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The 'Anti-Bhakta' Speaks...

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Dear List,


I have to admit that as much as I'd like to, I do not see the divinity of

all men. Quite the contrary. More often, I see divinity in NO (wo)men. I

see the hypocrisy, greed, perversion and general worthlessness of the

typical human being (and I'm not necessarily excluding myself from this

category). 98% of all human beings I've laid eyes on are not worth the

bodily wastes they flush into the oceans of the world, killing the Holy

Fish that swim therein. Even among the so-called spiritual, 99.9% show

themselves to be hypocrites, again and again and again. Once again, I do

not exclude myself.


You want something worthy of devotion, take a look at a simple "animal," a

"lower" species. Any animal will do. Even a maggot is infinitely higher

and more worthy of worship than any human being who has ever lived. Pick a

mammal, perhaps. A monkey, cat, dog, horse, cow... any of these are



This creature will not kill for pleasure, or personal gain. It will not

damage the environment, but lives in complete and utter harmony with it.

It has no destructive, senseless and sick ego. It does not desire riches

or property. It has no senselessly complex mind with which to figure out

the equations necessary to design the atom bomb in order to wipe out all

other species on the planet. It does not destroy the Earth's atmosphere.

It does not cut down the rain forests. It does not create landfills and

raze mountains. It kills only when necessary to survive. It does not

insult, it does not denigrate, it does not hate. It does not commit

genocide. Given proper care and attention, it can love.


Let the entire human race die out. I wish it, and pray for it. I hope

that every human being on the planet dies in the next 100 years. Then let

nature begin again, and I pray to any God there may be that no such

creature as man appears again for the rest of eternity.


Human beings are a sick mutation of nature that should never have occurred.

Because of this horrible creature, all other innocent life on this planet

is in imminent danger of destruction.






The CORE of Reality awaits you at:

http://www.eskimo.com/~fewtch/ND/index.html -

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