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Hey everyone,


Anyone with any interest in Transcendental Meditation or just

borrowing some mantras from it or information about it, may enjoy this page:




"Meditation Information Network"


Just mentioning because I found it an interesting site to browse. It's

actually a critical site trying to find falsehood with TM and Maharishi

Mahesh Yogi, which to me is a good thing. In falsehood are often hidden

large gems of truth, and some of the mantras listed are VERY resonant and

very nice.


For those who don't want to bother with the whole site, try these pages:







The CORE of Reality awaits you at:

http://www.eskimo.com/~fewtch/ND/index.html -

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On Fri, 19 Mar 1999 02:36:08 -0800 Tim Gerchmez <fewtch


>Tim Gerchmez <fewtch



>Hey everyone,


>Anyone with any interest in Transcendental Meditation or just

>borrowing some mantras from it or information about it, may enjoy this





>"Meditation Information Network"


>Just mentioning because I found it an interesting site to browse.

>It's actually a critical site trying to find falsehood with TM and


>Mahesh Yogi, which to me is a good thing. In falsehood are often


>large gems of truth, and some of the mantras listed are VERY resonant

>and very nice.


>For those who don't want to bother with the whole site, try these






For whatever it's worth, the

"official" TM organization

and the practice's nominal

inventor, Maharishi Mahesh

Yogi, maintain that one

cannot even approximate the

practice through such "back

door" means -- as I

understand it, the whole

sequence of receiving ones

"personal" mantra and

having ones meditation

"checked" by a teacher is

viewed as intrinsic and

indispensible to TM's

efficacy. Although I can't

personally buy into that

position, there *is* an

aspect of many formalized

meditation techniques where

the form and sequence of

receiving a mantra

("initiation") and relating

to ones teacher does have

an important role, so there

might be some merit to this

particular "official" stance

if one is seriously

considering practicing TM as

it was designed/intended.

That said, "official" TM is

fairly pricey and many

aspects of the organization

behind it *are* questionable,

so it's hard to blame folks

for looking into it via the

"back door"....welcome to the

world of "spiritual warez!"





m(_ _)m




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Dear Bruce:


You have brought up some noteworthy points in what you've written below.

Spiritual politics and business being what it is - it can be tricky working

with initiation. However, it is important to know what one is doing when he

decides to work with mantra. Sanskrit is like a mathematical formula and

each letter or sound will stimulate a different petal on the chakras thereby

influencing the 72,000 nadis that run throughout the physical as well as

etheric, casual bodies and the chakras themselves. Fortunately, there are

many tapes now available as well as an inexpensive program from the American

Sanskrit Institute. I believe that if one is sincere in their practice and

pure in their intent eventually the 'teacher within' will lead one to the

proper mantras. Before that point though it is well worth it to attend

workshops, read intelligently and use the knowledge obtained wisely.


There are many issues within the TM movement - it is interesting that the

initiation mantras given out are always based on one's age. That does not

belittle the practice that a person undertakes - I believe it just once

again drives home the point that surrender and sincerity are the best

guideposts on the journey.




>For whatever it's worth, the

>"official" TM organization

>and the practice's nominal

inventor, Maharishi Mahesh

Yogi, maintain that one

cannot even approximate the

practice through such "back

door" means -- as I

understand it, the whole

sequence of receiving ones

"personal" mantra and

having ones meditation

"checked" by a teacher is

viewed as intrinsic and

indispensible to TM's

efficacy. Although I can't

personally buy into that

position, there *is* an

aspect of many formalized

meditation techniques where

the form and sequence of

receiving a mantra

("initiation") and relating

to ones teacher does have

an important role, so there

might be some merit to this

particular "official" stance

if one is seriously

considering practicing TM as

it was designed/intended.

That said, "official" TM is

fairly pricey and many

aspects of the organization

behind it *are* questionable,

so it's hard to blame folks

for looking into it via the

"back door"....welcome to the

world of "spiritual warez!"





m(_ _)m




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Dear Linda,


Thank you for the thoughtful post of a few days ago--a bit of which is

snipped below.




At 11:46 AM 3/19/99 -0500, you wrote:

>There are many issues within the TM movement - it is interesting that the

>initiation mantras given out are always based on one's age. That does not

>belittle the practice that a person undertakes - I believe it just once

>again drives home the point that surrender and sincerity are the best

>guideposts on the journey.







>You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.

>Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com/getjuno.html

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>We have a new web site!


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