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Gloria Greco wrote:


I share this with Anandajyoti's permission.


> anandajyoti wrote:

> >

> > Hello Gloria,

> > I agree with you what you wrote which I will not repeat.

> > I am trying within the short times available to me, to show what is there,

if any

> > one would be motivated to delve into. A variety of opinions will always be


> > just as our five fingers are not the same in function nor in the shape or

size of

> > it, yet all together makes something work.


> Gloria:

> Exactly, spirit works through all five fingers as well, so the idea of

> their only being one perspective is false. Through the five fingers we

> learn, discern, and come together. Communication works the process so

> that male/female energies can balance out as well. So even this involves

> a process. The internet is really a powerful tool but I can see that

> negative energy focused at one is that poison that you speak of. Our

> commitment as a group is to remain heart centered to the best of the

> individuals ability which keeps love in the picture. If for some reason

> this focus slides momentarily, it is up to all of us to be like Shiva in

> this post, and take a portion of the poison so that no person on ths

> list is left in pain and suffering. No person on this list will suffer

> without the rest of us sharing in it, we are truly one. I would like to

> post this is Harsha's list, Anandajyoti, do you have any objection about

> this? The story here you used is really a powerful description of what

> happens.


> > It reminds me of the story in The puranas, which is allegorical, that Angels


> > their opposites were manifested from the same source, and they used to fight


> > the time, and in course of time, they found a direction to have the nectar (

> > Amrita) which could make them immortal.

> > They got together , these opposite forces in truce to have the Amrita

churned out

> > of the ocean of life.

> > Amrita did come in the end, but prior came so many good and evil things ,


> > Poison came out so profusely, that the Universe was about to be destroyed.

It was

> > only Shiva who could take even the poison to save Creation. Mother Divine


> > fed Shiva to save Shiva.

> > We need to reflect what is Shiva all about, an epitome of mercy, all

accepting, and

> > having the capacity to take in even poison, to save another. Such is the


> > behind us all.

> > The Mother Divine indicates, that there is always a benevolent force ( GOD)


> > soothes us even when we take poison. Shiva is also Knowledge. Without

knowledge our

> > capacity to take all, does not manifest. Here come the perennial questions,


> > are very basic.


> Gloria:

> This also widens the perspective doesn't it? Looking at the Doctor

> Kavorkein controversy issues about doctor assisted death really makes

> you see all of the perspectives. It isn't as cut and dry as the mind

> lets one believe. It is really a heart issue as well, isn't it? When we

> use this suggestion that you brought up here, why is this coming up

> now? Is it something that the human wants to understand but doesn't.

> For sure the fear of dieing is much stronger then the experience of

> death itself. When you take a society that has built its life about

> control, and really not in turning to God for help, isn't it natural

> that the individual would want control in this aspect of their life as

> well. It is a symptom isn't it? This is a true side effect of not living

> 'thy will and not mine, it has to come up.'

> Then comes in the how?

> How can it be discussed when it is a part of the human thoughts


> creating a way for it to be focused on. So you can see why and how it

> had to come up? What, when and whom is obvious, it is here on our

> television every night. It is interesting to witness the process without

> judgement and see what happens, very much like a discussion we see

> happen on any list. Can we accomplish this?

> Thank you for sharing Anandajyoti.


> > Why, How, What, When, and whom? In our discernment process in whatever we do


> > earthly or spiritual these are the fundamentals through all need to walk


> > whether we like it or not. And after that experience come the surrender to

GOD, and

> > Love gets in, without any conditions or strings attached. Love is a very


> > aspect of us all, but we should also delve into what Love is. or Why Love.

> > The answers are within each of us. It is for our taking.

> >

> > With Best wishes to you ,,the family, and all in the heartzen list,

> >

> > Humbly

> > Anandajyoti.

> >

> > Gloria Greco wrote:

> >

> > > Hi Anandajyoti,

> > > Thank you for posting the different sites for people. I have the

> > > feeling that many on our list are processing life situations and are

> > > afraid to share it. And after being on a couple of the other lists I

> > > feel much the same is happening. The thing that I am getting very strong

> > > is when someone comes on and says something and then they get flamed, it

> > > makes it so the rest of the people are really afraid to come out since

> > > they are afraid to be judged. Isn't it interesting how it works?

> > > I don't believe anyone on our list has ever been even slightly put


> > > for anything but there is still that fear of not agreeing or saying

> > > something that may be considered to be wrong.

> > > Harsha's list has just gone through a pretty rough wave, and after


> > > is a wierd vibe that sits there for a time.

> > > I wanted to post this because I certainly hope that everyone on


> > > heart list knows that love is the guide here and we all are here for

> > > each other...nothing is right or wrong when love is the carrying agent.

> > > Does everyone agree with this? Is there any discussion or feelings


> > > it is different then what I wrote? Gloria

> >

> > ------------------------------

> >

> > Name: anandajyoti.vcf

> > Part 1.2 Type: text/x-vcard

> > Encoding: 7bit

> > Description: Card for anandajyoti


> --


> Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.

> Gloria Joy Greco

> e-mail me at : lodpress and visit our homepages at:

> http://users.intercomm.com/larryn/

> &

> http://www.freeyellow.com/members/zg888/

> Hope you enjoy them!




Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.

Gloria Joy Greco

e-mail me at : lodpress and visit our homepages at:




Hope you enjoy them!

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