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Understanding the Chandi through the 36 tattvas

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I have been thinking about the Chandi Rahasyas and Viniyogas for

couple of weeks . I wrote about my understanding and sent it to

Swamiji. He asked me to share it with you. Here is what I wrote to


Last couple of weeks through Your Grace I have been meditaing on the

Rahasyas and the Viniyogas, the following are some of the limited

immature insights I arrived at. If there is lack of understanding

please help by correcting me...


Understanding the Pradhanikam Rahasyam through the 36 Tattvas...


The main thing is to understand that all forms are the manifestation

of Mahalakshmi who is the Cause of all causes...

They happen simultaneously...

Verse 4 of Pradhanikam Rahasyam (The Pre-eminent Secret of the Chandi) gives the summary...

“The Supreme Sovereign, the Great Goddess of True Wealth, who is

comprised of the three qualities, is the first and foremost of all

causes. Her intrinsic nature is both definable and undefinable, and

having distinguished all the individual phenomena of the universe,

She resides within.” – from Swamiji’s book


1. Sadashiva - ‘undefinable’

2. Shakti - ‘definable – comprised of the three


3. Ishvara - awareness of ‘I’ (Kriya Shakti – Pure

Activity ) awakening of sattva(verse 6)

4. Shuddha Vidya- starting to recognise the other (Jnana Shakti –

Pure Knowledge) awakening of Tamas(verse 7)

5. Maya - the three gunas in play, seeing the other

(Iccha Shakti – Pure Desire) awakening of Rajas(verse14)


‘having distinguished all the individual phenomena of the universe’

Five kanchuckas or limitation

1. Raga – marriage of Brahma and Saraswati limiting pure activity

or Kriya Shakti

2. Vidya – marriage of Rudra and Gauri limiting pure knowledge or

Jnana Shakti

3. Kala – marriage of Vishnu and Lakshmi limiting pure desire or

Iccha Shakti

4. Nyati – formation of Egg limiting space

5. Kaala – breaking the Egg setting of the arrow of time


‘She resides within’

1. Purusha – Vishnu preserving creation with

2. Prakriti – Lakshmi

Understanding the three Episodes of Chandi through the 36 Tattvas...


Chandi is the process of Union from the manifest to the unmanifest i.e. the reverse of creation...

Please understand that though it looks linear everything is happening

at once or as a single process...

The Goddesses hands add up to 36...

Mahakali – with 10 arms in the first episode brings about the union of first 10 tattvas...

Mahalakshmi – with 18 arms in the second episode brings about the union of the next 18 tattvas...

Mahalakshmi also has 1000 arms -this is in Her aspect as Triguna Parameshvari...

Mahasaraswati – 8 arms in the third episode brings about the union of the last 8 tattvas...


First Episode...

Awakening from Tamas or Ignorance due to the grace of Mahakali...

The Brahma is the seer or the episode deals with the opening of the Brahma Granthi...

Note that all the Shaktis now bring about union (not differentiation

as in the process of creation...)

With the help of Energy of Desire in the form of the Bijam AIM we

rouse ourselves from tamasic activities and attitudes and become more

rajasic in nature...

We put our minds (jnanendriyas – Yoga Nidra awakening from the eyes

etc...) and bodies (karmendriyas – Vishnu fighting with his bare

hands...) in relation to the external world in balance...

The principle of Fire is the force that transforms in the annamayakosa which delt with here…

When we bring under control the first 10 tattvas, ie 5 Karmendriyas

and 5 Jnanendriyas, we free Brahma. In other words the Brahma

Granti(knot) is pierced...

Chanting at the Fire helps this process...

Here Yama, Niyama and Asan are undertaken for the union...

As a result of chanting this episode -

Nanda Shakti – Gives us Knowledge

Raktadantika Bijam – Destroys lower passions


Second Episode...

We pray for Mahalakshmi’s help to balance our rajasic forces that have

awakened because of the previous episode…

HRIM bija preserves or balances...

The Seer is Vishnu or the episode deals with the opening of the Vishnu Granthi...

When the body and mind are in controlled, we become highly rajasic and

powerful. Mahishasura depicts this state…

The Sattvic force of Mahalakshmi battles this energy to harmonize and bring about further union...

We do this by withdrawing the outgoing Rajasic energies towards the 5

Mahabhutas through our 5 tanmatras and focusing within. This is

depicted in this episode by the gods putting their energies together

in union into the Devi or us...

The Principle of the Episode is Vayu which also can stand for Prana,

so with help of pranayama we bring together our energy so that She

can manifest to defeat Mahisasura.. which represents the rajasic

Egoic energy stuck at Manipura...

Mahalakshmi brings into union the 4 antahkarana - manas,buddhi, chitta and ahankara...

This pierces the Vishnu Granthi(knot) at the heart and rajasic nature

is balanced and we become sattvic...


Now we see mother from the point of Purusha and see her cosmic play of

the three gunas as Prakriti...

When Mother enters the Anahata chakra the limitation of Nyati or fate is overcome...

(when the kundalini pierces the anahata, the siddhi of overcoming fate is attained.)

And when the Mother enters the visuddhi chakra limitation of Kaala or time is overcome...

(when the kundalini pierces the visuddhi, the siddhi of knowing the

past/present and future is attained)

As a result of chanting this episode -

Sakambari Shakti – Gives us Prosperity

Durga Bijam – Destroys the ego


Third Episode...

Now in this episode with Grace of Mahasraswati, Desire to be in union is formed...

The Seer is Rudra or opening of the Rudra Granthi

The Principle of the Episode is the Sun, which represents the highest

knowledge and one pointed Concentration or Dhyana...

Here the last 8 tattvas – the 3 limitations Raga, Vidya and Kala (or

the imbalances of the 3 gunas Sattva, Tamas and Rajas) and the five

tattvas of Maya, Shuddha Vidya, Ishvara, Sakti and Sadashiva are put

into union...

So with KLIM the bija for tranformation we balance the activities of

Maya or the three Gunas and unite Shiva and Shakti...

When Mother destroys Dumralochana ,Chanda and Munda Her Rajas Nature

or the Desire for something outside of ourselves is lost...

Shiva is in the process of closing His eyes...

When Mother destroys Raktabija She in the form of Kali Withdraws the ideas into Her...

When Nisumbha is destroyed, all form is destroyed...

When Sumbha says she is not fighting fair, She unites and becomes one as Mahalakshmi...

Now Shiva is in Ishvara tattva...

When She destroys Sumbha, the Rudra Granthi is pierced and we finally

become Shiva or one with Her...

Only Sadashiva or Mahalakshmi exists...


As a result of chanting this episode,

Bhima Shakti – Gives us Fearlessness

Bhramari Bijam – Destroys all modifications

Here ends my limited understanding through the Grace of Thakur Sri Ramakrishna...


P.S.Thakur Sri Ramakrishna used to say however beautifully one writes

about a tasty meal, you cannot experience it by eating the

description on paper...In the same way the above explanation is

useless unless it is experienced...But I thank Mother for giving me

this opportunity and inspiring me to seek the experience - only then

will I really understand...And the best way is to chant our way daily

into Her Heart, The Heart of the Universe...

Jai Maa...

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Thank you for your sadhana and thank you for sharing some of the

fruits of insight that you have gained. They are a blessing. Om



, jaishreemaa wrote:

> Jai Ganesh...

> I have been thinking about the Chandi Rahasyas and Viniyogas for

couple of weeks . I wrote about my understanding and sent it to

Swamiji. He asked me to share it with you. Here is what I wrote to


> Last couple of weeks through Your Grace I have been meditaing on

the Rahasyas and the Viniyogas, the following are some of the limited

immature insights I arrived at. If there is lack of understanding

please help by correcting me...


> Understanding the Pradhanikam Rahasyam through the 36 Tattvas...



> The main thing is to understand that all forms are the

manifestation of Mahalakshmi who is the Cause of all causes...


> They happen simultaneously...


> Verse 4 of Pradhanikam Rahasyam (The Pre-eminent Secret of the

Chandi) gives the summary...


> "The Supreme Sovereign, the Great Goddess of True Wealth, who is

comprised of the three qualities, is the first and foremost of all

causes. Her intrinsic nature is both definable and undefinable, and

having distinguished all the individual phenomena of the universe,

She resides within." – from Swamiji's book




> 1. Sadashiva - `undefinable'


> 2. Shakti - `definable – comprised of the three



> 3. Ishvara - awareness of `I' (Kriya Shakti – Pure

Activity ) awakening of sattva(verse 6)


> 4. Shuddha Vidya- starting to recognise the other (Jnana Shakti –

Pure Knowledge) awakening of Tamas(verse 7)


> 5. Maya - the three gunas in play, seeing the other

(Iccha Shakti – Pure Desire) awakening of Rajas(verse14)




> `having distinguished all the individual phenomena of the universe'



> Five kanchuckas or limitation


> 1. Raga – marriage of Brahma and Saraswati limiting pure

activity or Kriya Shakti


> 2. Vidya – marriage of Rudra and Gauri limiting pure knowledge

or Jnana Shakti


> 3. Kala – marriage of Vishnu and Lakshmi limiting pure desire

or Iccha Shakti


> 4. Nyati – formation of Egg limiting space


> 5. Kaala – breaking the Egg setting of the arrow of time




> `She resides within'


> 1. Purusha – Vishnu preserving creation with


> 2. Prakriti – Lakshmi





> Understanding the three Episodes of Chandi through the 36 Tattvas...



> Chandi is the process of Union from the manifest to the unmanifest

i.e. the reverse of creation...


> Please understand that though it looks linear everything is

happening at once or as a single process...



> The Goddesses hands add up to 36...


> Mahakali – with 10 arms in the first episode brings about the union

of first 10 tattvas...


> Mahalakshmi – with 18 arms in the second episode brings about the

union of the next 18 tattvas...


> Mahalakshmi also has 1000 arms -this is in Her aspect as Triguna



> Mahasaraswati – 8 arms in the third episode brings about the union

of the last 8 tattvas...



> First Episode...Awakening from Tamas or Ignorance due to the grace

of Mahakali...

> The Brahma is the seer or the episode deals with the opening of the

Brahma Granthi...


> Note that all the Shaktis now bring about union (not

differentiation as in the process of creation...)


> With the help of Energy of Desire in the form of the Bijam AIM we

rouse ourselves from tamasic activities and attitudes and become more

rajasic in nature...


> We put our minds (jnanendriyas – Yoga Nidra awakening from the eyes

etc...) and bodies (karmendriyas – Vishnu fighting with his bare

hands...) in relation to the external world in balance...


> The principle of Fire is the force that transforms in the

annamayakosa which delt with here…


> When we bring under control the first 10 tattvas, ie 5 Karmendriyas

and 5 Jnanendriyas, we free Brahma. In other words the Brahma Granti

(knot) is pierced...


> Chanting at the Fire helps this process...


> Here Yama, Niyama and Asan are undertaken for the union...



> As a result of chanting this episode -


> Nanda Shakti – Gives us Knowledge


> Raktadantika Bijam – Destroys lower passions



> Second Episode...

> We pray for Mahalakshmi's help to balance our rajasic forces that

have awakened because of the previous episode…


> HRIM bija preserves or balances...


> The Seer is Vishnu or the episode deals with the opening of the

Vishnu Granthi...


> When the body and mind are in controlled, we become highly rajasic

and powerful. Mahishasura depicts this state…


> The Sattvic force of Mahalakshmi battles this energy to harmonize

and bring about further union...


> We do this by withdrawing the outgoing Rajasic energies towards the

5 Mahabhutas through our 5 tanmatras and focusing within. This is

depicted in this episode by the gods putting their energies together

in union into the Devi or us...


> The Principle of the Episode is Vayu which also can stand for

Prana, so with help of pranayama we bring together our energy so that

She can manifest to defeat Mahisasura.. which represents the rajasic

Egoic energy stuck at Manipura...


> Mahalakshmi brings into union the 4 antahkarana - manas,buddhi,

chitta and ahankara...


> This pierces the Vishnu Granthi(knot) at the heart and rajasic

nature is balanced and we become sattvic...




> Now we see mother from the point of Purusha and see her cosmic play

of the three gunas as Prakriti...


> When Mother enters the Anahata chakra the limitation of Nyati or

fate is overcome...


> (when the kundalini pierces the anahata, the siddhi of overcoming

fate is attained.)


> And when the Mother enters the visuddhi chakra limitation of Kaala

or time is overcome...


> (when the kundalini pierces the visuddhi, the siddhi of knowing

the past/present and future is attained)



> As a result of chanting this episode -


> Sakambari Shakti – Gives us Prosperity


> Durga Bijam – Destroys the ego



> Third Episode...

> Now in this episode with Grace of Mahasraswati, Desire to be in

union is formed...


> The Seer is Rudra or opening of the Rudra Granthi


> The Principle of the Episode is the Sun, which represents the

highest knowledge and one pointed Concentration or Dhyana...


> Here the last 8 tattvas – the 3 limitations Raga, Vidya and Kala

(or the imbalances of the 3 gunas Sattva, Tamas and Rajas) and the

five tattvas of Maya, Shuddha Vidya, Ishvara, Sakti and Sadashiva are

put into union...


> So with KLIM the bija for tranformation we balance the activities

of Maya or the three Gunas and unite Shiva and Shakti...


> When Mother destroys Dumralochana ,Chanda and Munda Her Rajas

Nature or the Desire for something outside of ourselves is lost...


> Shiva is in the process of closing His eyes...


> When Mother destroys Raktabija She in the form of Kali Withdraws

the ideas into Her...


> When Nisumbha is destroyed, all form is destroyed...


> When Sumbha says she is not fighting fair, She unites and becomes

one as Mahalakshmi...


> Now Shiva is in Ishvara tattva...


> When She destroys Sumbha, the Rudra Granthi is pierced and we

finally become Shiva or one with Her...


> Only Sadashiva or Mahalakshmi exists...




> As a result of chanting this episode,


> Bhima Shakti – Gives us Fearlessness


> Bhramari Bijam – Destroys all modifications



> Here ends my limited understanding through the Grace of Thakur Sri



> ====================


> P.S.

> Thakur Sri Ramakrishna used to say however beautifully one writes

about a tasty meal, you cannot experience it by eating the

description on paper...In the same way the above explanation is

useless unless it is experienced...But I thank Mother for giving me

this opportunity and inspiring me to seek the experience - only then

will I really understand...And the best way is to chant our way daily

into Her Heart, The Heart of the Universe...


> Jai Maa...

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-Namaste, dear "JaiShreeMaa"!

i am completely humbled and am in total awe of your Divine

Perception. i feel like an atom within the atom of an atom...i bow to

Thakur Sri Ramakrishna Deva, Swamiji and Shree Maa! And, i bow to

you, dear devotee.

Jai Ganapati Deva,








-- In , jaishreemaa wrote:

> Jai Ganesh...

> I have been thinking about the Chandi Rahasyas and Viniyogas for

couple of weeks . I wrote about my understanding and sent it to

Swamiji. He asked me to share it with you. Here is what I wrote to


> Last couple of weeks through Your Grace I have been meditaing on

the Rahasyas and the Viniyogas, the following are some of the limited

immature insights I arrived at. If there is lack of understanding

please help by correcting me...


> Understanding the Pradhanikam Rahasyam through the 36 Tattvas...



> The main thing is to understand that all forms are the

manifestation of Mahalakshmi who is the Cause of all causes...


> They happen simultaneously...


> Verse 4 of Pradhanikam Rahasyam (The Pre-eminent Secret of the

Chandi) gives the summary...


> "The Supreme Sovereign, the Great Goddess of True Wealth, who


comprised of the three qualities, is the first and foremost of all

causes. Her intrinsic nature is both definable and undefinable, and

having distinguished all the individual phenomena of the universe,

She resides within." – from Swamiji's book




> 1. Sadashiva - `undefinable'


> 2. Shakti - `definable – comprised of the




> 3. Ishvara - awareness of `I' (Kriya Shakti

– Pure

Activity ) awakening of sattva(verse 6)


> 4. Shuddha Vidya- starting to recognise the other (Jnana Shakti

Pure Knowledge) awakening of Tamas(verse 7)


> 5. Maya - the three gunas in play, seeing the other

(Iccha Shakti – Pure Desire) awakening of Rajas(verse14)




> `having distinguished all the individual phenomena of the




> Five kanchuckas or limitation


> 1. Raga – marriage of Brahma and Saraswati limiting pure

activity or Kriya Shakti


> 2. Vidya – marriage of Rudra and Gauri limiting pure


or Jnana Shakti


> 3. Kala – marriage of Vishnu and Lakshmi limiting pure


or Iccha Shakti


> 4. Nyati – formation of Egg limiting space


> 5. Kaala – breaking the Egg setting of the arrow of time




> `She resides within'


> 1. Purusha – Vishnu preserving creation with


> 2. Prakriti – Lakshmi





> Understanding the three Episodes of Chandi through the 36 Tattvas...



> Chandi is the process of Union from the manifest to the unmanifest

i.e. the reverse of creation...


> Please understand that though it looks linear everything is

happening at once or as a single process...



> The Goddesses hands add up to 36...


> Mahakali – with 10 arms in the first episode brings about the


of first 10 tattvas...


> Mahalakshmi – with 18 arms in the second episode brings about


union of the next 18 tattvas...


> Mahalakshmi also has 1000 arms -this is in Her aspect as Triguna



> Mahasaraswati – 8 arms in the third episode brings about the


of the last 8 tattvas...



> First Episode...Awakening from Tamas or Ignorance due to the grace

of Mahakali...

> The Brahma is the seer or the episode deals with the opening of the

Brahma Granthi...


> Note that all the Shaktis now bring about union (not

differentiation as in the process of creation...)


> With the help of Energy of Desire in the form of the Bijam AIM we

rouse ourselves from tamasic activities and attitudes and become more

rajasic in nature...


> We put our minds (jnanendriyas – Yoga Nidra awakening from the


etc...) and bodies (karmendriyas – Vishnu fighting with his bare

hands...) in relation to the external world in balance...


> The principle of Fire is the force that transforms in the

annamayakosa which delt with here…


> When we bring under control the first 10 tattvas, ie 5 Karmendriyas

and 5 Jnanendriyas, we free Brahma. In other words the Brahma Granti

(knot) is pierced...


> Chanting at the Fire helps this process...


> Here Yama, Niyama and Asan are undertaken for the union...



> As a result of chanting this episode -


> Nanda Shakti – Gives us Knowledge


> Raktadantika Bijam – Destroys lower passions



> Second Episode...

> We pray for Mahalakshmi's help to balance our rajasic forces


have awakened because of the previous episode…


> HRIM bija preserves or balances...


> The Seer is Vishnu or the episode deals with the opening of the

Vishnu Granthi...


> When the body and mind are in controlled, we become highly rajasic

and powerful. Mahishasura depicts this state…


> The Sattvic force of Mahalakshmi battles this energy to harmonize

and bring about further union...


> We do this by withdrawing the outgoing Rajasic energies towards the

5 Mahabhutas through our 5 tanmatras and focusing within. This is

depicted in this episode by the gods putting their energies together

in union into the Devi or us...


> The Principle of the Episode is Vayu which also can stand for

Prana, so with help of pranayama we bring together our energy so that

She can manifest to defeat Mahisasura.. which represents the rajasic

Egoic energy stuck at Manipura...


> Mahalakshmi brings into union the 4 antahkarana - manas,buddhi,

chitta and ahankara...


> This pierces the Vishnu Granthi(knot) at the heart and rajasic

nature is balanced and we become sattvic...




> Now we see mother from the point of Purusha and see her cosmic play

of the three gunas as Prakriti...


> When Mother enters the Anahata chakra the limitation of Nyati or

fate is overcome...


> (when the kundalini pierces the anahata, the siddhi of overcoming

fate is attained.)


> And when the Mother enters the visuddhi chakra limitation of Kaala

or time is overcome...


> (when the kundalini pierces the visuddhi, the siddhi of knowing

the past/present and future is attained)



> As a result of chanting this episode -


> Sakambari Shakti – Gives us Prosperity


> Durga Bijam – Destroys the ego



> Third Episode...

> Now in this episode with Grace of Mahasraswati, Desire to be in

union is formed...


> The Seer is Rudra or opening of the Rudra Granthi


> The Principle of the Episode is the Sun, which represents the

highest knowledge and one pointed Concentration or Dhyana...


> Here the last 8 tattvas – the 3 limitations Raga, Vidya and


(or the imbalances of the 3 gunas Sattva, Tamas and Rajas) and the

five tattvas of Maya, Shuddha Vidya, Ishvara, Sakti and Sadashiva are

put into union...


> So with KLIM the bija for tranformation we balance the activities

of Maya or the three Gunas and unite Shiva and Shakti...


> When Mother destroys Dumralochana ,Chanda and Munda Her Rajas

Nature or the Desire for something outside of ourselves is lost...


> Shiva is in the process of closing His eyes...


> When Mother destroys Raktabija She in the form of Kali Withdraws

the ideas into Her...


> When Nisumbha is destroyed, all form is destroyed...


> When Sumbha says she is not fighting fair, She unites and becomes

one as Mahalakshmi...


> Now Shiva is in Ishvara tattva...


> When She destroys Sumbha, the Rudra Granthi is pierced and we

finally become Shiva or one with Her...


> Only Sadashiva or Mahalakshmi exists...




> As a result of chanting this episode,


> Bhima Shakti – Gives us Fearlessness


> Bhramari Bijam – Destroys all modifications



> Here ends my limited understanding through the Grace of Thakur Sri



> ====================


> P.S.

> Thakur Sri Ramakrishna used to say however beautifully one writes

about a tasty meal, you cannot experience it by eating the

description on paper...In the same way the above explanation is

useless unless it is experienced...But I thank Mother for giving me

this opportunity and inspiring me to seek the experience - only then

will I really understand...And the best way is to chant our way daily

into Her Heart, The Heart of the Universe...


> Jai Maa...

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Dear friend,


thank you very much for sharing the insights you have received. Very

helpful and inspiring,


with love,




, jaishreemaa wrote:

> Jai Ganesh...

> I have been thinking about the Chandi Rahasyas and Viniyogas for

couple of weeks . I wrote about my understanding and sent it to

Swamiji. He asked me to share it with you. Here is what I wrote to


> Last couple of weeks through Your Grace I have been meditaing on the

Rahasyas and the Viniyogas, the following are some of the limited

immature insights I arrived at. If there is lack of understanding

please help by correcting me...


> Understanding the Pradhanikam Rahasyam through the 36 Tattvas...



> The main thing is to understand that all forms are the manifestation

of Mahalakshmi who is the Cause of all causes...


> They happen simultaneously...


> Verse 4 of Pradhanikam Rahasyam (The Pre-eminent Secret of the

Chandi) gives the summary...


> "The Supreme Sovereign, the Great Goddess of True Wealth, who is

comprised of the three qualities, is the first and foremost of all

causes. Her intrinsic nature is both definable and undefinable, and

having distinguished all the individual phenomena of the universe, She

resides within." – from Swamiji's book




> 1. Sadashiva - `undefinable'


> 2. Shakti - `definable – comprised of the three



> 3. Ishvara - awareness of `I' (Kriya Shakti – Pure

Activity ) awakening of sattva(verse 6)


> 4. Shuddha Vidya- starting to recognise the other (Jnana Shakti –

Pure Knowledge) awakening of Tamas(verse 7)


> 5. Maya - the three gunas in play, seeing the other

(Iccha Shakti – Pure Desire) awakening of Rajas(verse14)




> `having distinguished all the individual phenomena of the universe'



> Five kanchuckas or limitation


> 1. Raga – marriage of Brahma and Saraswati limiting pure

activity or Kriya Shakti


> 2. Vidya – marriage of Rudra and Gauri limiting pure knowledge

or Jnana Shakti


> 3. Kala – marriage of Vishnu and Lakshmi limiting pure desire

or Iccha Shakti


> 4. Nyati – formation of Egg limiting space


> 5. Kaala – breaking the Egg setting of the arrow of time




> `She resides within'


> 1. Purusha – Vishnu preserving creation with


> 2. Prakriti – Lakshmi





> Understanding the three Episodes of Chandi through the 36 Tattvas...



> Chandi is the process of Union from the manifest to the unmanifest

i.e. the reverse of creation...


> Please understand that though it looks linear everything is

happening at once or as a single process...



> The Goddesses hands add up to 36...


> Mahakali – with 10 arms in the first episode brings about the union

of first 10 tattvas...


> Mahalakshmi – with 18 arms in the second episode brings about the

union of the next 18 tattvas...


> Mahalakshmi also has 1000 arms -this is in Her aspect as Triguna



> Mahasaraswati – 8 arms in the third episode brings about the union

of the last 8 tattvas...



> First Episode...Awakening from Tamas or Ignorance due to the grace

of Mahakali...

> The Brahma is the seer or the episode deals with the opening of the

Brahma Granthi...


> Note that all the Shaktis now bring about union (not differentiation

as in the process of creation...)


> With the help of Energy of Desire in the form of the Bijam AIM we

rouse ourselves from tamasic activities and attitudes and become more

rajasic in nature...


> We put our minds (jnanendriyas – Yoga Nidra awakening from the eyes

etc...) and bodies (karmendriyas – Vishnu fighting with his bare

hands...) in relation to the external world in balance...


> The principle of Fire is the force that transforms in the

annamayakosa which delt with here…


> When we bring under control the first 10 tattvas, ie 5 Karmendriyas

and 5 Jnanendriyas, we free Brahma. In other words the Brahma

Granti(knot) is pierced...


> Chanting at the Fire helps this process...


> Here Yama, Niyama and Asan are undertaken for the union...



> As a result of chanting this episode -


> Nanda Shakti – Gives us Knowledge


> Raktadantika Bijam – Destroys lower passions



> Second Episode...

> We pray for Mahalakshmi's help to balance our rajasic forces that

have awakened because of the previous episode…


> HRIM bija preserves or balances...


> The Seer is Vishnu or the episode deals with the opening of the

Vishnu Granthi...


> When the body and mind are in controlled, we become highly rajasic

and powerful. Mahishasura depicts this state…


> The Sattvic force of Mahalakshmi battles this energy to harmonize

and bring about further union...


> We do this by withdrawing the outgoing Rajasic energies towards the

5 Mahabhutas through our 5 tanmatras and focusing within. This is

depicted in this episode by the gods putting their energies together

in union into the Devi or us...


> The Principle of the Episode is Vayu which also can stand for Prana,

so with help of pranayama we bring together our energy so that She can

manifest to defeat Mahisasura.. which represents the rajasic Egoic

energy stuck at Manipura...


> Mahalakshmi brings into union the 4 antahkarana - manas,buddhi,

chitta and ahankara...


> This pierces the Vishnu Granthi(knot) at the heart and rajasic

nature is balanced and we become sattvic...




> Now we see mother from the point of Purusha and see her cosmic play

of the three gunas as Prakriti...


> When Mother enters the Anahata chakra the limitation of Nyati or

fate is overcome...


> (when the kundalini pierces the anahata, the siddhi of overcoming

fate is attained.)


> And when the Mother enters the visuddhi chakra limitation of Kaala

or time is overcome...


> (when the kundalini pierces the visuddhi, the siddhi of knowing the

past/present and future is attained)



> As a result of chanting this episode -


> Sakambari Shakti – Gives us Prosperity


> Durga Bijam – Destroys the ego



> Third Episode...

> Now in this episode with Grace of Mahasraswati, Desire to be in

union is formed...


> The Seer is Rudra or opening of the Rudra Granthi


> The Principle of the Episode is the Sun, which represents the

highest knowledge and one pointed Concentration or Dhyana...


> Here the last 8 tattvas – the 3 limitations Raga, Vidya and Kala (or

the imbalances of the 3 gunas Sattva, Tamas and Rajas) and the five

tattvas of Maya, Shuddha Vidya, Ishvara, Sakti and Sadashiva are put

into union...


> So with KLIM the bija for tranformation we balance the activities of

Maya or the three Gunas and unite Shiva and Shakti...


> When Mother destroys Dumralochana ,Chanda and Munda Her Rajas Nature

or the Desire for something outside of ourselves is lost...


> Shiva is in the process of closing His eyes...


> When Mother destroys Raktabija She in the form of Kali Withdraws the

ideas into Her...


> When Nisumbha is destroyed, all form is destroyed...


> When Sumbha says she is not fighting fair, She unites and becomes

one as Mahalakshmi...


> Now Shiva is in Ishvara tattva...


> When She destroys Sumbha, the Rudra Granthi is pierced and we

finally become Shiva or one with Her...


> Only Sadashiva or Mahalakshmi exists...




> As a result of chanting this episode,


> Bhima Shakti – Gives us Fearlessness


> Bhramari Bijam – Destroys all modifications



> Here ends my limited understanding through the Grace of Thakur Sri



> ====================


> P.S.

> Thakur Sri Ramakrishna used to say however beautifully one writes

about a tasty meal, you cannot experience it by eating the description

on paper...In the same way the above explanation is useless unless it

is experienced...But I thank Mother for giving me this opportunity and

inspiring me to seek the experience - only then will I really

understand...And the best way is to chant our way daily into Her

Heart, The Heart of the Universe...


> Jai Maa...

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Jai maa!

Jai Guru Rama krishna!


, jaishreemaa wrote:

> Jai Ganesh...

> I have been thinking about the Chandi Rahasyas and Viniyogas for

couple of weeks . I wrote about my understanding and sent it to

Swamiji. He asked me to share it with you. Here is what I wrote to


> Last couple of weeks through Your Grace I have been meditaing on

the Rahasyas and the Viniyogas, the following are some of the

limited immature insights I arrived at. If there is lack of

understanding please help by correcting me...


> Understanding the Pradhanikam Rahasyam through the 36 Tattvas...



> The main thing is to understand that all forms are the

manifestation of Mahalakshmi who is the Cause of all causes...


> They happen simultaneously...


> Verse 4 of Pradhanikam Rahasyam (The Pre-eminent Secret of the

Chandi) gives the summary...


> "The Supreme Sovereign, the Great Goddess of True Wealth, who is

comprised of the three qualities, is the first and foremost of all

causes. Her intrinsic nature is both definable and undefinable, and

having distinguished all the individual phenomena of the universe,

She resides within." – from Swamiji's book




> 1. Sadashiva - `undefinable'


> 2. Shakti - `definable – comprised of the three



> 3. Ishvara - awareness of `I' (Kriya Shakti – Pure

Activity ) awakening of sattva(verse 6)


> 4. Shuddha Vidya- starting to recognise the other (Jnana Shakti –

Pure Knowledge) awakening of Tamas(verse 7)


> 5. Maya - the three gunas in play, seeing the

other (Iccha Shakti – Pure Desire) awakening of Rajas(verse14)




> `having distinguished all the individual phenomena of the universe'



> Five kanchuckas or limitation


> 1. Raga – marriage of Brahma and Saraswati limiting pure

activity or Kriya Shakti


> 2. Vidya – marriage of Rudra and Gauri limiting pure

knowledge or Jnana Shakti


> 3. Kala – marriage of Vishnu and Lakshmi limiting pure desire

or Iccha Shakti


> 4. Nyati – formation of Egg limiting space


> 5. Kaala – breaking the Egg setting of the arrow of time




> `She resides within'


> 1. Purusha – Vishnu preserving creation with


> 2. Prakriti – Lakshmi





> Understanding the three Episodes of Chandi through the 36




> Chandi is the process of Union from the manifest to the unmanifest

i.e. the reverse of creation...


> Please understand that though it looks linear everything is

happening at once or as a single process...



> The Goddesses hands add up to 36...


> Mahakali – with 10 arms in the first episode brings about the

union of first 10 tattvas...


> Mahalakshmi – with 18 arms in the second episode brings about the

union of the next 18 tattvas...


> Mahalakshmi also has 1000 arms -this is in Her aspect as Triguna



> Mahasaraswati – 8 arms in the third episode brings about the union

of the last 8 tattvas...



> First Episode...Awakening from Tamas or Ignorance due to the grace

of Mahakali...

> The Brahma is the seer or the episode deals with the opening of

the Brahma Granthi...


> Note that all the Shaktis now bring about union (not

differentiation as in the process of creation...)


> With the help of Energy of Desire in the form of the Bijam AIM we

rouse ourselves from tamasic activities and attitudes and become

more rajasic in nature...


> We put our minds (jnanendriyas – Yoga Nidra awakening from the

eyes etc...) and bodies (karmendriyas – Vishnu fighting with his

bare hands...) in relation to the external world in balance...


> The principle of Fire is the force that transforms in the

annamayakosa which delt with here…


> When we bring under control the first 10 tattvas, ie 5

Karmendriyas and 5 Jnanendriyas, we free Brahma. In other words the

Brahma Granti(knot) is pierced...


> Chanting at the Fire helps this process...


> Here Yama, Niyama and Asan are undertaken for the union...



> As a result of chanting this episode -


> Nanda Shakti – Gives us Knowledge


> Raktadantika Bijam – Destroys lower passions



> Second Episode...

> We pray for Mahalakshmi's help to balance our rajasic forces that

have awakened because of the previous episode…


> HRIM bija preserves or balances...


> The Seer is Vishnu or the episode deals with the opening of the

Vishnu Granthi...


> When the body and mind are in controlled, we become highly rajasic

and powerful. Mahishasura depicts this state…


> The Sattvic force of Mahalakshmi battles this energy to harmonize

and bring about further union...


> We do this by withdrawing the outgoing Rajasic energies towards

the 5 Mahabhutas through our 5 tanmatras and focusing within. This

is depicted in this episode by the gods putting their energies

together in union into the Devi or us...


> The Principle of the Episode is Vayu which also can stand for

Prana, so with help of pranayama we bring together our energy so

that She can manifest to defeat Mahisasura.. which represents the

rajasic Egoic energy stuck at Manipura...


> Mahalakshmi brings into union the 4 antahkarana - manas,buddhi,

chitta and ahankara...


> This pierces the Vishnu Granthi(knot) at the heart and rajasic

nature is balanced and we become sattvic...




> Now we see mother from the point of Purusha and see her cosmic

play of the three gunas as Prakriti...


> When Mother enters the Anahata chakra the limitation of Nyati or

fate is overcome...


> (when the kundalini pierces the anahata, the siddhi of overcoming

fate is attained.)


> And when the Mother enters the visuddhi chakra limitation of Kaala

or time is overcome...


> (when the kundalini pierces the visuddhi, the siddhi of knowing

the past/present and future is attained)



> As a result of chanting this episode -


> Sakambari Shakti – Gives us Prosperity


> Durga Bijam – Destroys the ego



> Third Episode...

> Now in this episode with Grace of Mahasraswati, Desire to be in

union is formed...


> The Seer is Rudra or opening of the Rudra Granthi


> The Principle of the Episode is the Sun, which represents the

highest knowledge and one pointed Concentration or Dhyana...


> Here the last 8 tattvas – the 3 limitations Raga, Vidya and Kala

(or the imbalances of the 3 gunas Sattva, Tamas and Rajas) and the

five tattvas of Maya, Shuddha Vidya, Ishvara, Sakti and Sadashiva

are put into union...


> So with KLIM the bija for tranformation we balance the activities

of Maya or the three Gunas and unite Shiva and Shakti...


> When Mother destroys Dumralochana ,Chanda and Munda Her Rajas

Nature or the Desire for something outside of ourselves is lost...


> Shiva is in the process of closing His eyes...


> When Mother destroys Raktabija She in the form of Kali Withdraws

the ideas into Her...


> When Nisumbha is destroyed, all form is destroyed...


> When Sumbha says she is not fighting fair, She unites and becomes

one as Mahalakshmi...


> Now Shiva is in Ishvara tattva...


> When She destroys Sumbha, the Rudra Granthi is pierced and we

finally become Shiva or one with Her...


> Only Sadashiva or Mahalakshmi exists...




> As a result of chanting this episode,


> Bhima Shakti – Gives us Fearlessness


> Bhramari Bijam – Destroys all modifications



> Here ends my limited understanding through the Grace of Thakur Sri



> ====================


> P.S.

> Thakur Sri Ramakrishna used to say however beautifully one writes

about a tasty meal, you cannot experience it by eating the

description on paper...In the same way the above explanation is

useless unless it is experienced...But I thank Mother for giving me

this opportunity and inspiring me to seek the experience - only then

will I really understand...And the best way is to chant our way

daily into Her Heart, The Heart of the Universe...


> Jai Maa...

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