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Women and Spirituality

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Harsha: I am forwarding from the Advaitin list this very interesting

discussion on women.


Linda's reply to Kathi


Dear Kathi:


This is something that, being a woman in this lifetime I've looked at often

and I do not know if we can find any answers in the scriptures. Perhaps

this is one question that needs to be pondered from experience and from the

'teacher within'.

Obviously, all is 'atman' and it can not be 'inferior' to be born as a

woman. One of my theories on this subject is that there are certain

qualities that seem to be inherent within the mind of males and females,

though there are exceptions to everything I am looking at this in general

terms. Women being of a more intuitive and nurturing nature simply did not

have to work so hard at 'enlightenment' they simply accepted that truth and

contentment came from within - from love and flowing with life. Men being

more concerned with making things happen and being of a more aggressive

nature would be more inclined to want to make enlightenment happen. It

could be as simple as not including women back then in the quest for

enlightment as it is for not including women in the 'sports bar' game night


My other theory is that on this journey to 'oneness' all of our 'stuff'

comes up - to be looked at and hopefully, dealt with - control, power and

sexual issues seem to be leading contenders in the issue contest. Today, we

see many incidents of abuse by 'spiritual teachers'. I myself, have been on

the receiving end of abusive behavior by a male spiritual teacher. I don't

believe that this man started out with the intention to use his position in

this manner - I think that his 'stuff' was there for him to deal with but

that the power (he is able to manipulate his kundalini rather easily) has

gone to his head and he just can't see with balance anymore. I do not

believe that this situation is unique to today - I believe power, control

and sex were issues from the moment we left the 'satya' yuga - which is all

of recorded history. As wonderful as the Vedas, Brahman sutras, Upanishads

etc. are they were all written in a time when issues were present. These

writings would reflect the issues in some way and control of knowledge and

power through knowledge were present even 5000 years ago. I would bet that

if we were to find the teachings that predate even the Vedas - the teachings

that come from the 'Satya Yuga' we would not find such references to women.

On a positive note I also think that because women were not allowed into the

'inner sanctuaries' of male philosophies and ceremonies that women were able

to take the so-called 'crumbs' and work these principals down to their

essence and be within that belief in contentment and bliss. I have a funny

picture in my mind as I write this - I am thinking of life 4,000 years ago

in a small village and it is a night for the men to have a big religious

ceremony. They have fasted for days, trained and studied for weeks and will

go off to do their ritual. The women are very happy not to have had to cook

for a few days, with an amused smile they send their ever so intense men off

on their quest and happy that the male energy will be gone for the night -

they light a fire, drink some herbal tea, listen quietly to the sounds of

God in nature and slip every so gently into the bliss of oneness.

Just my thoughts of this matter.


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