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God is Love, and Love is all there is

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After reading other letters about broadcasting thoughts and negative entities, I

feel compelled to share my view that these manifestatations stem from fear and

lack of self-love associated with the ego (i.e., the false perception of what we

are). We are all here to learn that there is nothing to fear, for there is only

Love. These unpleasant manifestations will disappear when this lesson is



A beautiful little book that helped me a great deal many years ago is called

"All That You Are", by Mary (DeVorss and Co.). The chapter called "Love" was

especially healing.


God bless all.








>Hi Tim:


>I am convinced that the chemical (serotonin) imbalance is a result, not a

cause. When the

>psychospiritual issues are resolved, the proper chemical balance is restored.


>Drugs have a place in therapy (I certainly benefited from them for a time), but

they should not be used to replace the healing that accompanies the inner



>Take care,





>---Tim Gerchmez <fewtch

> wrote:---




>>At 10:03 AM 3/6/99 -0800, you wrote:

>>>Dear Tim:


>>>Thank you to you, too.


>>>I was fortunate in that I came to understand quite early in my struggles

>>that >suffering has a divine purpose. Mental illness is spiritual illness

>>(except >perhaps in the rare cases where it is due to an organic cause,

>>such as a brain >tumour


>>I feel that in a sense (mostly!) it is, but in the sense of the purely

>>physical (looking at the body as an existent entity rather than illusion),

>>a brain chemical imbalance (usually involving a lack of sufficient

>>serotonin availability across the synapses) is often the cause of such

>>disorders as panic attacks and depression. Otherwise, such disorders would

>>not be controlled (and very effectively in my case) by antidepressant

>>medications, or could be fully controlled with placebo/sugar pills (which

>>they are shown to NOT be). I take a low dosage of such a medication (in my

>>case Fluvoxamine, or Luvox), and find it to be effective. At some future

>>time on my spiritual path, I will likely cease to continue taking it (when

>>I know more clearly that a condition of the body cannot affect my True



>>With Love,






>>The CORE of Reality awaits you at:

>>http://www.serv.net/~fewtch/ND/index.html -

>>Poetry, Writings, even Live Chat on spiritual topics.







>______ ____

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