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Fruit Intoxication (long)

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> "Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" <hluthar



> jb [kvy9]

> Wednesday, February 17, 1999 2:07 PM


> Re: Intoxication


> "jb" <kvy9


> Sorry about your illness - haven't even had a cold or flue in ten years,

> since I switched to the "fruits only" style of eating. Members of

> the Indian

> community hear say it's a diet for yogis only but I know that to

> be a lie :)

> .


> Hi Jan. Can you share how you became a fruitarian and recommend literature

> on it. What are the effects on weight, energy level, health meditation,

> pranayama, etc. Any comments on the protein controversy. For

> those who may

> not know, Jan is a highly experienced and a knowledgeable person in the

> spiritual area with a rich background of value to us all.

> Harsha


When my father died in 86, I was reminded of the fact that some karma can't

be taken away. I started to reflect on the matter and I choose to do it

while walking in the woods and moor nearby. While walking, I was regularly

overtaken by panting joggers and this reminded me of my brother who had

unexpectedly died of asthma. So I decided to start running and the joggers

kept behind from then on. However, despite the regular running, nothing

like loss of weight happened and on doing a test, it appeared that blood

pressure wasn't lowered either. As the blood pressure did react to exercise

in the "normal" way, it wasn't considered a problem and the weight was

considered within the range of normal too.


In 88, a cornea-transplant reached the age of 120 years and it got infected.

Shortly before that, I had started to experiment with fruits for food and

the effects were rather remarkable. Weight had dropped, energy levels had

increased, all excretions had a pleasant smell, no more crusts in the

corners of the eyes on waking op and finger nails could be used as

screw-drivers (very hard but flexible).. The cornea had to be transplanted

and the new transplant was almost immediately rejected. I choose to undergo

another operation in a different country and this time, a rather thorough

physical examination was done first. The fruit diet had caused the

blood-pressure to change from 160/90 to 120/60; after the tests a MD

remarked that only a famous prof. cyclist (then at half my age) had a better

physical condition. Because of that, I got the permission to determine my

own diet (rather rare in a hospital :)) However, one year after the

operation, the transplant was rejected and it was determined that my immune

system was too strong to risk further operations.


Although for many the fruit-diet is highly beneficial in all respects, the

immune system is strengthened to a point that transplants will give

problems. When born in a family using the fruit-diet, the disease resulting

in the need for a transplant would never have occurred.


The effects on spiritual life can be easily worded. One doesn't "feel" like

a spirit in a body, one "feels" to be spirit. When the body is perfectly

healthy, one is hardly aware of it - this benefits sadhana a great deal.


The human body requires very little supply of protein; most is recycled.

When digestion results in acidity, it has to be neutralized as the human

body must be alkaline with the exception of a layer of the skin (to kill

intruding bacteria). Among others, proteins are used for neutralization.

Many processed foods will result in acidity; a simple check is measuring the

pH of one's urine with a litmus paper (range 4...11). Saliva has to be

alkaline as well. All watery fruits (and some oily ones like avocados) will

result in alkalinity.


Fruitarianism is part of the philosophy of natural hygiene; Rather memorable

is Dr. Walker who wrote his last book at age 117.



This is the fruitarian website. Many articles but I can't recommend several

of the recipes :)



Another link (how to become a fruitarian)



In a certain sense, the recognition of fruit as the only food by the body

can be compared to Self-realization; once the body has cleaned itself from

toxic materials (for some this process can resemble a genuine cold or flue)

it will recognize "real" food and it will protest to the "owner" with

disease, when processed food is consumed again. There is no requirement for

"extra" protein (avocados, nuts and seeds). The main rule is: no processing

(cooking, salt etc.). Making a blend is OK. It is possible to consume one

meal as a salad, consisting of raw veggies; this makes one a raw food vegan.

I could never detect what was "best"; the way the products are grown is far

more important (organically grown preferred).



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