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What is Advaita?

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"Debora A. Orf" <dorf01




Can you enlighten me to what an advaita is?


thanks :)


Hi Debora. Advaita is a Sanskrit term and means "not two". It refers to the

philosophy of nondualism. Usually you will see the term Advaita Vedanta,

where Advaita serves as an adjective for Vedanta (Nondual Vedanta). Dvaita

is the Sanskrit term that refers to Dualism.


The best known modern exponent of the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta is

Ramana Maharishi, the Sage of Arunachala. He went to the sacred hill

when he was 17 and stayed there for more than half a century. He

answered questions on Vedanta and other philosophical systems from all

comers. The philosophy of Advaita Vedanta is given practical application

through Self-Enquiry, meditation and Yoga. Sri Ramana emphasized the

system of Self-Enquiry while expressing some support for the techniques

of meditation and yoga and pranayama. Non-dual and Absolute

Consciousness is realized Clearly in Kevala Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Beyond that

there is Sahaj Samadhi, which describes the realization of the Sage

for whom Non-dual consciousness has become Natural and Divine communion is

continuous (unbroken by any other state of consciousness including deep

sleep, dream sleep or Superconscious states of any type).

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