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To Sandeep - Identification

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You have limited the state of union with the divine. The truly liberated

one stays in a constant state of Nirvyutthana Samadhi. It is of the essence in

Advaita Shaivism that to reject the world as something different from the Self

is like the understanding of a child. One need not go to the forest or a cave;

indeed, to continue to live in the world while remaining jivanmukta, is the

highest state. Choose your judgements carefully and with full knowledge and


Much Light


Tim Gerchmez <fewtch

< >

Tuesday, March 16, 1999 10:05 PM

Re: To Sandeep - Re: Identification



Tim Gerchmez <fewtch



Dear Harsha,


Thank you for the explanation, it was helpful, although I would like to

hear Sandeep's explanation as well.


Apparently the "attainment" of nirvikalpa samadhi is a highly individual

thing (if there's anything worthwhile I took out of U.G. Krishnamurti's

writings, it is that there are as many different 'paths' as there are

people that trod them).


Also, I've discovered that it is indeed possible (and desirable for some)

to simply let the body drop off after nirvikalpa samadhi. But one thing is

almost certain to me, that few or none who post to these newsgroups have

'attained' nirvikalpa samadhi, for what would be the purpose of distracting

the Self to such a great extend from absorption in Brahman, except perhaps

purely in playing the role of bodhisattva? Thus I have to conclude that at

least 98% of those who post to any nonduality mailing list have not

'attained' nirvikalpa samadhi, but are still on their respective paths.

All paths essentially come to an end at nirvikalpa samadhi, for there is no

longer any use to trod a path once the 'destination' is reached.


With love, and thanks,





At 10:49 AM 3/16/99 -0500, you wrote:

>Harsha: You raise a good question Tim. Many answers have been offered.

>Ramakrishna once said that if one stays in Nirvikalpa Samadhi for too long

>(21 days), it is impossible to come back. This explanation is yogic in

>nature and dualistic like any explanation. Note that Nirvikalpa in the

>context of Kundalini appears to be explained somewhat differently than

>Kevala Nirvikalpa in the context of Jnana. On the other hand, many people


>continue to function after Self-Realization and so how to explain it. It is

>actually difficult to explain other than to say that the latent tendencies

>present continue with some force for some time. From the pure non-dual

>perspective, the whole issue is moot as Nirvikalpa is always present as the

>natural state. The Self that is beyond imagination is in fact never absent,

>cannot be absent in any state of consciousness. Therefore, the Perpetual

>Recognition with Total Complete and Utter Clarity that there is Only the

>Self is indeed the natural state referred to as Sahaj Samadhi. This appears

>to be the best explanation that can be given from a dualistic perspective.




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>"Gemini" <currwamp


>< >

> Re: To Sandeep - Re: Identification

>Tue, 16 Mar 1999 16:51:35 -0000



> The world is for God. After Self realization it is still for God

only. Marcus was once under the veil of Maya. This veil has been

pierced, and now Marcus sees. Everywhere he sees only bhaktananda.

Marcus sees others in the veil of Maya as he was, and knows they too

will pierce the veil in their appointed time. Nothing need be done

anymore. For the Shaiva all that is left is living in the world in

bliss. There is nothing to strive for, nothing to gain, nothing to lose,

nothing to renounce, nothing to embrace...all is Shiva. What else is

there? The Shaiva has but one thing to do...exist in the world until

mahasamadhi. The world is his very own; one does not reject his own

body. The liberated Shaiva neither seeks pleasure nor rejects it; he

simply enjoys it as it comes. Each moment is satchidananda--absolute

Being/Consciousness/Bliss. There is no yesterday or tommorrow; that is

illusion. There is only this moment. This is the bliss of the Siddha,

the jivanmukti.

> On a more personal level. Marcus retired from the ADFPA in 1989

after taking his division, but hurting his back in the process. There

was a surgery. 10 years later, in 1998, there was a serious accident at

work, leaving this body in pain that can't be spoken of. For 10 months

there has been only sitting at home. Not wanting to hide from the world,

this one posts a few messages daily to old friends and new ones, being

thankful for the technology that allows this thing to happen. What ends

does hiding in a cave bring? God does not hide, he blossoms outward in

all deeds. Until more time can be spent moving in the gross outside of

the house, this one from time to time sings his joy via the keys on this


> That was a very sincere question that is appreciated with love and

respect. Hopefully this partially answers the question good friend.





Dear Marcus,


Thnk you for your many kind posts, you have already shared here with us

much wisdom. So I am glad you are here, but sorry to hear of your

painful accident. When one is confined and recuperating, the computer

makes possible to meet such amazing people tho, from all over the world.

I guess I should not be still surprised to find so many bodhisattvas

(sp?), even on email lists, as they are just turning up everywhere

lately. :) I have been blessed to learn so much by listening here, but

not yet have I heard of the ADFPA and so I have ask to what is it and

how do you take a division ? I am laughing now myself, so it must be a

silly question to have to ask. While I am asking, what is bhaktananda

translation exactly?


With love,

Gloria Lee


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The world is for God. After Self realization it is still for God only.

Marcus was once under the veil of Maya. This veil has been pierced, and now

Marcus sees. Everywhere he sees only bhaktananda. Marcus sees others in the veil

of Maya as he was, and knows they too will pierce the veil in their appointed

time. Nothing need be done anymore. For the Shaiva all that is left is living

in the world in bliss. There is nothing to strive for, nothing to gain, nothing

to lose, nothing to renounce, nothing to embrace...all is Shiva. What else is

there? The Shaiva has but one thing to do...exist in the world until

mahasamadhi. The world is his very own; one does not reject his own body. The

liberated Shaiva neither seeks pleasure nor rejects it; he simply enjoys it as

it comes. Each moment is satchidananda--absolute Being/Consciousness/Bliss.

There is no yesterday or tommorrow; that is illusion. There is only this moment.

This is the bliss of the Siddha, the jivanmukti.

On a more personal level. Marcus retired from the ADFPA in 1989 after

taking his division, but hurting his back in the process. There was a surgery.

10 years later, in 1998, there was a serious accident at work, leaving this body

in pain that can't be spoken of. For 10 months there has been only sitting at

home. Not wanting to hide from the world, this one posts a few messages daily to

old friends and new ones, being thankful for the technology that allows this

thing to happen. What ends does hiding in a cave bring? God does not hide, he

blossoms outward in all deeds. Until more time can be spent moving in the gross

outside of the house, this one from time to time sings his joy via the keys on

this keyboard.

That was a very sincere question that is appreciated with love and respect.

Hopefully this partially answers the question good friend.



Tim Gerchmez <fewtch

< >

Tuesday, March 16, 1999 10:46 PM

Re: To Sandeep - Re: Identification



Tim Gerchmez <fewtch



Dear Marcus,


At 03:53 PM 3/16/99 -0000, you wrote:



You have limited the state of union with the divine. The truly

liberated one stays in a constant state of Nirvyutthana Samadhi. It is of

the essence in Advaita Shaivism that to reject the world as something

different from the Self is like the understanding of a child. One need not

go to the forest or a cave; indeed, to continue to live in the world while

remaining jivanmukta, is the highest state. Choose your judgements

carefully and with full knowledge and prudence.



I didn't mean specifically "leaving the world" or going into a forest or

cave, but what would be the purpose of an "enlightened" person to post to

mailing lists on the Internet? It seems that this is done mainly for

intellectual stimulation. Is it desirable to stimulate the mind? What

would be the purpose of this?


Still learning,






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You will grow at a steady rate. You have the heart, knowledge and will.

Remember though, there is nothing for the Self to see; but rather, you must see

the Self in all. There is nothing but the self. Renounce Maya, renounce

differentiation; quiet the buddhi mind. It has set you on the path, but Grace

must open your eyes. Let me give you the words of my Guru, Shri Nityananda, a

great being recognized the world over as the incarnation of God. These words

should burn into your soul, never forget these words.


"One must live in the world like common men. Once established in infinite

consciousness, one becomes silent and, knowing all, goes about as if knowing

nothing. Although he may be doing many things in several places, he outwardly

appears as if he is simply a witness of life--like a spectator at the cinema. he

is unaffected by events, whether pleasant or unpleasant. The ability to forget

everything and remain detached is the highest state possible

--Shri Nityananda

Tim Gerchmez <fewtch

< >

Tuesday, March 16, 1999 11:54 PM

Re: To Sandeep - Re: Identification



Tim Gerchmez <fewtch



Dear Marcus,


Thank you, that does help answer the question, but until this Self sees

nirvikalpa samadhi, all answers will remain partially dark. Intellectual

knowledge is mostly useless until real light dawns. Who even remembers it

two days from now? It requires constant reminders. It serves no purpose

but to sustain me and provide diversion until my reak work is done.


To my benefit, I find myself alone and with the opportunity to be quiet 90%

of the time (in a sense, I am currently living in a cave). This is what is

called for at this Now...as you stated, all things are as they should be.

Alone I am, at least 90% of the time, yet have never once even experienced

the slightest loneliness, for I know that I AM already One with All.


All that is left to be done is to "polish the glass" that prevents me from

seeing reality clearly. I continue this easy, casual polishing, with the

help of those such as you. There is no rush.


My thanks, and my Love to You,


Thy own Self,





At 04:51 PM 3/16/99 -0000, you wrote:



The world is for God. After Self realization it is still for God only.

Marcus was once under the veil of Maya. This veil has been pierced, and now

Marcus sees. Everywhere he sees only bhaktananda. Marcus sees others in the

veil of Maya as he was, and knows they too will pierce the veil in their

appointed time. Nothing need be done anymore. For the Shaiva all that is

left is living in the world in bliss. There is nothing to strive for,

nothing to gain, nothing to lose, nothing to renounce, nothing to

embrace...all is Shiva. What else is there? The Shaiva has but one thing to

do...exist in the world until mahasamadhi. The world is his very own; one

does not reject his own body. The liberated Shaiva neither seeks pleasure

nor rejects it; he simply enjoys it as it comes. Each moment is

satchidananda--absolute Being/Consciousness/Bliss. There is no yesterday or

tommorrow; that is illusion. There is only this moment. This is the bliss

of the Siddha, the jivanmukti.

On a more personal level. Marcus retired from the ADFPA in 1989 after

taking his division, but hurting his back in the process. There was a

surgery. 10 years later, in 1998, there was a serious accident at work,

leaving this body in pain that can't be spoken of. For 10 months there has

been only sitting at home. Not wanting to hide from the world, this one

posts a few messages daily to old friends and new ones, being thankful for

the technology that allows this thing to happen. What ends does hiding in a

cave bring? God does not hide, he blossoms outward in all deeds. Until more

time can be spent moving in the gross outside of the house, this one from

time to time sings his joy via the keys on this keyboard.

That was a very sincere question that is appreciated with love and

respect. Hopefully this partially answers the question good friend.






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Hi Gloria,

ADFPA stands for American Drug Free Powerlifting Association. The injury in

South Carolina during the 1988 Nationals qualifiers forced a premature


Bhaktananda means "Blissful, loving devotion."



gloria lee <glee_is

< >

Wednesday, March 17, 1999 12:40 AM

Re: To Sandeep - Re: Identification



"gloria lee" <glee_is




>"Gemini" <currwamp


>< >

> Re: To Sandeep - Re: Identification

>Tue, 16 Mar 1999 16:51:35 -0000



> The world is for God. After Self realization it is still for God

only. Marcus was once under the veil of Maya. This veil has been

pierced, and now Marcus sees. Everywhere he sees only bhaktananda.

Marcus sees others in the veil of Maya as he was, and knows they too

will pierce the veil in their appointed time. Nothing need be done

anymore. For the Shaiva all that is left is living in the world in

bliss. There is nothing to strive for, nothing to gain, nothing to lose,

nothing to renounce, nothing to embrace...all is Shiva. What else is

there? The Shaiva has but one thing to do...exist in the world until

mahasamadhi. The world is his very own; one does not reject his own

body. The liberated Shaiva neither seeks pleasure nor rejects it; he

simply enjoys it as it comes. Each moment is satchidananda--absolute

Being/Consciousness/Bliss. There is no yesterday or tommorrow; that is

illusion. There is only this moment. This is the bliss of the Siddha,

the jivanmukti.

> On a more personal level. Marcus retired from the ADFPA in 1989

after taking his division, but hurting his back in the process. There

was a surgery. 10 years later, in 1998, there was a serious accident at

work, leaving this body in pain that can't be spoken of. For 10 months

there has been only sitting at home. Not wanting to hide from the world,

this one posts a few messages daily to old friends and new ones, being

thankful for the technology that allows this thing to happen. What ends

does hiding in a cave bring? God does not hide, he blossoms outward in

all deeds. Until more time can be spent moving in the gross outside of

the house, this one from time to time sings his joy via the keys on this


> That was a very sincere question that is appreciated with love and

respect. Hopefully this partially answers the question good friend.





Dear Marcus,


Thnk you for your many kind posts, you have already shared here with us

much wisdom. So I am glad you are here, but sorry to hear of your

painful accident. When one is confined and recuperating, the computer

makes possible to meet such amazing people tho, from all over the world.

I guess I should not be still surprised to find so many bodhisattvas

(sp?), even on email lists, as they are just turning up everywhere

lately. :) I have been blessed to learn so much by listening here, but

not yet have I heard of the ADFPA and so I have ask to what is it and

how do you take a division ? I am laughing now myself, so it must be a

silly question to have to ask. While I am asking, what is bhaktananda

translation exactly?


With love,

Gloria Lee


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A final note good friend,

It is good that you appear unstable to others. As Kundalini Shakti has here

Divine way with you, clearing rubbish and purifying emotional and psychic

toxins, your behaviour will be strange, contradictory, even bizarre at times to

others. This is actually a great sign!



Tim Gerchmez <fewtch

< >

Wednesday, March 17, 1999 1:20 AM

Re: To Sandeep - Re: Identification



Tim Gerchmez <fewtch



Dear Marcus,


At 06:22 PM 3/16/99 -0000, you wrote:



You will grow at a steady rate.



Yes, that has been happening. Some of those around me don't seem to

understand it. One person even said that I have a "constantly wavering and

unstable mind." To this person I had no reply, for growth within me

through Grace has been quite rapid, that it may indeed appear this way to

others. Such does not concern me; I cannot afford to be concerned by what

others "think of me," only by what I think of MySelf. Who am I? Who am I?

That is the question!


I like Sri Nisargadatta's song of I AM; have you read it? The technique

that was taught him by his guru was to simply repeat as a mantra the words

"I AM" anytime a thought occurred, as a means of silencing thought. To

also meditate deeply upon the meaning of "I AM." To watch the sense "I

AM," keeping it always within the heart, and to find his true self. I

sense truth in this teaching. If you wish the URL for this gita out of

curiosity, ask and ye shall receive :-)


You have the heart, knowledge and will. Remember though, there is nothing

for the Self to see; but rather, you must see the Self in all.



This is the response of Nisargadatta:


"When the 'I am myself' goes, the 'I am all' comes. When the 'I am all'

goes, 'I am' comes. When even 'I am' goes, reality alone IS... "


There is nothing but the self.



Yes, I know this with a burning clarity. Now, to see it even more clearly,

until the understanding of it is so hot and bright it cannot be looked

upon. Then the Self will burn away the 'me' and all will be revealed.


Renounce Maya, renounce differentiation; quiet the buddhi mind. It has set

you on the path, but Grace must open your eyes.



This has been taking place. My eyes are half open already. But the lids

are certainly not thrown wide at this point. This will happen as Self

gives this gift to Self, and I understand that it cannot be forced.

Everything is in place now, "the stage is set" as the saying goes. Now the

audience only waits for the play to begin. And begin it will!


Let me give you the words of my Guru, Shri Nityananda, a great being

recognized the world over as the incarnation of God. These words should

burn into your soul, never forget these words.


"One must live in the world like common men. Once established in

infinite consciousness, one becomes silent and, knowing all, goes about as

if knowing nothing. Although he may be doing many things in several places,

he outwardly appears as if he is simply a witness of life--like a spectator

at the cinema. he is unaffected by events, whether pleasant or unpleasant.

The ability to forget everything and remain detached is the highest state

possible --Shri Nityananda



Thank you, I will indeed meditate deeply upon these words.



With great love and thanks,






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Dear Harsha,


Thank you for the explanation, it was helpful, although I would like to

hear Sandeep's explanation as well.


Apparently the "attainment" of nirvikalpa samadhi is a highly individual

thing (if there's anything worthwhile I took out of U.G. Krishnamurti's

writings, it is that there are as many different 'paths' as there are

people that trod them).


Also, I've discovered that it is indeed possible (and desirable for some)

to simply let the body drop off after nirvikalpa samadhi. But one thing is

almost certain to me, that few or none who post to these newsgroups have

'attained' nirvikalpa samadhi, for what would be the purpose of distracting

the Self to such a great extend from absorption in Brahman, except perhaps

purely in playing the role of bodhisattva? Thus I have to conclude that at

least 98% of those who post to any nonduality mailing list have not

'attained' nirvikalpa samadhi, but are still on their respective paths.

All paths essentially come to an end at nirvikalpa samadhi, for there is no

longer any use to trod a path once the 'destination' is reached.


With love, and thanks,





At 10:49 AM 3/16/99 -0500, you wrote:

>Harsha: You raise a good question Tim. Many answers have been offered.

>Ramakrishna once said that if one stays in Nirvikalpa Samadhi for too long

>(21 days), it is impossible to come back. This explanation is yogic in

>nature and dualistic like any explanation. Note that Nirvikalpa in the

>context of Kundalini appears to be explained somewhat differently than

>Kevala Nirvikalpa in the context of Jnana. On the other hand, many people do

>continue to function after Self-Realization and so how to explain it. It is

>actually difficult to explain other than to say that the latent tendencies

>present continue with some force for some time. From the pure non-dual

>perspective, the whole issue is moot as Nirvikalpa is always present as the

>natural state. The Self that is beyond imagination is in fact never absent,

>cannot be absent in any state of consciousness. Therefore, the Perpetual

>Recognition with Total Complete and Utter Clarity that there is Only the

>Self is indeed the natural state referred to as Sahaj Samadhi. This appears

>to be the best explanation that can be given from a dualistic perspective.




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Yes. It is a blessing to be intimate with all forms of existence, including

pain and suffering. The natural by-product of this is understanding of others in

like situations. It naturally breeds compassion. There has been much time for

advancement in understanding, which is also a blessing. We are never the

original authors of any action, there are no actions that are not of Chiti;

there is nothing other. This is indeed a time for deep Bhakti yogi for this one.

Thank you for your kind words, and my respects to you and your condition as

well. Keep on keeping on.



Gloria Greco <lodpress

< >

Wednesday, March 17, 1999 4:15 AM

Re: To Sandeep - Re: Identification



Gloria Greco <lodpress



> > On a more personal level. Marcus retired from the ADFPA in 1989

> after taking his division, but hurting his back in the process. There

> was a surgery. 10 years later, in 1998, there was a serious accident at

> work, leaving this body in pain that can't be spoken of. For 10 months

> there has been only sitting at home. Not wanting to hide from the world,

> this one posts a few messages daily to old friends and new ones, being

> thankful for the technology that allows this thing to happen. What ends

> does hiding in a cave bring? God does not hide, he blossoms outward in

> all deeds. Until more time can be spent moving in the gross outside of

> the house, this one from time to time sings his joy via the keys on this

> keyboard.

> > That was a very sincere question that is appreciated with love and

> respect. Hopefully this partially answers the question good friend.




Hi Marcus,

Many of us go the route of learning in spirit by laying our bodies down

for a time. It is really an excellent vehicle for overcoming on many

levels. I have had three back surgeries and with each experience used it

for fine tuning inside. What a wonderful time to leave the body and do

soul work.

While right now you have experienced 10 months of quiet, if it is God's

Will this will change. When I saw my doctor the other day he told me he

thought that I would need surgeries on three other disc's, I said,

whatever. I will know if it is necessary.

I really am fine, and it hasn't stopped me from working with my foster

kids, or my grandchildren, writing or whatever else comes up. This is

God working through me, the body is God working through whatever appears

to be an obstacle. It has nothing to do with me, it is an illusion you

know. It is not real. The body will function according to God's Will and

Purpose. Sometimes having things that would be a great burden to one

self involved becomes an example of overcoming that God uses for higher





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Dear Marcus,


At 03:53 PM 3/16/99 -0000, you wrote:



You have limited the state of union with the divine. The truly

liberated one stays in a constant state of Nirvyutthana Samadhi. It is of

the essence in Advaita Shaivism that to reject the world as something

different from the Self is like the understanding of a child. One need not

go to the forest or a cave; indeed, to continue to live in the world while

remaining jivanmukta, is the highest state. Choose your judgements

carefully and with full knowledge and prudence.



I didn't mean specifically "leaving the world" or going into a forest or

cave, but what would be the purpose of an "enlightened" person to post to

mailing lists on the Internet? It seems that this is done mainly for

intellectual stimulation. Is it desirable to stimulate the mind? What

would be the purpose of this?


Still learning,






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http://www.eskimo.com/~fewtch/ND/index.html -

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Dear Marcus,


Thank you, that does help answer the question, but until this Self sees

nirvikalpa samadhi, all answers will remain partially dark. Intellectual

knowledge is mostly useless until real light dawns. Who even remembers it

two days from now? It requires constant reminders. It serves no purpose

but to sustain me and provide diversion until my reak work is done.


To my benefit, I find myself alone and with the opportunity to be quiet 90%

of the time (in a sense, I am currently living in a cave). This is what is

called for at this Now...as you stated, all things are as they should be.

Alone I am, at least 90% of the time, yet have never once even experienced

the slightest loneliness, for I know that I AM already One with All.


All that is left to be done is to "polish the glass" that prevents me from

seeing reality clearly. I continue this easy, casual polishing, with the

help of those such as you. There is no rush.


My thanks, and my Love to You,


Thy own Self,





At 04:51 PM 3/16/99 -0000, you wrote:



The world is for God. After Self realization it is still for God only.

Marcus was once under the veil of Maya. This veil has been pierced, and now

Marcus sees. Everywhere he sees only bhaktananda. Marcus sees others in the

veil of Maya as he was, and knows they too will pierce the veil in their

appointed time. Nothing need be done anymore. For the Shaiva all that is

left is living in the world in bliss. There is nothing to strive for,

nothing to gain, nothing to lose, nothing to renounce, nothing to

embrace...all is Shiva. What else is there? The Shaiva has but one thing to

do...exist in the world until mahasamadhi. The world is his very own; one

does not reject his own body. The liberated Shaiva neither seeks pleasure

nor rejects it; he simply enjoys it as it comes. Each moment is

satchidananda--absolute Being/Consciousness/Bliss. There is no yesterday or

tommorrow; that is illusion. There is only this moment. This is the bliss

of the Siddha, the jivanmukti.

On a more personal level. Marcus retired from the ADFPA in 1989 after

taking his division, but hurting his back in the process. There was a

surgery. 10 years later, in 1998, there was a serious accident at work,

leaving this body in pain that can't be spoken of. For 10 months there has

been only sitting at home. Not wanting to hide from the world, this one

posts a few messages daily to old friends and new ones, being thankful for

the technology that allows this thing to happen. What ends does hiding in a

cave bring? God does not hide, he blossoms outward in all deeds. Until more

time can be spent moving in the gross outside of the house, this one from

time to time sings his joy via the keys on this keyboard.

That was a very sincere question that is appreciated with love and

respect. Hopefully this partially answers the question good friend.






The CORE of Reality awaits you at:

http://www.eskimo.com/~fewtch/ND/index.html -

Poetry, Writings, Live Chat on spiritual topics.

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Dear Marcus,


At 06:22 PM 3/16/99 -0000, you wrote:



You will grow at a steady rate.



Yes, that has been happening. Some of those around me don't seem to

understand it. One person even said that I have a "constantly wavering and

unstable mind." To this person I had no reply, for growth within me

through Grace has been quite rapid, that it may indeed appear this way to

others. Such does not concern me; I cannot afford to be concerned by what

others "think of me," only by what I think of MySelf. Who am I? Who am I?

That is the question!


I like Sri Nisargadatta's song of I AM; have you read it? The technique

that was taught him by his guru was to simply repeat as a mantra the words

"I AM" anytime a thought occurred, as a means of silencing thought. To

also meditate deeply upon the meaning of "I AM." To watch the sense "I

AM," keeping it always within the heart, and to find his true self. I

sense truth in this teaching. If you wish the URL for this gita out of

curiosity, ask and ye shall receive :-)


You have the heart, knowledge and will. Remember though, there is nothing

for the Self to see; but rather, you must see the Self in all.



This is the response of Nisargadatta:


"When the 'I am myself' goes, the 'I am all' comes. When the 'I am all'

goes, 'I am' comes. When even 'I am' goes, reality alone IS... "


There is nothing but the self.



Yes, I know this with a burning clarity. Now, to see it even more clearly,

until the understanding of it is so hot and bright it cannot be looked

upon. Then the Self will burn away the 'me' and all will be revealed.


Renounce Maya, renounce differentiation; quiet the buddhi mind. It has set

you on the path, but Grace must open your eyes.



This has been taking place. My eyes are half open already. But the lids

are certainly not thrown wide at this point. This will happen as Self

gives this gift to Self, and I understand that it cannot be forced.

Everything is in place now, "the stage is set" as the saying goes. Now the

audience only waits for the play to begin. And begin it will!


Let me give you the words of my Guru, Shri Nityananda, a great being

recognized the world over as the incarnation of God. These words should

burn into your soul, never forget these words.


"One must live in the world like common men. Once established in

infinite consciousness, one becomes silent and, knowing all, goes about as

if knowing nothing. Although he may be doing many things in several places,

he outwardly appears as if he is simply a witness of life--like a spectator

at the cinema. he is unaffected by events, whether pleasant or unpleasant.

The ability to forget everything and remain detached is the highest state

possible --Shri Nityananda



Thank you, I will indeed meditate deeply upon these words.



With great love and thanks,






The CORE of Reality awaits you at:

http://www.eskimo.com/~fewtch/ND/index.html -

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> > On a more personal level. Marcus retired from the ADFPA in 1989

> after taking his division, but hurting his back in the process. There

> was a surgery. 10 years later, in 1998, there was a serious accident at

> work, leaving this body in pain that can't be spoken of. For 10 months

> there has been only sitting at home. Not wanting to hide from the world,

> this one posts a few messages daily to old friends and new ones, being

> thankful for the technology that allows this thing to happen. What ends

> does hiding in a cave bring? God does not hide, he blossoms outward in

> all deeds. Until more time can be spent moving in the gross outside of

> the house, this one from time to time sings his joy via the keys on this

> keyboard.

> > That was a very sincere question that is appreciated with love and

> respect. Hopefully this partially answers the question good friend.




Hi Marcus,

Many of us go the route of learning in spirit by laying our bodies down

for a time. It is really an excellent vehicle for overcoming on many

levels. I have had three back surgeries and with each experience used it

for fine tuning inside. What a wonderful time to leave the body and do

soul work.

While right now you have experienced 10 months of quiet, if it is God's

Will this will change. When I saw my doctor the other day he told me he

thought that I would need surgeries on three other disc's, I said,

whatever. I will know if it is necessary.

I really am fine, and it hasn't stopped me from working with my foster

kids, or my grandchildren, writing or whatever else comes up. This is

God working through me, the body is God working through whatever appears

to be an obstacle. It has nothing to do with me, it is an illusion you

know. It is not real. The body will function according to God's Will and

Purpose. Sometimes having things that would be a great burden to one

self involved becomes an example of overcoming that God uses for higher



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Gemini wrote:


> Gloria,

>      Yes. It is a blessing to be intimate with all forms of existence,

> including pain and suffering. The natural by-product of this is

> understanding of others in like situations. It naturally breeds

> compassion. There has been much time for advancement in understanding,

> which is also a blessing. We are never the original authors of any

> action, there are no actions that are not of Chiti; there is nothing

> other. This is indeed a time for deep Bhakti yogi for this one. Thank

> you for your kind words, and my respects to you and your condition as

> well. Keep on keeping on.

> Bhaktananda

> Marcus



It isn't even keeping on, it is just accepting it as perfect and

neutralizing all thoughts, ideas about it. In detachment we realize

happy/sad, pain/suffering/ when you simply accept it all as perfect then

you don't feel it.



> Gloria Greco <lodpress

> < >

> Wednesday, March 17, 1999 4:15 AM

> Re: To Sandeep - Re:

> Identification


> Gloria Greco <lodpress


> Marcus

> > >     On a more personal level. Marcus retired from the

> ADFPA in 1989

> > after taking his division, but hurting his back in the

> process. There

> > was a surgery. 10 years later, in 1998, there was a

> serious accident at

> > work, leaving this body in pain that can't be spoken of.

> For 10 months

> > there has been only sitting at home. Not wanting to hide

> from the world,

> > this one posts a few messages daily to old friends and new

> ones, being

> > thankful for the technology that allows this thing to

> happen. What ends

> > does hiding in a cave bring? God does not hide, he

> blossoms outward in

> > all deeds. Until more time can be spent moving in the

> gross outside of

> > the house, this one from time to time sings his joy via

> the keys on this

> > keyboard.

> > >     That was a very sincere question that is appreciated

> with love and

> > respect. Hopefully this partially answers the question

> good friend.

> >


> Gloria:

> Hi Marcus,

> Many of us go the route of learning in spirit by laying our

> bodies down

> for a time. It is really an excellent vehicle for overcoming

> on many

> levels. I have had three back surgeries and with each

> experience used it

> for fine tuning inside. What a wonderful time to leave the

> body and do

> soul work.

> While right now you have experienced 10 months of quiet, if

> it is God's

> Will this will change. When I saw my doctor the other day he

> told me he

> thought that I would need surgeries on three other disc's, I

> said,

> whatever. I will know if it is necessary.

> I really am fine, and it hasn't stopped me from working with

> my foster

> kids, or my grandchildren, writing or whatever else comes

> up. This is

> God working through me, the body is God working through

> whatever appears

> to be an obstacle. It has nothing to do with me, it is an

> illusion you

> know. It is not real. The body will function according to

> God's Will and

> Purpose.  Sometimes having things that would be a great

> burden to one

> self involved becomes an example of overcoming that God uses

> for higher

> purpose. 

> >


> ------

> Start a new hobby. Meet a new friend.


> Onelist:  The leading provider of free email list services




Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.

Gloria Joy Greco

e-mail me at : lodpress and visit our homepages at:




Hope you enjoy them!

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Gloria Greco <lodpress

< >

Wednesday, March 17, 1999 4:49 AM

Re: To Sandeep - Re: Identification



Gloria Greco <lodpress


Gemini wrote:


> Gloria,

> Yes. It is a blessing to be intimate with all forms of existence,

> including pain and suffering. The natural by-product of this is

> understanding of others in like situations. It naturally breeds

> compassion. There has been much time for advancement in understanding,

> which is also a blessing. We are never the original authors of any

> action, there are no actions that are not of Chiti; there is nothing

> other. This is indeed a time for deep Bhakti yogi for this one. Thank

> you for your kind words, and my respects to you and your condition as

> well. Keep on keeping on.

> Bhaktananda

> Marcus



It isn't even keeping on, it is just accepting it as perfect and

neutralizing all thoughts, ideas about it. In detachment we realize

happy/sad, pain/suffering/ when you simply accept it all as perfect then

you don't feel it.



> Gloria Greco <lodpress

> < >

> Wednesday, March 17, 1999 4:15 AM

> Re: To Sandeep - Re:

> Identification


> Gloria Greco <lodpress


> Marcus

> > > On a more personal level. Marcus retired from the

> ADFPA in 1989

> > after taking his division, but hurting his back in the

> process. There

> > was a surgery. 10 years later, in 1998, there was a

> serious accident at

> > work, leaving this body in pain that can't be spoken of.

> For 10 months

> > there has been only sitting at home. Not wanting to hide

> from the world,

> > this one posts a few messages daily to old friends and new

> ones, being

> > thankful for the technology that allows this thing to

> happen. What ends

> > does hiding in a cave bring? God does not hide, he

> blossoms outward in

> > all deeds. Until more time can be spent moving in the

> gross outside of

> > the house, this one from time to time sings his joy via

> the keys on this

> > keyboard.

> > > That was a very sincere question that is appreciated

> with love and

> > respect. Hopefully this partially answers the question

> good friend.

> >


> Gloria:

> Hi Marcus,

> Many of us go the route of learning in spirit by laying our

> bodies down

> for a time. It is really an excellent vehicle for overcoming

> on many

> levels. I have had three back surgeries and with each

> experience used it

> for fine tuning inside. What a wonderful time to leave the

> body and do

> soul work.

> While right now you have experienced 10 months of quiet, if

> it is God's

> Will this will change. When I saw my doctor the other day he

> told me he

> thought that I would need surgeries on three other disc's, I

> said,

> whatever. I will know if it is necessary.

> I really am fine, and it hasn't stopped me from working with

> my foster

> kids, or my grandchildren, writing or whatever else comes

> up. This is

> God working through me, the body is God working through

> whatever appears

> to be an obstacle. It has nothing to do with me, it is an

> illusion you

> know. It is not real. The body will function according to

> God's Will and

> Purpose. Sometimes having things that would be a great

> burden to one

> self involved becomes an example of overcoming that God uses

> for higher

> purpose.

> >




> Start a new hobby. Meet a new friend.


> Onelist: The leading provider of free email list services




Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.

Gloria Joy Greco

e-mail me at : lodpress and visit our homepages at:




Hope you enjoy them!



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Ha! Jan these stories are good to hear. There is something to learn in

everything, person, and place, isn't it true? Have a perfect day!



jb <kvy9

< >

Wednesday, March 17, 1999 12:48 PM

Re: To Sandeep - Re: Identification



Quite an interesting story Marcus. Something of the same kind happened to

me. After an infection in an "old" cornea transplant there were two operations

to provide a new transplant and both were rejected. As it concerned the dominant

eye, vision was insufficient for computer aided design (electronics), resulting

in early retirement. Finding out that high intensity light improves vision as

great deal, I (literally)packed a few bags and left for the "sunny" side. The

change from hermit with a job to hermit without a job was only a minor

adjustment :)



Gemini [currwamp]

Tuesday, March 16, 1999 18:50

Re: To Sandeep - Re: Identification



Hi Gloria,

ADFPA stands for American Drug Free Powerlifting Association. The

injury in South Carolina during the 1988 Nationals qualifiers forced a premature


Bhaktananda means "Blissful, loving devotion."



gloria lee <glee_is

< >

Wednesday, March 17, 1999 12:40 AM

Re: To Sandeep - Re: Identification



"gloria lee" <glee_is




>"Gemini" <currwamp


>< >

> Re: To Sandeep - Re: Identification

>Tue, 16 Mar 1999 16:51:35 -0000



> The world is for God. After Self realization it is still for


only. Marcus was once under the veil of Maya. This veil has been

pierced, and now Marcus sees. Everywhere he sees only bhaktananda.

Marcus sees others in the veil of Maya as he was, and knows they too

will pierce the veil in their appointed time. Nothing need be done

anymore. For the Shaiva all that is left is living in the world in

bliss. There is nothing to strive for, nothing to gain, nothing to


nothing to renounce, nothing to embrace...all is Shiva. What else is

there? The Shaiva has but one thing to do...exist in the world until

mahasamadhi. The world is his very own; one does not reject his own

body. The liberated Shaiva neither seeks pleasure nor rejects it; he

simply enjoys it as it comes. Each moment is satchidananda--absolute

Being/Consciousness/Bliss. There is no yesterday or tommorrow; that


illusion. There is only this moment. This is the bliss of the


the jivanmukti.

> On a more personal level. Marcus retired from the ADFPA in


after taking his division, but hurting his back in the process.


was a surgery. 10 years later, in 1998, there was a serious accident


work, leaving this body in pain that can't be spoken of. For 10


there has been only sitting at home. Not wanting to hide from the


this one posts a few messages daily to old friends and new ones,


thankful for the technology that allows this thing to happen. What


does hiding in a cave bring? God does not hide, he blossoms outward


all deeds. Until more time can be spent moving in the gross outside


the house, this one from time to time sings his joy via the keys on



> That was a very sincere question that is appreciated with love


respect. Hopefully this partially answers the question good friend.





Dear Marcus,


Thnk you for your many kind posts, you have already shared here with


much wisdom. So I am glad you are here, but sorry to hear of your

painful accident. When one is confined and recuperating, the


makes possible to meet such amazing people tho, from all over the


I guess I should not be still surprised to find so many bodhisattvas

(sp?), even on email lists, as they are just turning up everywhere

lately. :) I have been blessed to learn so much by listening here,


not yet have I heard of the ADFPA and so I have ask to what is it


how do you take a division ? I am laughing now myself, so it must be


silly question to have to ask. While I am asking, what is


translation exactly?


With love,

Gloria Lee


Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com



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Quite an interesting story Marcus. Something of the same kind happened to

me. After an infection in an "old" cornea transplant there were two

operations to provide a new transplant and both were rejected. As it

concerned the dominant eye, vision was insufficient for computer aided

design (electronics), resulting in early retirement. Finding out that high

intensity light improves vision as great deal, I (literally)packed a few

bags and left for the "sunny" side. The change from hermit with a job to

hermit without a job was only a minor adjustment :)



Gemini [currwamp]

Tuesday, March 16, 1999 18:50

Re: To Sandeep - Re: Identification



Hi Gloria,

ADFPA stands for American Drug Free Powerlifting Association. The

injury in South Carolina during the 1988 Nationals qualifiers forced a

premature retirement.

Bhaktananda means "Blissful, loving devotion."



gloria lee <glee_is

< >

Wednesday, March 17, 1999 12:40 AM

Re: To Sandeep - Re: Identification



"gloria lee" <glee_is




>"Gemini" <currwamp


>< >

> Re: To Sandeep - Re: Identification

>Tue, 16 Mar 1999 16:51:35 -0000



> The world is for God. After Self realization it is still for


only. Marcus was once under the veil of Maya. This veil has been

pierced, and now Marcus sees. Everywhere he sees only bhaktananda.

Marcus sees others in the veil of Maya as he was, and knows they too

will pierce the veil in their appointed time. Nothing need be done

anymore. For the Shaiva all that is left is living in the world in

bliss. There is nothing to strive for, nothing to gain, nothing to


nothing to renounce, nothing to embrace...all is Shiva. What else is

there? The Shaiva has but one thing to do...exist in the world until

mahasamadhi. The world is his very own; one does not reject his own

body. The liberated Shaiva neither seeks pleasure nor rejects it; he

simply enjoys it as it comes. Each moment is satchidananda--absolute

Being/Consciousness/Bliss. There is no yesterday or tommorrow; that


illusion. There is only this moment. This is the bliss of the


the jivanmukti.

> On a more personal level. Marcus retired from the ADFPA in


after taking his division, but hurting his back in the process.


was a surgery. 10 years later, in 1998, there was a serious accident


work, leaving this body in pain that can't be spoken of. For 10


there has been only sitting at home. Not wanting to hide from the


this one posts a few messages daily to old friends and new ones,


thankful for the technology that allows this thing to happen. What


does hiding in a cave bring? God does not hide, he blossoms outward


all deeds. Until more time can be spent moving in the gross outside


the house, this one from time to time sings his joy via the keys on



> That was a very sincere question that is appreciated with love


respect. Hopefully this partially answers the question good friend.





Dear Marcus,


Thnk you for your many kind posts, you have already shared here with


much wisdom. So I am glad you are here, but sorry to hear of your

painful accident. When one is confined and recuperating, the


makes possible to meet such amazing people tho, from all over the


I guess I should not be still surprised to find so many bodhisattvas

(sp?), even on email lists, as they are just turning up everywhere

lately. :) I have been blessed to learn so much by listening here,


not yet have I heard of the ADFPA and so I have ask to what is it


how do you take a division ? I am laughing now myself, so it must be


silly question to have to ask. While I am asking, what is


translation exactly?


With love,

Gloria Lee


Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com




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can we please not post a 14k message to the list with the only change or

comment being "Good Post!"


thank you!


| Debora A. Orf |

| dorf01 | You can only start where you are.

| |

| %-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%_%|@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@_@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@

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Gemini [currwamp]

Wednesday, March 17, 1999 09:09

Re: To Sandeep - Re: Identification



Ha! Jan these stories are good to hear. There is something to learn in

everything, person, and place, isn't it true? Have a perfect day!




I would have to reflect on the difference between adaptation and

learning to answer that one; it certainly was strange suddenly to be living

in a place with a pleasant kind of anarchy ("do as you please but without

harming") where it is an advantage not to speak the language :) It was a

nice opportunity to test the dictum "Self-reliance is the highest virtue".



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