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~Philosophy of Symbols by Swami Sivananda ji~

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Om Namah Shivaya, beloved family of Light!


As we are approaching this year's MahaShivaratri, i thought i would

share this wonderful article i found on another forum; i thank

beloved Premamayi ji for posting it. May we all enter into Lord

Shiva's Bhava!



"Philosophy Of Symbols"

By Swami Sivananda


It is Lord Siva who is the all-pervading Isvara and who also dwells

in Mount Kailas. He is the Bhandara or store-house for wisdom. Siva

minus Parvati or Kali or Durga is Nirguna Brahman Himself. With Maya-

Parvati He becomes the Saguna Brahman for the purpose of pious

devotion of His devotees. Devotees of Rama must worship Lord Siva for

3 or 6 months before they take to worship of Rama. Rama Himself

worshipped Lord Siva at the famous Ramesvaram. Lord Siva is the Lord

of Ascetics and Lord of Yogins, robed in space (Digambara).


His Trisul (trident) that is held in His right hand represents the

three Gunas—Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. That is the emblem of

Sovereignty. He wields the world through these three Gunas. The

Damaru in His left hand represents the Sabda Brahman. It represents

OM from which all languages are formed. It is He who formed the

Sanskrit language out of the Damaru.


The crescent moon indicates that He has controlled the mind

perfectly. The flow of the Ganga represents the nectar of

Immortality. Elephant represents symbolically pride. His wearing the

skin of the elephant denotes that He has controlled pride. Tiger

represents lust; His sitting on tiger's skin indicates that He has

conquered lust. His holding a deer on one hand indicates that He has

removed the Chanchalata (tossing) of the mind. Deer jumps from one

place to another swiftly. His wearing of serpents denotes wisdom and

eternity. Serpents live for a large number of years. He is

Trilochana, the three-eyed One, in the centre of whose forehead is

the third eye, the eye of wisdom.


`Hoam' is the Bija Akshara of Lord Siva.


He is Sivam (auspicious, Subham), Sundaram (beautiful), Kantam

(effulgent). "Santam Sivam Advaitam" (Mandukya Upanishad).


I bow with folded hands crores of times at the lotus-feet of that

Lord Siva who is non-dual, who is the Adhishthana, or support for the

world and all minds, who is Sat-Chit-Ananda, who is the Ruler, the

Antaryamin, the Sakshi (silent witness) for everything, who is self-

effulgent, self-existent and self-contained (Pari-purna), who is the

remover of the primitive Avidya and who is the Adi-Guru or Parama-

Guru or Jagad-Guru.


That Lord Siva I am in essence. Sivoham, Sivoham, Sivoham.


Snake On The Body Of Siva

Serpent is the Jiva or the individual soul which rests upon Siva, the

Paramatman or the Supreme Soul. The five hoods mean the five senses

or the five Tattvas, viz., earth, water, fire, air and ether. They

also represent the five Pranas, which hiss in the body like the

serpent. The inhalation and exhalation are like the hissing of the

serpent. Lord Siva Himself became the five Tanmatras, the five

Jnanendriyas, the five Karmendriyas and other groups of five. The

individual soul enjoys the worldly objects through these Tattvas.

When the individual attains knowledge through control of the senses

and the mind, he finds his eternal resting abode in Lord Siva, the

Supreme Soul. This is the esoteric significance of Lord Siva wearing

the snake on His body.


Lord Siva is absolutely fearless. Srutis declare, "This Brahman is

fearless (Abhayam), Immortal (Amritam)." Worldly people are afraid

even at the very sight of a snake but Lord Siva is wearing serpents

as ornaments on His body. This indicates that Lord Siva is absolutely

fearless and immortal.


Generally serpents live for hundreds of years. Wearing of serpents by

Lord Siva signifies that He is Eternal.


Significance of Bhasma, Nandi, Etc.

Namassivaya is the Mantra of Lord Siva. `Na' represents earth and

Brahma; `Ma' represents water and Vishnu; `Si' fire and Rudra; `Va'

Vayu and Mahesvara; `Ya' Akasa and Sadasiva and also the Jiva.


Lord Siva has white complexion. What is the significance of white

colour? He teaches silently that people should have pure heart and

entertain pure thoughts and should be free from crookedness,

diplomacy, cunningness, jealousy, hatred, etc.


He wears three white-lined Bhasma or Vibhuti on His forehead. What is

the significance of this? He teaches silently that people should

destroy the three impurities, viz., Anava (egoism), Karma (action

with expectation of fruits), and Maya (illusion), and the three

desires or Eshanas, viz., desire for landed property, desire for

woman, desire for gold, and the three Vasanas, viz., Lokavasana,

Dehavasana and Sastravasana, and then attain Him with a pure heart.


What does the Balipitha or altar which stands in front of the sanctum

sanctorum of the Siva's temple represent? People should destroy their

egoism and mineness (Ahamta and Mamata) before they attain the Lord.

This is the significance.


What does Nandi or the bull which is in front of Sivalinga represent?

Nandi is the attendant or doorkeeper of Siva. He is the vehicle of

Lord Siva. He represents Satsanga. If you make association with the

sages, you are sure to attain God-realisation. Sages will show you

the way to reach Him. They will remove pitfalls or snares that lie on

your path. They will clear your doubts and instil in your heart

dispassion, discrimination and knowledge. There is no other safe boat

than Satsanga to reach the other shore of fearlessness and

immortality. Even a moment's Satsanga or association with the sages,

is a great blessing to the aspirants and the worldly-minded persons.

They get firm conviction in the existence of God through Satsanga.

The sages remove the worldly Samskaras. The company of sages is a

formidable fortress to protect oneself from the temptations of Maya.


Lord Siva represents the destructive aspect of the Godhead. He is

seen absorbed on the mountain peak of Kailas. He is an embodiment of

serenity, renunciation and indifference to the world. The third eye

in the centre of His forehead represents His destructive energy which

when let loose destroys the world. Nandi is His favourite. He is the

door-Keeper. He is seen hushing all nature, so that the Lord may not

be disturbed in His Samadhi. The Lord has five faces, ten hands, ten

eyes, two feet.


Vrishabha or the bull represents Dharma Devata. Lord Siva rides on

the bull. Bull is His vehicle. This denotes that Lord Siva is the

protector of Dharma, is an embodiment of Dharma or righteousness.


Deer represents the Vedas. Its four legs are the four Vedas. Lord

Siva is holding the deer in His hand. This indicates that He is the

Lord of the Vedas.


He has sword in one of His hands. This signifies that He is the

destroyer of births and deaths. The fire in one of His hands shows

that He protects the Jivas by burning all fetters.


Philosophy of Abhisheka

Salutations and adorations to the blissful Lord Siva, the lover of

Uma or Parvati, the Lord of all beings (Pasupati).


"Alankarapriyo Vishnuh, Abhishekapriyah Sivah—Lord Vishnu is very

fond of Alankara (fine dress, beautiful ornaments, etc.); Siva is

fond of Abhisheka." In Siva temples, a pot made up of copper or brass

with a hole in the centre is kept hanging over the image or Linga of

Siva, and water is falling on the image throughout day and night.

Pouring over the Linga, water, milk, ghee, curd, honey, cocoanut

water, Panchamrita, etc., is Abhisheka. Abhisheka is done for Lord

Siva. Rudra is chanted along with the Abhisheka. Lord Siva is

propitiated by Abhisheka.


Lord Siva drank the poison that emanated from the ocean and wore the

Ganga and moon on His head to cool His head. He has the fiery third

eye. Constant Abhisheka cools this eye.


The greatest and the highest Abhisheka is to pour the waters of pure

love on the Atmalinga of the lotus of the heart. The external

Abhisheka with various objects will help the growth of devotion and

adoration for Lord Siva and eventually lead to internal Abhisheka

with pure abundant flow of love.


Abhisheka is a part of Siva Puja. Without Abhisheka, worship of Siva

is incomplete. During Abhisheka Rudra, Purushasukta, Chamaka, Maha-

mrityunjaya Japa, etc., are chanted in a particular rhythm and order.

Monday is very important day for Lord Siva and the thirteenth day of

the fortnight (Pradosha) is very sacred. On these days, devotees of

Siva worship Him with special Puja, Abhisheka with Ekadasa-Rudra,

Archana, offering plenty of Prasad, and illumination.


In Ekadasa-Rudra Abhisheka, every Rudra is chanted with distinctive

articles for Abhisheka. Ganga water, milk, ghee, honey, rose-water,

cocoanut water, sandal paste, Panchamrita, scented oil, sugarcane

juice and lime juice are made use of for Abhisheka. After every

Abhisheka, pure water is poured over the head of Siva. When Rudra is

repeated once, the different articles of Abhisheka are made use of

after every stanza of the Rudra. The Abhisheka water or other

articles used for Abhisheka are considered very sacred and bestow

immense benefits on the devotees who take it as the Lord's Prasad. It

purifies the heart and destroys countless sins. You must take it with

intense Bhava and faith.


When you do Abhisheka with Bhava and devotion, your mind is

concentrated. Your heart is filled with the image of the Lord and

divine thoughts. You forget your body and its relation and

surroundings. Egoism gradually vanishes. When there is forgetfulness,

you begin to enjoy and taste the eternal bliss of Lord Siva.

Recitation of Rudra or Om Namassivaya purifies the mind and fills it

with Sattva.


If you do Abhisheka with Rudrapatha in the name of a person suffering

from any disease he will be soon freed from that disease. Incurable

diseases are cured by Abhisheka. Abhisheka bestows health, wealth,

prosperity, progeny, etc. Abhisheka on Monday is most auspicious.


By offering Panchamrita, honey, milk, etc., to the Lord, thoughts of

your body diminish. Selfishness slowly vanishes. You derive immense

joy. You begin to increase your offerings unto the Lord. Therefore,

self-sacrifice and self-surrender come in. Naturally, there is an

outpouring from your heart, "I am Thine, my Lord. All is Thine, my



Kannappa Nayanar, a great devotee of Lord Siva, a hunter by

profession, did Abhisheka with the water in his mouth for the Linga

at Kalahasti in South India and propitiated Lord Siva. Lord Siva is

pleased by pure devotion. It is the mental Bhava that counts and not

the outward show. Lord Siva said to the temple priest: "This water

from the mouth of Kannappa, my beloved devotee, is more pure than the

water of the Ganga".


A devotee should be regular in doing Abhisheka for the Lord. He

should get by heart Rudra and Chamakam. Ekadasa Rudra is more

powerful and effective. In Northern India, every man or woman takes a

lota of water and pours it on the image of Siva. This also causes

beneficial results and brings about the fulfilment of one's desire.

Abhisheka on Sivaratri day is very effective.


May you all recite Rudrapatha which describes the glory of Lord Siva

and His manifestations in every living being, in every animate and

inanimate being! May you do Abhisheka daily and thus obtain the grace

of Lord Siva! May Lord Visvanatha bless you all!


Reproduced from "Lord Siva and His Worship" by Swami Sivananda"

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In a message dated 2/21/2006 9:38:28 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, muktimaa (AT) aol (DOT) com writes:

As we are approaching this year's MahaShivaratri, i thought i would

share this wonderful article i found on another forum; i thank

beloved Premamayi ji for posting it. May we all enter into Lord

Shiva's Bhava!

Namaste Dear muktimaa,

Thank you for the post by Swami Sivananda ! In loving prostrations

to Lord Siva. Sharing the enthusiasm with Nanda, Devi Mandir, our

group and devotees of Siva everywhere for this


Tirumandiram by Siddha Tirumoolar

270. Love and Siva are One

The ignorant prate that Love and Siva are two,

But none do know that Love alone is Siva.

When men but know that Love and Siva are the same,

Love as Siva, they e'er remained.


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