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Fw: Paravak

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There is the common misconception that words can adequately describe the

subtle. This is like a mute trying to describe chocolate. Spanda is the term

used to describe the Divine Creative Principle. At the highest, or most suble

level is Paravak (or Paravani), or energy of ParaShakti. This level is pure

Cosmic Ideation; Logos. The Divine Creative Principle. Speech is at the lowest,

or gross level, and as such, trying to describe what impossible to describe with

gross words makes it a moot point. Perhaps this forward will be of help to some.






I have found some material that expounds on the four levels of speech that

I printed earlier. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of this post. For

the scientist in all of us, this post should invoke long periods of

contemplation, following the ascent back from the gross, to the most subtle.

This is from Swami Muktananda's book 'I Am That--The Science of Hamsa.'



That inner vibration, which is the source of all sound, is called by the

scriptures paravani or paravak, supreme speech. The paravani level of speech

exists within all of us. Ordinarily, we are aware of only one level of speech.

We are aware only of the speech of our inert physical tongue, just as we are

aware only of our physical body and senses. yet the pysical body is only the

body of the waking state. Within the pysical body is the subtle body into which

we enter when we dream. Beyond that is the causal body, in which we experience

deep sleep. And beyond the causal body is the supracausal body, the body of pure

light, in which we experience the state of true meditation, the transcendental

state called turiya. Just as we have these four bodies, one within the other, we

also have four levels of speech, which are linked with the four bodies.

The name of the gross level of speech, the speech of the physical tongue,

is vaikari. The second level of speech is called madhyama; it corresponds to the

subtle body and is located in the throat region. The third level of speech,

called pashyanti, corresponds to the causal body and is located in the region of

the heart. The fourth and highest level of speech is located in the navel

region. That is Paravani. Paravani is the level of sound as pure, unmanifest

Consciousness, the level of the Self. It pervades everything, extending from

east to west, from south to north, from above to below. It is within all of us;

it is spanda, the inner creative pulsation which continually vibrates. The

entire universe, with all its forms, was born from that pulsation of paravani.

Infinite syllables and words and sentences exist within paravani in the form of

vibration. A peacock egg contains all the colors of a peacock's feathers in a

potential form. Similarly, all words and syllables exist in paravani in an

undifferentiated seed form. That seed, which contains all words, is the pure

aham, the perfect I-consciousness.

All mantras come out of paravani. Paravani is nothing but Parashakti, the

supreme energy which creates the universe. Its nature is movement without any

underlying support. The Ishwara Pratyabhijna says that the Self is immobile; it

is always still, but paravani gives it the appearance of movement. Shiva, the

supreme Reality, is completely tranquil. It is only because of his Shakti, his

energy, that there is movenent. It is because of Shakti that Shiva has awareness

of himself. That self-awarenss is aham vimarsha, the throb of pure

I-consciousness, and it is from that original throb of self-awareness that the

creation of the universe begins. The pure aham is paravani. So paravani is the

creative pulsation of the Self. it is Kundalini, the inner spiritual energy. It

is the Universal Consciousness, the all-pervading supreme principle.


* From Marcus--When we contemplate this, from the gross level to the level of

paravani or paravak, we come to see that all sound is synonymous with energy;

Parashakti, the Kundalini Shakti that is the universe itself, the knower, the

known, and the means. We see that this is one with Paramashiva; the energy of

Shiva; ShivaShakti. With a sudden burst of realization, we come to truly

understand the nature of Self.


Much Light,


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I am sending you two posts. One on the meditation of the inner sound, or

Shabda. A profound core meditation used since in India for centuries. It is not

widely known in many regions in the West, but pertains to the very sound which

is of the essence of creation; In fact Shabda literally means "sound as such"

and can be the vehicle for much Grace. Also sending a post to the list on

Matrka: matrka is the power inherant in all the letters of the alphabet. This

confounds the bound individual and enlightens the individual with understanding.

This is such an important facet to understand. Matrka is a post worth reading

three times.



Dharma <fisher1

< >

Thursday, March 18, 1999 8:34 AM

Re: Fw: Paravak



Dharma <fisher1


Hi Marcus,

> There is the common misconception that words can adequately

>describe the subtle. This is like a mute trying to describe chocolate.

>Spanda is the term used to describe the Divine Creative Principle. At the

>highest, or most suble level is Paravak (or Paravani), or energy of

>ParaShakti. This level is pure Cosmic Ideation; Logos. The Divine Creative



Thank you for this post! I have that book, but I seem to have gone right

over this passage without spending enough time with it.


I hear various sounds, and I use sound in meditation... but I don't know

how one would know which center it's connected to... to me it all seems to

be in the head...


I usually have noise in my ears of various sorts, but sometimes one ear

suddenly goes completely silent and then a single tone comes, sometimes

fairly loud... I think sometimes it's my spiritual guru, my higher self,

getting my attention for one reason or another... but sometimes I feel I

should meditate with it, and I do.


When I'm in meditation, sometimes one clear tone appears. I drop anything

else and just focus on that tone... hearing it as clearly and loudly as

possible, feeling it, aware of nothing but that... going wherever it leads

me... If there's more than one tone, I either focus on the loudest and

clearest or listen to the several tones together... the chord...


I don't know just what I'm doing with this... but since I know I'm guided,

I follow...


Can you tell me more about this? Thank you..








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Hi Marcus,

> There is the common misconception that words can adequately

>describe the subtle. This is like a mute trying to describe chocolate.

>Spanda is the term used to describe the Divine Creative Principle. At the

>highest, or most suble level is Paravak (or Paravani), or energy of

>ParaShakti. This level is pure Cosmic Ideation; Logos. The Divine Creative



Thank you for this post! I have that book, but I seem to have gone right

over this passage without spending enough time with it.


I hear various sounds, and I use sound in meditation... but I don't know

how one would know which center it's connected to... to me it all seems to

be in the head...


I usually have noise in my ears of various sorts, but sometimes one ear

suddenly goes completely silent and then a single tone comes, sometimes

fairly loud... I think sometimes it's my spiritual guru, my higher self,

getting my attention for one reason or another... but sometimes I feel I

should meditate with it, and I do.


When I'm in meditation, sometimes one clear tone appears. I drop anything

else and just focus on that tone... hearing it as clearly and loudly as

possible, feeling it, aware of nothing but that... going wherever it leads

me... If there's more than one tone, I either focus on the loudest and

clearest or listen to the several tones together... the chord...


I don't know just what I'm doing with this... but since I know I'm guided,

I follow...


Can you tell me more about this? Thank you..




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The sound in your ears is a wonderful, a beautiful sign! Matrka is the

power inherant in all letters of all languages. Matrika begins differention from

pure creative energy to "individualized" sounds, such as vowels and consonants.

For instance, the word hate. First, pure sound or energy has to differentiate

into the individual letters h-a-t-e. These four letters are then put together to

form the fluid gross form, or whole word hate. The word hate then brings vivid

images; images of a particular thing, or particularity. It is the endless

combinations of letters to form words, and the images the words conjure up in

the mind that form differentiation. Following this in all words back to the

source gives us a flash of realization that seemingly "different" things are in

actuality only manifestations of one supreme energy. Words and the images they

produce are the cloak over the subtle background unity in all things. Matrka is

the crown jewel of Maya. Hope your day is well!



Dharma <fisher1

< >

Thursday, March 18, 1999 2:18 PM

Re: Fw: Paravak



Dharma <fisher1



> I am sending you two posts. One on the meditation of the inner sound,

>or Shabda. A profound core meditation used since in India for centuries.

>It is not widely known in many regions in the West, but pertains to the

>very sound which is of the essence of creation; In fact Shabda literally

>means "sound as such" and can be the vehicle for much Grace.


Thank you so much. And to think, I've thought for years that the noise in

my ears was because something was wrong! :)) I even stopped taking aspirin

for a while because I read that too much aspirin could cause noise in the

ears. But of course nothing changed. :)

> Also sending a post to the list on Matrka: matrka is the power inherant

>in all the letters of the alphabet.


I have not paid much attention to this sort of thing in the past because

what I saw always seemed to be about Sanskrit letters, and I don't even

know how to pronounce them properly. Of course, the Tibetans use their own

writing, and Kabbalah says the Hebrew letters are the archetypes through

which the world was created. :) But you seem to be saying that this works

just as well using our own letters, is that right?

> Sit quitly and watch the play of the matrkda sakti. Watch how the

>matrka gives rise to letters, how the letters compose words, how the

>meaning of the words creates images in the mind; watch how you become

>involved in these images.


Does this mean to see the forms of the written letters arise? Or can it be

the sounds which arise? I'm wondering if this sort of meditation might

have begun before there was writing. If so, it would have had to be a

matter of watching the arising of sounds and their combinations into words,



BTW, in your post two sentences are repeated:

>Matrka creates infinite images. If one doesn't identify with the images or

>their objects, one doesn't experience suffering.


Strangely enough, this is exactly what I needed to read. There are no

accidents, they say. :)


Thank you!








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> I am sending you two posts. One on the meditation of the inner sound,

>or Shabda. A profound core meditation used since in India for centuries.

>It is not widely known in many regions in the West, but pertains to the

>very sound which is of the essence of creation; In fact Shabda literally

>means "sound as such" and can be the vehicle for much Grace.


Thank you so much. And to think, I've thought for years that the noise in

my ears was because something was wrong! :)) I even stopped taking aspirin

for a while because I read that too much aspirin could cause noise in the

ears. But of course nothing changed. :)

> Also sending a post to the list on Matrka: matrka is the power inherant

>in all the letters of the alphabet.


I have not paid much attention to this sort of thing in the past because

what I saw always seemed to be about Sanskrit letters, and I don't even

know how to pronounce them properly. Of course, the Tibetans use their own

writing, and Kabbalah says the Hebrew letters are the archetypes through

which the world was created. :) But you seem to be saying that this works

just as well using our own letters, is that right?

> Sit quitly and watch the play of the matrkda sakti. Watch how the

>matrka gives rise to letters, how the letters compose words, how the

>meaning of the words creates images in the mind; watch how you become

>involved in these images.


Does this mean to see the forms of the written letters arise? Or can it be

the sounds which arise? I'm wondering if this sort of meditation might

have begun before there was writing. If so, it would have had to be a

matter of watching the arising of sounds and their combinations into words,



BTW, in your post two sentences are repeated:

>Matrka creates infinite images. If one doesn't identify with the images or

>their objects, one doesn't experience suffering.


Strangely enough, this is exactly what I needed to read. There are no

accidents, they say. :)


Thank you!




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Hi Holly,


Does it bother you? Like, in your work, sleep, conversations, listening

to music, etc.?


Thanks, Sam.

>hbarrett (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.)



> Re: Fw: Paravak

>Thu, 18 Mar 1999 14:57:25 -0600 (CST)


>hbarrett (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.)


>I'm with Janpa, Tim, this is quite different from tinnitus, which I've

>also had. The hum began faintly and sporadically, like the sound of a

>generator. Now I hear all kinds of different tones and chords, 24 hrs.

>a day. Often they seem connected to body energies and effervescences

>(can't figure out how to describe these -- somebody said champagne

>bubbles and that's pretty good). Sometimes when I'm aware of the tones

>in a lucid dream they are particularly gorgeous. Thanks to your good

>suggestion, I re-read The Black Butterfly and these sounds fit in quite

>well with Moss's theories about energy. Holly



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Your experience is really not uncommon, and you explain it just as it has

been told to me two dozen times. Take heart!

Much Light


Debora A. Orf <dorf01

< >

Thursday, March 18, 1999 7:29 PM

Re: Fw: Paravak



"Debora A. Orf" <dorf01


On Thu, 18 Mar 1999, Tim Gerchmez wrote:

> *Sigh*... it's called tinnitus, it's a common condition where a sound is

> heard without direct stimulation of the eardrum, probably a sympathetic

> biochemical reaction either within the auditory nerves or in the area of

> the brain they're connected to. An overdose of salicylates (as in,

> aspirin) can bring it on, as can many other things, including a blow to


> head, too much loud music, jet-lag, etc. Grace? Maybe, dunno. This is

> just a little too "far out" for me. I'll pass on the Shabda-tinnitus.


> Tim


even my rather pathetic yogic attempts have revealed it is *not* tinitus!


For me, its connected to empathic ability. if i think of someone, or if

someone thinks of me, an ear will ring, right ear seems to be more my Guru

and vajra-friends, other loved ones, sometimes my left ear seems to be

other folks. Ok sounds far out, but this is just one woman's experience

with it :).


Sometimes, its a feeling/sensation around the heart chakra too, like

someone tapping on my aura for my attention :).


One buddhist deity, name of Avolokiteshvara, is also called the one who

hears the cries of the world. so imo, its all kinda cool.






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Tim Gerchmez wrote:

> Dear Jill,


> This is very interesting to me, as I have never once heard the sound OM,

> and in fact do not even feel any resonance when attempting to chant it.

> Did you hear it literally as "OHM," or was it more as the sound "AUM?"

* * *

Dear Tim,

I am a duck out of water here but would like to share something.I have

been reading all of the posts,trying to understand and I know very

little,,but I am learning. I am a catholic priest through the Anglican

line so I resonate a little differently.

Some years ago I was doing light housework and put on a tape of "OM".

I do not know when it happened but I saw "OM" and heard "OM". I have

studied the trinity involved in the A U M into the O M, so mentally I

had a little understanding. Suddenly there was a buzzing roar. And I am

a musician,teaching piano,flute and guitar. The "OM" has airplanes

taking off in it. And over tones. Overtones galore. But I "saw" a

gigantic,very slowly moving,almost grinding circular sphere moving

clockwise. It had some kind of writing in it. I percieved them as laws.

Not so much commandments,or laws ,,,,I try to find the words,,but just

"things as they are" or this is how it is. Basics. The masterclock that

runs the universe,does that make sense?

I continued to dust or whatever while being fascinated with what I was

seeing. I knew it was "one of those moments",because time did not exist

anymore. I was always taught that "OM" is to be listened to. I did not

realize that it can be seen. I have been told that the male of our

species is more sight orientated. Perhaps, see it? And then you will

hear it?

> the 60-Hz hum of electricity in the U.S. is so prevalent that it


> drowns out all other sounds, and it's hard for me to believe that a

> sound

> such as "OM" could ever be heard over the incessant alternating 60-Hz

> din

> coming from appliances, fans, the walls, streetlamps, etc, etc.

* * *

How do I say this? He who has ears to hear,,let him hear.Tim, it

drowns out all.

Hope you don't mind me butting in but I follow the posts with interest

in an attempt to educate myself. I am totally confused and feel like I'm

learning a new lanuage with this list. But this is good.

I quess I have been given a grace.

I wish this for you,

+ Maureen

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At 07:54 AM 3/18/99 -0600, you wrote:

>Dharma <fisher1




>> I am sending you two posts. One on the meditation of the inner sound,

>>or Shabda. A profound core meditation used since in India for centuries.

>>It is not widely known in many regions in the West, but pertains to the

>>very sound which is of the essence of creation; In fact Shabda literally

>>means "sound as such" and can be the vehicle for much Grace.


>Thank you so much. And to think, I've thought for years that the noise in

>my ears was because something was wrong! :))


*Sigh*... it's called tinnitus, it's a common condition where a sound is

heard without direct stimulation of the eardrum, probably a sympathetic

biochemical reaction either within the auditory nerves or in the area of

the brain they're connected to. An overdose of salicylates (as in,

aspirin) can bring it on, as can many other things, including a blow to the

head, too much loud music, jet-lag, etc. Grace? Maybe, dunno. This is

just a little too "far out" for me. I'll pass on the Shabda-tinnitus.






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On Thu, 18 Mar 1999, Tim Gerchmez wrote:

> *Sigh*... it's called tinnitus, it's a common condition where a sound is

> heard without direct stimulation of the eardrum, probably a sympathetic

> biochemical reaction either within the auditory nerves or in the area of

> the brain they're connected to. An overdose of salicylates (as in,

> aspirin) can bring it on, as can many other things, including a blow to the

> head, too much loud music, jet-lag, etc. Grace? Maybe, dunno. This is

> just a little too "far out" for me. I'll pass on the Shabda-tinnitus.


> Tim


even my rather pathetic yogic attempts have revealed it is *not* tinitus!


For me, its connected to empathic ability. if i think of someone, or if

someone thinks of me, an ear will ring, right ear seems to be more my Guru

and vajra-friends, other loved ones, sometimes my left ear seems to be

other folks. Ok sounds far out, but this is just one woman's experience

with it :).


Sometimes, its a feeling/sensation around the heart chakra too, like

someone tapping on my aura for my attention :).


One buddhist deity, name of Avolokiteshvara, is also called the one who

hears the cries of the world. so imo, its all kinda cool.



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I've read this many times. They are indeed a blesses sign of spiritual




jb <kvy9

< >

Friday, March 19, 1999 1:21 AM

Re: Fw: Paravak



"jb" <kvy9

> Jill Eggers <eggers


> Holly,


> I do not hear these sounds, but for the first three years after kundalini

> activity began for me, I heard the sound of OM most of the time,

> roaring at

> times, and quieter at others. It was a continuous background

> sound. Also I

> hear it in sleep. It is particularly loud at certain times, such

> as at the

> death or birth of any animal or person.


> Is this at all related to the sounds you hear? I have read of the sounds

> of bells, and bees, and other lovely sounds arising after kundalini

> awakening, but I've not had any of that, just mantras.


> Jill


Long ago I read the book "Practice of yoga" by swami Sivananda and under the

name "Anahatha sounds" he mentioned 10 sounds that indicate a kind of

progress. Although I've forgotten most of them, the sound of breaking, a

flute, drums, were among those mentioned. According to the swami the sounds

should be heard with the right ear but I heard them often through both ears

or in one ear after another, like the sound of a log drum.






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Yes! Multiple tones. Each with a higher resonance (not necessarily higher

in pitch). This is the Shabda, the inner sound. Sometimes it is heard in the

"middle of the head, resonating in the whoe cranium.



Debora A. Orf <dorf01

< >

Thursday, March 18, 1999 11:29 PM

Re: Fw: Paravak



"Debora A. Orf" <dorf01




The ear thing is in tones. Some people vibrate higher, and when i am cued

into them, this shows.


any reason on the right ear/left ear thing?


| Debora A. Orf |

| dorf01 | Karma means you don't get away with anything

| | --Ruth Dennison

| |




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I do not hear these sounds, but for the first three years after kundalini

activity began for me, I heard the sound of OM most of the time, roaring at

times, and quieter at others. It was a continuous background sound. Also I

hear it in sleep. It is particularly loud at certain times, such as at the

death or birth of any animal or person.


Is this at all related to the sounds you hear? I have read of the sounds

of bells, and bees, and other lovely sounds arising after kundalini

awakening, but I've not had any of that, just mantras.




At 02:57 PM 3/18/99 -0600, Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D. wrote:

>hbarrett (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.)


>I'm with Janpa, Tim, this is quite different from tinnitus, which I've

>also had. The hum began faintly and sporadically, like the sound of a

>generator. Now I hear all kinds of different tones and chords, 24 hrs.

>a day. Often they seem connected to body energies and effervescences

>(can't figure out how to describe these -- somebody said champagne

>bubbles and that's pretty good). Sometimes when I'm aware of the tones

>in a lucid dream they are particularly gorgeous. Thanks to your good

>suggestion, I re-read The Black Butterfly and these sounds fit in quite

>well with Moss's theories about energy. Holly




> This is


>>> just a little too "far out" for me. I'll pass on the



>>> Tim


>>even my rather pathetic yogic attempts have revealed it is *not*



>>For me, its connected to empathic ability. if i think of someone, or


>>someone thinks of me, an ear will ring, right ear seems to be more my


>>and vajra-friends, other loved ones, sometimes my left ear seems to be

>>other folks. Ok sounds far out, but this is just one woman's


>>with it :).


>>Sometimes, its a feeling/sensation around the heart chakra too, like

>>someone tapping on my aura for my attention :).


>>One buddhist deity, name of Avolokiteshvara, is also called the one


>>hears the cries of the world. so imo, its all kinda cool.







>>If you like orange and blue, then you will love our new web site!


>>Onelist: Fostering connections and information exchange





>Start a new hobby. Meet a new friend.


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I'm with Janpa, Tim, this is quite different from tinnitus, which I've

also had. The hum began faintly and sporadically, like the sound of a

generator. Now I hear all kinds of different tones and chords, 24 hrs.

a day. Often they seem connected to body energies and effervescences

(can't figure out how to describe these -- somebody said champagne

bubbles and that's pretty good). Sometimes when I'm aware of the tones

in a lucid dream they are particularly gorgeous. Thanks to your good

suggestion, I re-read The Black Butterfly and these sounds fit in quite

well with Moss's theories about energy. Holly




This is

>> just a little too "far out" for me. I'll pass on the



>> Tim


>even my rather pathetic yogic attempts have revealed it is *not*



>For me, its connected to empathic ability. if i think of someone, or


>someone thinks of me, an ear will ring, right ear seems to be more my


>and vajra-friends, other loved ones, sometimes my left ear seems to be

>other folks. Ok sounds far out, but this is just one woman's


>with it :).


>Sometimes, its a feeling/sensation around the heart chakra too, like

>someone tapping on my aura for my attention :).


>One buddhist deity, name of Avolokiteshvara, is also called the one


>hears the cries of the world. so imo, its all kinda cool.







>If you like orange and blue, then you will love our new web site!


>Onelist: Fostering connections and information exchange


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Dear Jill,


This is very interesting to me, as I have never once heard the sound OM,

and in fact do not even feel any resonance when attempting to chant it.

Did you hear it literally as "OHM," or was it more as the sound "AUM?" Was

there a definable "m" conclusion, and if so, how could it be continuous?


The 60-Hz hum of electricity in the U.S. is so prevalent that it literally

drowns out all other sounds, and it's hard for me to believe that a sound

such as "OM" could ever be heard over the incessant alternating 60-Hz din

coming from appliances, fans, the walls, streetlamps, etc, etc. This is a

sound that we hear so much that it gets "tuned out" and unnoticeable.


I once created a meditation that consisted of nothing but a 65 Hz pure sine

wave - very close to the frequency of electric power in the U.S. but

slightly off. This created a "beat frequency" that could literally be FELT

by the body as a powerful vibration when listened to with headphones.



At 12:46 PM 3/18/99 -0800, you wrote:

>Jill Eggers <eggers




>I do not hear these sounds, but for the first three years after kundalini

>activity began for me, I heard the sound of OM most of the time, roaring at

>times, and quieter at others. It was a continuous background sound. Also I

>hear it in sleep. It is particularly loud at certain times, such as at the

>death or birth of any animal or person.




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Fair enough, I wasn't insisting that it was tinnitus... but there certainly

is something that could be called tinnitus and nothing more, IMO.


I've heard chords and music playing just as I was drifting off to sleep

before. I do believe that there's a "universal chord" or even a

"universal orchestra" of tones, perhaps these are sounds that are normally

above or below the range of perception of our ears (audible sounds are

simply a narrow portion of the spectrum of radio frequencies), but are

brought into the range of perception by kundalini energies. Maybe they're

the distant music of quasars and black holes and stars and quasi-stellar

radio sources, who knows? Maybe they're something more. I doubt there's

anyone who knows for sure.


With Love,




At 02:57 PM 3/18/99 -0600, you wrote:

>hbarrett (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.)


>I'm with Janpa, Tim, this is quite different from tinnitus, which I've

>also had. The hum began faintly and sporadically, like the sound of a

>generator. Now I hear all kinds of different tones and chords, 24 hrs.

>a day. Often they seem connected to body energies and effervescences

>(can't figure out how to describe these -- somebody said champagne

>bubbles and that's pretty good). Sometimes when I'm aware of the tones

>in a lucid dream they are particularly gorgeous. Thanks to your good

>suggestion, I re-read The Black Butterfly and these sounds fit in quite

>well with Moss's theories about energy. Holly




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Fair enough, I wasn't insisting that it was tinnitus... but there certainly

is something that could be called tinnitus and nothing more, IMO.


I've heard chords and music playing ("from inside me") just as I was

drifting off to sleep before. I do believe that there's a "universal

chord" or even a "universal orchestra" of tones or music. Perhaps these

are sounds that are normally above or below the range of perception of our

ears (audible sounds are simply a narrow portion of the spectrum of radio

frequencies), but are brought into the range of perception by kundalini

energies. Maybe they're the distant music of quasars and black holes and

stars in our galaxy and in other galaxies, who knows? Maybe they're

something more. I doubt there's anyone who knows for sure.


With Love,




At 02:57 PM 3/18/99 -0600, you wrote:

>hbarrett (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.)


>I'm with Janpa, Tim, this is quite different from tinnitus, which I've

>also had. The hum began faintly and sporadically, like the sound of a

>generator. Now I hear all kinds of different tones and chords, 24 hrs.

>a day. Often they seem connected to body energies and effervescences

>(can't figure out how to describe these -- somebody said champagne

>bubbles and that's pretty good). Sometimes when I'm aware of the tones

>in a lucid dream they are particularly gorgeous. Thanks to your good

>suggestion, I re-read The Black Butterfly and these sounds fit in quite

>well with Moss's theories about energy. Holly




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>I'm with Janpa, Tim, this is quite different from tinnitus, which I've

>also had. The hum began faintly and sporadically, like the sound of a

>generator. Now I hear all kinds of different tones and chords, 24 hrs.

>a day. Often they seem connected to body energies and effervescences

>(can't figure out how to describe these -- somebody said champagne

>bubbles and that's pretty good). Sometimes when I'm aware of the tones


>>For me, its connected to empathic ability. if i think of someone, or


>>someone thinks of me, an ear will ring, right ear seems to be more my


>>and vajra-friends, other loved ones, sometimes my left ear seems to be

>>other folks.


I hear more than one kind of sound. The noise in my ears for many years

was pretty much as Marcus described it: "like a buzzing, humming,

vibrating, droning, whitewater in a river, ringing, or a combination of

these." Sometimes I thought I could hear some clear tones in amongst the

noise. I think in the last year or so the tones were getting stronger...

I remember thinking that if I could only hear it better, it might all be

tones, some wonderful sort of "music of the spheres." More recently, one

ear suddenly goes silent and then a clear, fairly loud tone comes. Right

now it seems to me I'm hearing more tones than anything else.


This morning I was meditating with the clear tone in my left ear. After a

long time I heard the same tone in my right ear. I listened to them

together, but they seemed to be a bit off... the one in the right ear was

a little higher. After while they became the same tone, and then it was as

if the tone went clear through my head, but I could still hear it in each

ear. I don't know what that was all about... maybe some kind of balance?

Left brain/right brain??


Then there's another kind of sound I hear inside my head and sometimes in

one ear or both. It's quite different... I think of it as an energy

sound... it's more of a power feeling than it is a musical sound... when

it's in an ear, it's so palpable I've wondered if the eardrum is

vibrating... it fluctuates and pulses. This sound seems to come with a

higher energy level, like more Shakti in the head... I think it's always

there during kriyas and/or orgasm... and it also seems to sometimes be

connected to others, incarnate or discarnate. The sound inside my head and

the right ear is most often my spiritual guru, but it can also be an

incarnate friend that I'm connecting strongly with... and there are a

couple other spiritual guides that I hear in my left ear. If I hear a

voice, it usually seems to be inside my head, but I've read that this is

telepathy, and the voice and words are my own instant brain translation of

what comes to me as idea.


In meditation I sometimes use music or tones inside my head. I always have

music going on in my head, whether I'm listening or not. It could be an

operatic aria or some ditty... or a full orchestra. Most of it is music I

know; I think any musician can probably hear music in his head like this.

But sometimes it's music I've never heard before. In my normal state I

can't improvise and compose... but maybe I'm doing it in my head.


It was maybe a year ago that I realized that sometimes when I was trying to

get into meditation, I was listening to music without even realizing it.

One day I suddenly realized that for several minutes I'd been hearing "99

bottles of beer on the wall..." and I started laughing. :)) It was hard to

control it, because I wasn't always aware of it. The only way I found to

stop the music was to substitute tones. I would concentrate on one tone -

inside my head, not in my ears - or even going up and down several tones

slowly, and gradually it became easy to do that and not have the music.

Then I realized that I could easily move to another level by using the

tones... going up by concentrating on tones going up, even by octaves.


I guess my guru decided to use the music more: in August I heard a new "Ave

Maria" during meditation. (To me Mary/Maria is another name for Shakti.)

It's a simple song, a sort of chant really. And I heard it over and over,

for months. Sometimes new verses came in meditation. I wrote it down...

if anyone would like to see it, just ask.


More recently, I hear the "Evening Prayer" from _Hansel and Gretel_ all the

time. It's about how the body is surrounded by 14 angels, and they're

described in pairs. I'm not tired of it yet, and I'm sure it must be for

some purpose. :)




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The ear thing is in tones. Some people vibrate higher, and when i am cued

into them, this shows.


any reason on the right ear/left ear thing?


| Debora A. Orf |

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> Jill Eggers <eggers


> Holly,


> I do not hear these sounds, but for the first three years after kundalini

> activity began for me, I heard the sound of OM most of the time,

> roaring at

> times, and quieter at others. It was a continuous background

> sound. Also I

> hear it in sleep. It is particularly loud at certain times, such

> as at the

> death or birth of any animal or person.


> Is this at all related to the sounds you hear? I have read of the sounds

> of bells, and bees, and other lovely sounds arising after kundalini

> awakening, but I've not had any of that, just mantras.


> Jill


Long ago I read the book "Practice of yoga" by swami Sivananda and under the

name "Anahatha sounds" he mentioned 10 sounds that indicate a kind of

progress. Although I've forgotten most of them, the sound of breaking, a

flute, drums, were among those mentioned. According to the swami the sounds

should be heard with the right ear but I heard them often through both ears

or in one ear after another, like the sound of a log drum.



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Hello Dharma and Marcus,



> Sit quitly and watch the play of the matrkda sakti. Watch how the matrka

gives rise to letters, how the letters compose words, how the meaning of the

words creates images in the mind; watch how you become involved in these




"Does this mean to see the forms of the written letters arise? Or can

it be the sounds which arise? I'm wondering if this sort of meditation

might have begun before there was writing. If so, it would have had to

be a matter of watching the arising of sounds and their combinations

into words, etc."


I remember young getting lost in the wood and finding a virgin lake to

spend the night alone with the moon shinning. I was no more than ten

year old, missing my mother :)) Wolfs where howling in the night. And

the sound of there howling mixing with the blue light of the moon on the

light, strangely, only brought a deep peace within me for the night to

spend. Sounds needs no words to speak, to me...



"BTW, in your post two sentences are repeated:

>Matrka creates infinite images. If one doesn't identify with the images or

>their objects, one doesn't experience suffering.


Strangely enough, this is exactly what I needed to read. There are no

accidents, they say. :)"


Yes your post lifted some veils for me Marcus, thank you.






"An act of goodness is of itself an act of happiness. No reward coming

after the event can compare with the sweet reward that went with it."

(Maeterlinck, Maurice)

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Hi Marcus,

>It is noteworthy to mention that a higher resonating sound may not

>necessarily be higher in pitch.

> Debra, Yes! Multiple tones. Each with a higher resonance (not

>necessarily higher in pitch).


Would you mind explaining this? I know it's probably a simple thing... I

confess I never took a physics course. :)




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Dear Maureen,


I'll ask you the same question... can you describe the EXACT pitch and

pronunciation of the word OM that caused these effects? I'm not denying at

all that it's possible, just that the word not only has no resonance with

me, it's almost a vacuum. It's like chanting the word "bump" or something.

No resonance whatsoever. I'm trying to figure out why.




With Love,



At 07:00 PM 3/18/99 +0000, you wrote:

>Dear Tim,

> I am a duck out of water here but would like to share something.I have

>been reading all of the posts,trying to understand and I know very

>little,,but I am learning. I am a catholic priest through the Anglican

>line so I resonate a little differently.

> Some years ago I was doing light housework and put on a tape of "OM".

>I do not know when it happened but I saw "OM" and heard "OM". I have

>studied the trinity involved in the A U M into the O M, so mentally I

>had a little understanding. Suddenly there was a buzzing roar. And I am

>a musician,teaching piano,flute and guitar. The "OM" has airplanes

>taking off in it. And over tones. Overtones galore. But I "saw" a

>gigantic,very slowly moving,almost grinding circular sphere moving

>clockwise. It had some kind of writing in it. I percieved them as laws.

>Not so much commandments,or laws ,,,,I try to find the words,,but just

>"things as they are" or this is how it is. Basics. The masterclock that

>runs the universe,does that make sense?

> I continued to dust or whatever while being fascinated with what I was

>seeing. I knew it was "one of those moments",because time did not exist

>anymore. I was always taught that "OM" is to be listened to. I did not

>realize that it can be seen. I have been told that the male of our

>species is more sight orientated. Perhaps, see it? And then you will

>hear it?




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Hi Tim,

>I'll ask you the same question... can you describe the EXACT pitch and

>pronunciation of the word OM that caused these effects? I'm not denying at

>all that it's possible, just that the word not only has no resonance with

>me, it's almost a vacuum.


That sounds promising... How about going into meditation, thinking of the

sound, and concentrating on that vacuum?




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Hi Dharma,

It really is a subtle issue that eludes the ol' brain tissue. We think in

terms of tones that the ears can hear, which rise in frequency. When drawn

inward by the inner sound meditation, we 'feel' these tones resonating withing.

The path within is something beyond the brain's area of expertise. The subtle

sound is a very wonderful and myserious thing to us; let me suggest that by all

accounts and readings, the tone that is the most profound 'feeling,' and not

necessarily higher in pitch, is the one you want to draw out, going deeper into

it, merging with it.

Much Light


Dharma <fisher1

< >

Friday, March 19, 1999 4:55 AM

Re: Fw: Paravak



Dharma <fisher1


Hi Marcus,

>It is noteworthy to mention that a higher resonating sound may not

>necessarily be higher in pitch.

> Debra, Yes! Multiple tones. Each with a higher resonance (not

>necessarily higher in pitch).


Would you mind explaining this? I know it's probably a simple thing... I

confess I never took a physics course. :)








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