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A final note... to KKT...

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Dear KKT,


At 12:27 PM 3/20/99 EST, you wrote:

>KKT: Very courageous! Best wishes!


Thanks for the best wishes, although I don't think it was courageous at

all. Rather, it was an act of Self-preservation, of desperation. There

are so many ideas out there to confuse and divert the mind that I believe

it is beginning to destroy any possibility of Self-Perception, and to bring



People talk of fullness, they talk of emptiness, some even talk of

"enlightenment" being nothingness, being akin to death. I even see such

weird quotes as these -

>All the crap all of us have been through; all the stuff we've read and

>thought about and worried about and dreamed about, what is it all? You

>want to know? Look at your hands. Your hands are empty. And look up your

>sleeves. There is nothing at all up your sleeves. And in every turn of

>attention there is what is there: ultimate reality; and nothing can be

>said about it, and it can't be photographed, and it isn't anything.

>The ultimate secret, or what man does not know as long as consciousness

>remains is the presence of the UNCONSCIOUS reflex mechanism, which is

>responsible for all self-knowing.


What the hell? If Ultimate Reality is emptiness, lack of anything, if "it

isn't anything," who the hell wants it? If it is unconsciousness, simply a

reflex, to hell with it! If it is lack of anything, then I would rather

gaze upon and smell one flower for a single moment than dwell in Ultimate

Reality for all of eternity. What is the benefit of living in a dark

closet? The words of all these others are polluting my mind.


And then I see some people into psychedelic drugs, and seeming to "use"

nonduality as another kind of psychedelic high of sorts. And there's the

group of fatalists who seem to wish they were dead, and use Nonduality as a

kind of living death. And a group who seem to "use" the experience of Self

to generate pure bliss, as if Self-knowledge were akin to free injections

of heroin. Everyone seems to be using and abusing Self-realization for the

petty purposes of their own dead egos. I see myself surrounded by barrels

and buckets of hypocrisy and people with deadness and emptiness behind

their eyes, and fanatics with a glean in their eye and raving lunatic

assertions of human beings who have come to Earth as "God made Manifest."


But enlightenment? Not one have I seen, KKT. Not a single, solitary soul

have I encountered on any mailing list who I would consider anywhere near

Moksha. Only self-deception, hypocrisy and "The night of the Living Dead."

I'd rather go watch a movie than watch this dance of the dead.


Things like this are hindering, not helping. The only chance for this

person is to walk out utterly alone into the moment and abandon all such

idiocies as above. To see for Myself. If Ultimate Reality is truly

"nothing," I don't want it, I'll take Maya and its joys and sufferings, and

gladly accept births and rebirths, and drop nonduality completely. But

list participation is beginning to destroy me, both on the level of Maya

and the level of Spirit. And if you like, you can repost this to both

and/or NondualitySalon, because I think it's something

important for people to consider.


With Love (and despair),






The CORE of Reality awaits you at:

http://www.eskimo.com/~fewtch/ND/index.html -

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Dear Tim

you seem very angry and frustrated.

I honestly dont understand all the technicalities and levels of

meditation nor do I need to

What I have felt descend on me in meditation is what I asume to be

the love of God. It reduced me to tears. A man of 53 howling like a

babe. For the first time in my life I felt really loved

Yognanda has described his experience as ever new bliss. I think

thats worth going after.

Everything you need is allready within you. Dont try too hard was the

advice I was given.

Yogananda said though " Nibbling little prayers wont get you the love of God"

I havent been reading your earlier stuff Tim just this one as I am

new to this list so I hope this is in some way relevent and helpful.



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At 08:37 PM 3/20/99 GMT, you wrote:

>Chris Hughes <aird.house


>Dear Tim

> you seem very angry and frustrated.


Not at all. I'm now enlightened. I've attained Moksha. Eat, drink,

urinate, defecate, and die. Stimulate the nerve endings as much as

possible in the meantime. If you want, reproduce, so another human being

can be born to eat, drink, urinate, defecate and die. Realize that this is

the purpose for which the human race exists, and you too can be enlightened.





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Grace, schmace. More stimulation of nerve endings. While you lie there

crying like a babe, comforted in the arms of your imaginary god, your

next-door neighbor may be dying of cancer, in agony. Do you go and comfort

him? Does your "love from God" go anywhere but to yourself? Are you

capable of giving, or only of receiving?


I've been "reduced to tears" by sad movies before. Big deal. Lie there

and cry like a baby from your imaginary love of a god that does not exist.

You need a mommy to change your diapers perhaps.




At 04:08 AM 3/21/99 -0000, you wrote:



Beautiful. There is only one goal in true meditation; the thoughtless

state. The more the monkey mind is stilled, the more one hears Grace. Grace

will not scream over ego filled mind chatter. When one is ready, the mind

will tire, and Grace will descend, not a moment before. You are on your

way. There is not stopping you now. Once the mind is given a proper place

to rest, it will not have the desire to roam anymore.



Chris Hughes <<aird.houseaird.house

< >

<< > >

Saturday, March 20, 1999 8:57 PM

Re: A final note... to KKT...


Chris Hughes <<aird.houseaird.house


Dear Tim

you seem very angry and frustrated.

I honestly dont understand all the technicalities and levels of

meditation nor do I need to

What I have felt descend on me in meditation is what I asume to be

the love of God. It reduced me to tears. A man of 53 howling like a

babe. For the first time in my life I felt really loved

Yognanda has described his experience as ever new bliss. I think

thats worth going after.

Everything you need is allready within you. Dont try too hard was the

advice I was given.

Yogananda said though " Nibbling little prayers wont get you the love of God"

I havent been reading your earlier stuff Tim just this one as I am

new to this list so I hope this is in some way relevent and helpful.



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Tim......so many final notes......i wish you success on your efforts to quit


.......it sounds like a pretty rough neighborhood you do your meditating in




>Tim Gerchmez <fewtch

>Grace, schmace. More stimulation of nerve endings. While you lie there

>crying like a babe, comforted in the arms of your imaginary god, your

>next-door neighbor may be dying of cancer, in agony


>Big deal. Lie there

>and cry like a baby from your imaginary love of a god that does not exist.

>You need a mommy to change your diapers perhaps.

>Yes, perhaps while the guru is sexually abusing the ten year old girl in

>the back room, unknown to himself.

>And while he sits there in self-centered absorption, his neighbor tortures

>his dog to death. The yelps of pain of a fellow living creature are not

>heard in the self-absorption of the aspirant.

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Beautiful. There is only one goal in true meditation; the thoughtless

state. The more the monkey mind is stilled, the more one hears Grace. Grace will

not scream over ego filled mind chatter. When one is ready, the mind will tire,

and Grace will descend, not a moment before. You are on your way. There is not

stopping you now. Once the mind is given a proper place to rest, it will not

have the desire to roam anymore.



Chris Hughes <aird.house

< >

Saturday, March 20, 1999 8:57 PM

Re: A final note... to KKT...



Chris Hughes <aird.house


Dear Tim

you seem very angry and frustrated.

I honestly dont understand all the technicalities and levels of

meditation nor do I need to

What I have felt descend on me in meditation is what I asume to be

the love of God. It reduced me to tears. A man of 53 howling like a

babe. For the first time in my life I felt really loved

Yognanda has described his experience as ever new bliss. I think

thats worth going after.

Everything you need is allready within you. Dont try too hard was the

advice I was given.

Yogananda said though " Nibbling little prayers wont get you the love of


I havent been reading your earlier stuff Tim just this one as I am

new to this list so I hope this is in some way relevent and helpful.










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