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Bernadette Roberts 1

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This is the first of many installments which compose an outline of The

Experience of No-Self, by Bernadette Roberts.


Though this first posting is being sent to several mailing lists and

newsgroups, as a way of introduction, the remaining submissions will be

restricted to the Nonduality Salon, so that all those interested can

keep up with discussion.


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Thank you,



The Experience of No-Self



This work on nondual realization is a detailed report on growth beyond

what may be called the final duality, or what Roberts calls the first of

two distinct and separate movements in Christian contemplative



The first contemplative movement is described as union of the self with

God, where God is the "still-point and axis" of being. In the first

movement, self is not yet lost, but functions as a higher self in its

union with God. The sense of personal selfhood remains. Abiding in God

remains. Being centered in God remains. The divine life remains. God and

self remain.


But in the second contemplative movement, self and God fall away, and

"that" remains. Union with God gives way to God beyond union. The mind

becomes fixed in the permanent now. The self's union with God transcends



"Here now," Roberts says, "begins the journey beyond union, beyond self

and God, a journey into the silent an still regions of the unknown."


So begins the outline of a detailed and revealing journey whose insights

are fresh and capable of nudging a person toward a further

understanding. It is also without reference to Eastern traditions and

vocabulary, which makes it interesting and different.


Thank you for your time and attention.


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