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something for everyone from Lalla...

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Thank you.. that was very moving. It was a great start to my day.









At 05:46 PM 2/23/99 -0800, you wrote:

>madhya nandi <madhya


>Something for everyone...all from Lalla, the 14th century Kashmiri Saint.





>Loosen the load of sweetness I'm carrying.

>The sling-knot is biting into my shoulder.


>This day has been so meaningless.

>I feel I can't go on.


>When I was with my teacher, I heard a truth

>that hurt my heart like a blister,


>the tender pain of seeing

>something I loved as an illusion.


>The flocks I tended are gone.

>I am a shepherd without even a memory


>of what that means, climbing this mountain.

>I feel so lost.


>This was my inward way, until I came

>into the presence of a Moon, this new knowledge


>of how likenesses unite. Good Friend,

>everything is You. I see only God.


>Now the delightful forms and motions

>are transparent. I look through them


>and see myself as the Absolute. And here's

>the answer to the riddle of this dream:


>You leave, so that we two

>can do One Dance.







>Your pride in yourself and your wanting,

>these steal your energy along the road.


>If you can kill these robbers

>and become the servant of everyone,

>you'll meet the Lord in meditation

>and see what you used to protect

>as just a pile of ashes.






>Fearful, always-moving mind,

>the One who has no beginning

>is thinking of how hunger

>may fall away from you.


>No ritual,

>no religion,

>is needed.


>Just cry out one

>unobstructed cry.






>My body caught fire like an ember,

>as I brought the syllable OM,

>the one that says You are That,

>into me. I moved through

>the six chakra centers

>that urge human beings to action

>and out into the lightedness

>where Lalla lives now.






>Everything is new now for me.

>My mind is new, the moon, the sun.

>The whole world looks rinsed with water,

>washed in the rain of I am That.


>Lalla leaps and dances inside the energy

>that creates and sustains the universe



>And one from Madhya,


>You feed me small bites, Beloved,

>teaching me to savor

>each morsel of delicious Emptiness,

>while saving the best for last!



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"Become who you are." Nietzshe

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