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Relationships with Krsna

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I am definetly a neophyte in regards to Vedic literature but I was wondering is there any way to have a relationship with Krsna that is in mood of complete and total ridiculousness? I vaguely remember something in Prabhupada's books about there being a humorous relationship with Krsna but don't remember exactly what it said. I realize you would have to maintain the high regulative standards otherwise it would just turn into crude karmi comedy but I am very attracted to such a relationship because I just can't take life very seriously anymore no matter how hard I try.


I really like the incarnations of Krsna where he behaves like a madman living with cows and stuff. Those ones are just a riot. You can't help but love a guy like Him.

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As you would be aware any taste that is here in this material world is just a shadow reflection of the taste's that are in the spiritual world. I was just reading Science of Self Realisation yesterday and Prabhupada says, ....Everything we deal with here is present in the spiritual world, but here it has no real value. It is only a reflection...

This humorous rasa you are referring to can be found in chapter 49 of the book Nectar of Devotion, at www.vedabase.net . It is very special and is continually manifesting and unmanifesting in Gokula Vrindavan where Krsna performs His transcendental pastimes in the material world.


If we find these material taste's so relishable, how much much more so must be the case with the transcendental. I cannot begin to imagine.

Dear DB Cooper I am not there yet....but oh my goodness, I want to be; these material taste's are wearing thin!;)

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Hare Krishna bija,

"These material tastes are wearing thin"-

You can say that again. I once met an old man when I was a young man full of hopes and dreams. He told me "Life just keeps going on and on and on." I thought he was kind of cynical and bitter but now after spending many years of doing the same things over and over again I understand what he was saying.


As you would be aware any taste that is here in this material world is just a shadow reflection of the taste's that are in the spiritual world. I was just reading Science of Self Realisation yesterday and Prabhupada says, ....Everything we deal with here is present in the spiritual world, but here it has no real value. It is only a reflection...

This humorous rasa you are referring to can be found in chapter 49 of the book Nectar of Devotion, at www.vedabase.net . It is very special and is continually manifesting and unmanifesting in Gokula Vrindavan where Krsna performs His transcendental pastimes in the material world.

If we find these material taste's so relishable, how much much more so must be the case with the transcendental. I cannot begin to imagine.

Dear DB Cooper I am not there yet....but oh my goodness, I want to be; these material taste's are wearing thin!;)

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Some times in material life we may say...everything's wonderful, I am happy, I have this and that, why be so cynical? I am on top of the world! Then sometime later just the opposite. Why this dissatisfaction etc. Material life is like this is it not. A place of dualities.


But by the grace of the devotees we have been shown another way. A path where Krsna say's, "my devotee will never perish." Ever expanding spiritual life, the greatest treasure. Blissful life.


I am simply a kanistha devotee (I still don't even know if I spell kanistha right). But I got a hunch...for a life of joy... this spiritual life, this Krsna consciousness is the key! A life of dedication instead of a life of domination.:silent:

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