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Intuition practice

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Just some suggestions for practicing intuition in your spare time... or

when you're just waking up... or too sleepy to write letters...


COMPUTER GAMES... I don't know about big ones... I had some big ones I

loved on my old computer... not on this one... I have some small games I

like, especially two...


SOLITAIRE. I like to play Solitaire when I first get up and I can't even

see straight enough to read the mail... The game I have gives higher

scores if you go faster... so I don't pay any attention to the scores...

I don't like to rush intuition... better to be relaxed...


You can't win every game... sometimes the way the cards fall, it's



but sometimes there's a choice... there's a place for a black 9, and I've

got two black 9s on top of other cards... it may be very important which

cards are under those 9s... which one should I use? Or one is on top of

cards and one isn't... should I use the first one and access the hidden

cards, or should I use the second and make a space for a king? I depend on

my unconscious... my guru... Dru... to tell me. I often use finger

signals for YES and NO answers, but when I'm playing Solitaire one hand is

holding the mouse and the other hand is usually holding a cigarette... or

a glass... So Dru has found other ways to tell me. I may look at one card

and my head nods... That's YES, that's the card... or I look at one and

my head shakes NO. Sometimes one hand moves a bit... or even a shoulder...

I take anything on the right side to mean YES, and anything on the left to

mean NO. Sometimes there's a little shrug... doesn't matter.


I've learned that my intuition... my connection... doesn't work as well

at all times. It depends on a lot of things... my mood and attitude...

my health and state of energy... though it might work fine when I'm

sleepy... no hard and fast rules...


One night when my hearing, my intuition, was really HOT, I went to

Solitaire to see what would happen. I won game after game after game...

too many games, in fact... it shouldn't have been possible... so it seems

I was influencing the random shuffle of cards in the computer... making

them fall in ways that would be winnable...


COLUMNS. There's a name for this kind of game, but it won't come to me.

The kind where a bar of three colored squares falls slowly... it's either

vertical or horizontal... on the way down I can move it to left or

right... and I can switch the order of the 3 squares... when three of the

same color line up, I score and they disappear... as I play on, they fall

faster and faster... this game is never won... the point is to see how

long you can keep going... the score is an indication...


At the beginning, I could listen for Dru... but when it gets going fast,

there's no time for that... what I have to do is more like just feeling

the thing to do... letting go of my hands... letting them do the right

thing without me thinking about it...


The thing that surprised me at first... and I love it... is that

sometimes the next squares to fall are exactly what I need... and

sometimes that happens over and over... clearly too much to be accident or

coincidence... I see what I need... and there it comes... like manna

falling from heaven. :) I may not even have time to see what I need...

just look at what's there... and the right squares fall...


JIGSAW PUZZLES. I have one on my computer, and I can drop various pictures

into it. It's fun, but not big enough. I like big ones that I spread out

on a big table...


I used to get out the jigsaws when I was sick... not feeling up to

anything more than turning on the TV and staring at a puzzle... but I

haven't done them for a while... haven't been sick. :)


I'm not an artist, but I can draw whatever I can look at... just see the

lines, angles, proportions, and put it down on paper the same way... I

think I do jigsaws the same way... I look at the lines of a hole and then

look for a piece that looks like that... matching colors and internal

lines helps too...


When I was doing jigsaws a lot, I found I was getting better... going

faster and faster, though I wasn't trying for speed... and then one day I

realized my hand had just picked up a piece or two and put them in the

right place before I saw the match...


When this starts happening, you have to relax and let it happen. Paying

attention to it, especially thinking about it, tends to make it stop. :)

Your hand will pick up a piece and start to move it... and you don't even

know where it's going to go... but the hand will put it there... if you

don't interfere. Trying to look for where it's going to go is usually



If you can just relax... and NOT CARE what happens, whether it works or

doesn't work... you'll be amazed at the way your hands will just pick up

piece after piece and put them in the right places... I try not to

interfere, but I do sometimes say things like, "Wonderful!" Or maybe it

makes sense to say "Yes! Thank you..."


This is directly accessing the other side of your brain... letting it do

something without getting it into consciousness first...


I know this only because of reading about research on people who have had

surgery to sever the connection between left brain and right brain. (I

forget what the reason was... maybe some severe kind of epilepsy...) The

researchers found that if the person was sitting at a table with a dark

cloth in front of the face and the hands protruding below, they could

communicate very clearly with the hands by means of signals, even though

the person's consciousness knew nothing about it. These people have

trouble after their surgery with learning to do even simple things...

imagine trying to cook if your hand starts to do something that you didn't

order it to do... and you don't know what the hell it's gonna do next...

it's like two people being tied together and then told to do various

things... if they can't communicate and cooperate, they'll fall down and

be unable to do anything... so these people have to learn to coordinate

two brains...


I don't remember details like whether the two hands are operated by the two

sides of the brain... I think I use both hands for these things, but maybe

that's learned, an adaptation... if you want to read more about that, do a

search for "corpus callosum"... that's the structure that connects the two

sides of the brain...

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