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Duelin' Nondualisms

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Recently, there has occurred some discussion about Shaivite

non-dualism and Vedantin non-dualism. Eastern spiritual traditions

and mystical traditions generally, cultivate 'unity' experiences of

one form or another.


How does the path that one seeks influence the possible experiences

one may have in the course of seeking? If one follows a Buddhist

path, will one's experiences confirm the mystical beliefs of that

system? For example, some Zen masters may teach a student that if

they experience certain unusual sensations that they should observe

these experiences, but not engage them. This will ultimately lead to

success in attaining Nirvana.


I don't want to go too broad with this question. I am really looking

for discussion about how listmembers believe that the form of their

approach to spiritual fulfillment influences the nature of how the

path of experiencing God/Self unfolds.


One more thing. I am interested in how we feel about this question,

our own thoughts and ideas. I am not very interested in the kinds of

answers than any of us can find in books. We can assume that how any

of us feels and believes will have been formed by what we have read,

practiced and heard from living authorities. So, if anyone does

answer, no academic stuff, foreign terms and so forth. Just heart to

heart. Know what I mean?


In devotion,



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Very nice poem. With your permission, I would like to share this with

friends. As for this line below....very true...the enlightened guru tells us

that they are but a rudder--the voyage is ultimately ours alone.




>Seeking Divine*... is like climbing a hill.

>'Tis a 'trek' we make of our own free will.

>No one can teach us the 'right' way to go.

>Only 'pointing' guidance can they bestow.

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At 09:55 AM 2/13/99 -0800, you wrote:

>Madhya Nandi <madhya (AT) mail (DOT) aracnet.com>



>How does the path that one seeks influence the possible experiences

>one may have in the course of seeking?

>I am really looking

>for discussion about how listmembers believe that the form of their

>approach to spiritual fulfillment influences the nature of how the

>path of experiencing God/Self unfolds.



Divine* - whatever word 'fits'.


Seeking Divine*... is like climbing a hill.

'Tis a 'trek' we make of our own free will.

No one can teach us the 'right' way to go.

Only 'pointing' guidance can they bestow.


Each seeker 'treks'... at our own pace and time.

Each decides... what's trivial or sublime.

Each chooses... which 'path' she/he will explore.

Each chooses... what to heed... what to ignore.

Each 'sees'... different 'fauna', 'insects', 'trees'.

Each finds... a different sequence of 'keys'.


If we 'climb' this 'Hill' on a warm Spring day,

we'll 'see' myriad wonders on the way.

Climb this 'Mountain' in Summer, Winter, Fall...

the wonders 'seen'... won't be like Spring's at all.


Some... will 'see truth trees' in full Spring flower.

Others note 'trees' with fruit, green and sour.

Some... will espy 'trees' laden with ripe fruit.

Others... observe 'trees'... after winds uproot.


Some... will 'see' 'Caterpillars', 'Slugs' and 'Snails'.

Others... observe 'Butterflies', 'Moths' and 'Quails'.

Some 'see'... Granite, Porphyry, Limestone, Shale,

a few... just Lava... as they quest...'The Grail'.


Some... choose the Eastern slope, others the West.

Some... believe the North or the South is best.

Some... amble along... noting each nuance.

A few... 'gain the top'... with a 'conveyance'.


But every 'seeker'... who reaches the 'top',

will now stand upon... *the exact same spot*.






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