


> > Nanda

> >


> >

> >

> >

> >

> >










a.. Visit your group "" on the web.








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