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more pitru paksha

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Dear Linda (?),

Alot of the information about these things you can find by doing

a search on-line (!..the computer has amazing uses). I would bet you

might even find a recipe for "pindas". I copied some information

about tarpana from a website in India...talking about when to do

tarpana....What is interesting is that TOMORROW, the 29th is

Amavasya..so you could do tarpana that day. About the kum kum and

rice, it's a way of making akshata that someone from South India

showed me but it (Akshata) is more commonly made by mixing tumeric

powder (available in Indian grocery shops) and unbroken rice

together..used as an offering in puja. I had a small copper dish

next to the photos of my parents and that is where I "collected" the

akshata..Please, though, check all of this with Swamiji...I feel a

little strange to be giving puja advice when I, myself, am so much

of a nursery school level pujari. When you read below, it will

probably seem as confusing to you as it did to me...as I find alot

of the astrological things hard to figure out..not being a vedic

astrologer. But, what seems the clearest and most helpful piece of

information is that tarpana is done every Amavasya for your elders

and ancestors. I did not know this before finding this website! So,

thank you very much for asking this question. Now I can do tarpana

practice tomorrow night after the Navagraha homa. I hope this is all

helpful and clear.

(mix the long grained rice with tumeric, offer it into a copper

container...or, I would imagine you could offer it at the feet of

your Deity or even at the base of Maa's photograph asking for her

protection for those you are honoring?? Nanda??? swamiji?? On page

328 of the Cosmic Puja, there is a place where the offerings are

made...the "starpayami" section..after puja, dispose of the akshata

as you would other puja offerings). The tarpana on Pitru Paksha is

when the pindas are used (along with water, incense, flowers,

akshata, etc.) and it is formal and longer. Perhaps they do it at

Devi Mandir? I know they do in many Temples on the East Coast.

I hope this has been helpful and not confusing. Again, I would

never presume to offer puja advice here..this is only my limited


With love to you...and to everyone here....Jai Kali Maa!





Information from the web about tarpana:

"12 - Amâvâsya which most people do.


12 - Sankramana, the month beginning, when the sun comes into zero

degree in any rasi.


15 - days in Pitru Paksa (Bhâdrapada Krishna Paksa) - this is called

Mahalya or Purattasi in Tamil i.e., when the sun comes into Kanni

rasi, tarpana should be performed for the whole 15 days of krishna

paksa or paksa leading to amavasaya.


Vaidhruti and Vyatîpâta yoga (2 in every month totals to 24). Many

people do not know this due to the lack of knowledge of astrology.


Pûrvedyu, Ashtaka, Anvashtaka (Saptami, Ashtami and Navami) of

Bhâdrapada - ( Aug 15 - Sept 15),


Margashira - (Nov 15 - Dec 15)

Pushya - (Dec15 – Jan 15)

Mâgha - (Jan 15 - Feb 15) and Phâlguna (Feb 15 - March 15) Krishna

Paxa, totals 15)


The following days I do not know how to find out. if it is possible

some reader can send in details of how to find out in a year.


a. Kruta, Treta, Dvâpara and Kaliugâdi days.

b. 14 Manvantara.


Following are the dates of tarpana for January 2006. Even if you do

not have knowledge of astrology, this can be used effectively:


Jan 4, 2006: 6 - 10 a.m.

Jan 13, 2006: after 2 p.m. till next day Jan 14: 1 p.m.

Jan 14, 2006: between 6-8 a.m.

If you miss in the morning, the tarpana can be given before the

tithi ends.


Jan 21 2006


Jan 22 2006


Jan 23 2006


Jan 30: 6 - 9 a.m.

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