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Nityananda 'Sky of the Heart'

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I sorry I don't happen to have copies at the moment of 'In Divine

Presence', or Muktananda's Nityananda biography of him.


Probably at least the Divine Presence book should be able to be ordered

from Amazon.com.


I am fairly certain it is Rudra press.


Muktananda's book can be ordered from the Syda Org. bookstore in

Southfallsburg, NY, but you might also be able to get it through




Sky of the heart is definitely Rudra press.


The actual title is "Sky of the Heart. Jewels of Wisdom from Nityananda"


ISBN # 0-915801-63-9


The book is divided into 4 sections:


The Self


The Higher Mind


The Power of Om


Spiritual Practice




Here are some examples from each section.


I am randomly opening up the book and sticking my finger down in the section.



The Self:



"Why do you hold an umbrella?


For protection from the rain.


The illusion of duality is the rain- Maya,


Truth is the umbrella,


And a steadfast mind is the handle.


Truth is in everything but few people realize it.



Maya, the cosmic power responsible for our


Sense of duality, comes from the Self-


The Self does not come from Maya.


The prime minister is under the king,


But he not the king.


The mind is not the Self-


It is a reflection of the Self.


The mind is two grades below the Self.


The mind has an end,


But the Self has no end.


The mind is often deluded,


But the Self is not deluded, and not subject


To the three forms of manifest reality-



The dense, the dynamic, the still.


Such qualities apply only to the mind.


The mind is to the Self


As the river is to the sea.



The Self is the sea, its water measureless.


The Self is without beginning or end.


The Self does not come and it does not go.


Whenever you turn, it is there.


Nothing else is seen.


The Self is there before you and it is there


After you;


Even before you were born, there was creation.


Only you are unaware."





The Higher Mind:



"Mind is the root of bondage and liberation


Of good and evil,


Of sin and holiness.



Mind creates thought,


Thought leads to action,


And action leads to results




Without mind, there is no speech-


No coming and no going,


Nothing happens!




In school, it is not enough to speak English.


You must learn to write it.


Only then can you pass to the next grade"




Aphorism # 2



"Thinking and reflecting is what makes a person.


A true person thinks and reflects.


Ignorance of the path to the Self leads to rebirth


Again and again.




Without knowledge of this path,


You will not find contentment.


Contentment comes from knowing


The path of spirituality.


It comes from doing your work without


Being attached to its results.


This is desirelessness, liberation, divine bliss.




Desire is hell!


Desirelessness is supreme joy!


The highest state is Shiva-Shakti-


The experience of the Here and the Beyond."





The power of Om:



Om vibrates like a storm in the sky.


Having neither beginning nor end,


It is the stage manager of the Divine Drama.



The human body is a string of Om,


All that is- inside us, outside us,


Is born of Om.



We do not need to search for Om.


It is present in everything, everywhere.


No special effort is needed to recall


To memory.



Shakti! The creative power of the Divine


That is Om exists in all creatures.


The sound produced by any creature is


Nothing but Om.



The universal sound is Om.


When Om unites with vital breath


And moves in the body,


This is the universal sound.


When nature and the subtle energy are separate,



This is the universal sound:


When both are felt to be one,


This is Oneness.



Om is seen everywhere.


Wherever you place your faith


Becomes All.



The Shakti that is Om


Fills and penetrates the universe.


It is the formless, infinite, and indivisible.


It is the light in all directions!



Ignorance and knowledge are not real-


Neither pain nor pleasure has effect.


All is Om!"






Spiritual Practice:



"Holding sugar in the palm of your hand does


Not lead to knowledge of its sweetness.


Only by eating sugar can its sweetness


Be known.



Merely repeating holy names like


Rama, Krishna, and Govinda


Even for a thousand years,


Cannot bring liberation.



Mantra must be repeated


With full knowledge, devotion, and








Warmest regards,




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Thank you, Martin!


>"Why do you hold an umbrella?


>For protection from the rain.


>The illusion of duality is the rain- Maya,


>Truth is the umbrella,


>And a steadfast mind is the handle.


>Truth is in everything but few people realize it.



This one speaks to me today... just what I needed...




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