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451--Q&A WITH SWAMIJI-- Kali and Durga in the Chandi Path

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Is Kali's primary role in the Chandi that of supporting Durga as the

other Goddesses do or does She have any additional role. Does Kali

have any direct relationship to Durga. I had previously thought of

them as two sides of the same coin, so to speak, and I am thinking

now that this was erroneous. Thank you for your willingness to help

us understand better.


Swamiji's response:I like the two sides of the same coin analogy; Kali

is the dark side, while Durga is the bright side.

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Lovely analogy. Here's some more ideas.


Kali's face shows while she sneaks up on you, so you can't see her, she's

dark, she hides in the darkness of the shadows you make within your mind.

She is subconsciousness, a dark and quiet intuition. She's the burning

that makes you want to see the truth, even if you don't know why or that

you're even hiding from the truth.


Once Kali arrives at something she wishes you to see (something you have

asked to see), she turns, showing another face and Durga's light shines

through the darkness illuminating the detrimental mechanism within the

shadow of your mind.


You then must see it. You cannot, not see it. However, if you react and

turn away from it, the cycle(s) start(s) over again. Turning away is not

failure, its just lost opportunity. In this age, generally, opportunity

presents itself many many times, you will get another chance.


If you don't react and you are a worshiper of Chandi then Durga's face

turns and Chandi's face appears. Chandi grabs the mechanism of thought by

its tail or scruffs it by its neck and holds it up to you. In order to

stay and face it you have to feel the full weight of it. It may feel like

a tick or it could feel like a ton of bricks. Different thought mechanisms

have different vibes and energies. Each is unique and each and everyone of

them was designed by you for your "perceived" survival.


The longer you look at it while Chandi holds it up the more you realize

exactly what it is. You can make your choice immediately (see next

paragraph) and never have to see that thing again. However, if you take

the time to study it you will gain wisdom. It is during this time you will

begin to unravel the mystery of your own mind. It is also during this time

that you'll see both the positive and negative aspects of the thought Maa

has scruffed.


She will ask, "What will you have me do with this thought?"


You have three choices:


1. Please Maa take it away and burn it in the fire of your consciousness.

2. Please Maa put it back, I need it.

3. Please Maa you keep it and use it to serve God.


Option 2 is sometimes necessary. Don't feel ashamed of the need, but be

conscious of it and then it will have no power over you and will not be

able to cause reaction. For myself, I hold onto many things. I have seen

the need for some of these things fade over time as I mature. Once you

know about something, you can offer it to her at anytime. I have found

that when I know about something but can't give it up, I'm capable of

seeing when its self-destructive and I can choose to want to give it up.

That desire is the seed of that thought's destruction.


I'm aware that all of this sounds rather unearthly, So I want to give you

a simple example. And yes, despite its length, it is just a simple



Lets say that you're chronically late. You never plan well enough ahead of

time to make an appointment on time. If you say I'll be there at 3:00

O'clock, everyone knows the soonest you'll be there is 3:30 and the

average time you will arrive is 3:45.


Lets say that this habit of being late has caused you endless grief and

you really are sick and tired of it. You must want to change this habit to

have the inner conflict necessary to allow Kali inside, she comes in

through the cracks created by inner conflict. I know people who really

don't care about being late and I've learned to just accept that they are

on a different time zone. This is not about them.


Here's how to first recognize the cycle, and then begin to break it.


When you realize you are going to be late or are arriving late or that you

have arrived late, STOP whatever you are doing and watch the reactions.


You may feel self deprecation stand up and say, "You Schmuck! You're late

again! You're such a goof off! You can't do anything right!" (This sounds

like a male parental figure to me)


You may feel self aggrandizement say, "Oh you just LOVE to make an

entrance! Let people wait, you're more important than they are!" (I hear a

flamboyant male voice say that, don't you?)


You may feel shame, guilt, or any of a plethora of other feelings and

thoughts race around within your mind.


The goal is to let them come and go, observe, but not react to them. They

themselves are reactions coming from mechanisms within your mind, but they

are already cut loose, they are visible. They are unlike the thoughts that

cause you to be late in the first place, the thoughts that are obscurred

by darkness. The goal of one thought is to mask another thought and they

round robin, kind of like the way racing bicyclists take turns drafting

off each other. You can only see the one in the front of a long chain and

they only stick around long enough to cause you to react (adding more

bikes to the chain) and after a while the number of bikes is so high that

its nearly impossible to know how much is really going on in the

background. If you don't react, and stare at the bike in the front, he'll

get shy and move to the back allowing a new bike to move to the front.


It could go something like this: (assuming you become aware at step 3)


1. I'm late! (That's Durga shining her light on that which you wish to


2. Gosh DARN IT! (That's anger, in this case a form of self deprecation)

3. I suck!!!!!! (Self deprecation)

4. No wait... I don't suck. I have a bad habit I wish Maa to change. This

is Conscious Thought, the so called "Gods" in the Chandi Patha.

5. Now the self deprecation bot (thought / bot, same thing) feels you

staring at him. You see him as he is and shout:

6. Maa loves me!!!! (That's another God Bot.)

7. Self deprecation fades to the back of the line and the other bikes look

for openings...

8. "Well its not that bad, you're only fifteen minutes late!" (This is a

form of self aggrandizement, a minimizer bot (I like to think of it as

self coddling) He lies a lot too, you could be a half hour late, he wants

you to believe you're only 15 minutes late so you can feel better about

breaking your own ideals.

9. If you don't react to him and see him as coddling bot, then he can fade

to the back or Maa may scruff him. If she does, you know what to do. If

she doesn't scruff him, be patient, she may want to take you to the root

of the matter or may test you by bringing bigger and darker demons to the


10. Once you stare at the mechanisms, they get a little skiddish and start

to fight amongst themselves. Blame bot could step forward and say, "Its

all Memories fault, he didn't remember!"

11. Memories may jump forward and shout, "no it isn't, I rememinded you,

but Desire really wanted to eat the Chocolate Bar and watch that Simpson's


12. Desire jumps out and says, "Hey! I love Chocolate!" (that's enough of

a reason for Desire Bot, Desire doesn't defend itself, it lets you cut it.

Remember? Every drop of Desire Bot's blood becomes a new seed of desire).

13. If you just observe the fighting in the ranks, the line of bots may

disappear from site or Maa may scruff some and sling the others over her

shoulder by their tails.

14. Either way, you have found the presence, while there ask for a boon.

15. "Maa, please unravel this chain of thought, these mechanism Demon Bots

who polute my mind with lack of peace."

16. Another God Bot, named Remorse may show up. Don't confuse him with

Guilt bot. Guilt bot only wants to distract you from the truth. Remorse

Bot wants to ground the knowledge through your heart and make it a part of

you. Remorse Bot lays wastes to many many of the Demon Bots, by shorting

out their workings, draining them of all power. Maa very much likes a

powerful Remorse Bot. Ultimately though, she'll scruff him and you'll let

him go too.

17. Keep in mind as powerful as all the God Bots are, they cannot stop the

mechanisms of mind because they themselves are mechanisms of mind. No

matter what the psychiatrists say, there is no way to think yourself to

mental health. Mental health comes from a good Mind scrubbing given by

Maha Chandi Maa.


Now the irony. Maa is so much fun. While I was editing, typing,

re-editing, retyping, I got a phone call. Whoops! I'm late for a





Love you all,



> Question from Linda:

> Is Kali's primary role in the Chandi that of supporting Durga as the other

> Goddesses do or does She have any additional role. Does Kali have any

> direct relationship to Durga. I had previously thought of them as two

> sides of the same coin, so to speak, and I am thinking now that this was

> erroneous. Thank you for your willingness to help us understand better.


> Swamiji's response:

> I like the two sides of the same coin analogy; Kali is the dark side,

> while Durga is the bright side.



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