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Self-Realization (Follow the Clue of I AM)

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Harsha: Realized Sages have indicated the experience or the state of the

Self. It is what it is.

The very Core of Being. Only Being. Or call it whatever else you like. No

Self, Shunya, Reality. What difference can it make. It is pure

Sat-Chit-Ananda, devoid of thought or doubt but utterly Complete and Supreme

over its domain, its domain being no other than It Self. It is the Eternal

Reality which is not conscious of anything separate from it, being Only

Consciousness Itself. It is beyond happiness and despair, beyond destiny and

free will, and beyond time and space. It is beyond the different paths,

philosophies, religions and conceptions of the Divine. People with much

confidence speak of their way, their path, and their religion.

People speak of their God, their insights, their Realization, etc. This is

fine. But when an aspirant sincerely enquires with intensity, Who is the "I"

who conceptualizes all such things, only then introversion takes place.

The feeling of "I" that everyone has naturally, is the clue to resolving

the mystery of Existence. It leads to the Knowledge of the Self.

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Further to Harsha's great and complete presentation, the 'self' is that

part of you that you can not lose. Often the question is asked 'If I

become one with the absolute will I loose my identity?" I believe the

answer here is 'no' you do not lose your 'self' with one very important



There are two selfs. There is the 'self-centered' self (ego) that

initially acts as the source or motivation for ones actions. It is the

self that needs recognition and seeks it by performing tasks that are

selfish in nature. This is the self that, when the outcome does not

reflect the 'good intention' of the action, finds no fault with itself

but would rather blame those around the action. This is the self that

'must' be purged in order to evolve spiritually.


The second 'self' is the 'subtle self'. This is the self that is

'uniquely' you. We all start as 'one' in the sense that we have all come

from the same source. However, understanding that what is, is, you can

see that no other, no matter how close or how much of your life they

have shared, has first, experienced the same circumstances and events

that have made your life what it is. Secondly, even if they have shared

a great portion of your life with you, say in the sense of a marriage,

they may not have shared the same perceptions or the degree of

positiveness or negativeness that you did around any one event.


In conclusion, the ego centered self is the self that one must conquer

and purge. The 'sutble self' on the other hand, are the things and

circumstances (memories) of what makes you uniquely you. It is this self

that serves you as reminder of where you have been, where you are, and

where you would like to go.




Tim Harris


For more information on the



ICQ # 34365156

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