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I have found some material that expounds on the four levels of speech that

I printed earlier. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of this post. For

the scientist in all of us, this post should invoke long periods of

contemplation, following the ascent back from the gross, to the most subtle.

This is from Swami Muktananda's book 'I Am That--The Science of Hamsa.'



That inner vibration, which is the source of all sound, is called by the

scriptures paravani or paravak, supreme speech. The paravani level of speech

exists within all of us. Ordinarily, we are aware of only one level of speech.

We are aware only of the speech of our inert physical tongue, just as we are

aware only of our physical body and senses. yet the pysical body is only the

body of the waking state. Within the pysical body is the subtle body into which

we enter when we dream. Beyond that is the causal body, in which we experience

deep sleep. And beyond the causal body is the supracausal body, the body of pure

light, in which we experience the state of true meditation, the transcendental

state called turiya. Just as we have these four bodies, one within the other, we

also have four levels of speech, which are linked with the four bodies.

The name of the gross level of speech, the speech of the physical tongue,

is vaikari. The second level of speech is called madhyama; it corresponds to the

subtle body and is located in the throat region. The third level of speech,

called pashyanti, corresponds to the causal body and is located in the region of

the heart. The fourth and highest level of speech is located in the navel

region. That is Paravani. Paravani is the level of sound as pure, unmanifest

Consciousness, the level of the Self. It pervades everything, extending from

east to west, from south to north, from above to below. It is within all of us;

it is spanda, the inner creative pulsation which continually vibrates. The

entire universe, with all its forms, was born from that pulsation of paravani.

Infinite syllables and words and sentences exist within paravani in the form of

vibration. A peacock egg contains all the colors of a peacock's feathers in a

potential form. Similarly, all words and syllables exist in paravani in an

undifferentiated seed form. That seed, which contains all words, is the pure

aham, the perfect I-consciousness.

All mantras come out of paravani. Paravani is nothing but Parashakti, the

supreme energy which creates the universe. Its nature is movement without any

underlying support. The Ishwara Pratyabhijna says that the Self is immobile; it

is always still, but paravani gives it the appearance of movement. Shiva, the

supreme Reality, is completely tranquil. It is only because of his Shakti, his

energy, that there is movenent. It is because of Shakti that Shiva has awareness

of himself. That self-awarenss is aham vimarsha, the throb of pure

I-consciousness, and it is from that original throb of self-awareness that the

creation of the universe begins. The pure aham is paravani. So paravani is the

creative pulsation of the Self. it is Kundalini, the inner spiritual energy. It

is the Universal Consciousness, the all-pervading supreme principle.


* From Marcus--When we contemplate this, from the gross level to the level of

paravani or paravak, we come to see that all sound is synonymous with energy;

Parashakti, the Kundalini Shakti that is the universe itself, the knower, the

known, and the means. We see that this is one with Paramashiva; the energy of

Shiva; ShivaShakti. With a sudden burst of realization, we come to truly

understand the nature of Self.


Much Light,


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