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anandajyoti wrote:


> Gloria Greco wrote:


> > Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D. wrote:

> > >

> > > hbarrett (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.)

> >

> > GG

> > Beautiful post Holly. You have said a lot here. When the conversation

> > moves from the heart to the intellect the love drains out. There is no

> > way of figuring out spirit, it is all letting go and flowing and

> > accepting what is.


> Anandajyoti> well put Gloria and Holly,


> > > some of us, is still felt to be There (whew, this is hard to explain!).

> > > I know Jan and others have had the Grace to have gotten There in one

> > > fell swoop, but I and I'm guessing some others are experiencing this

> > > strange dual consciousness where I'm There and then I'm back here in

> > > time, in process.


> Anandajyoti,

> The simple way IMHO, for self realization I have found in my life, is to know

> ourselves fully.

> The good , bad and the ugly, within us. To have the courage and will to face

> whatever is inside, head on.



> Discerning, what we need and what we want.

> I may want something in my life which may not be conducive to my self

> realization process, what ever it may be,

> but how can we have God fulfill all our wants. I know from my own experience ,

> that God does and will always, fulfill our needs, whatever it may be.

> The rest is Thy Will, My Lord, not mine.


> > There is much that is astonishing in process-land:

> > > seeing God in my husband, watching trees shimmer, feeling Silence

> > > slowly but surely spread across my body. There is much that is

> > > difficult in process-land, too: soft grief with each letting go,

> > > isolation, the struggle to surrender. Maybe because we focus so much

> > > on the Here/There, we get caught up in arguments about absolutes and a

> > > necessary space in which to look at process collapses and gets lost.

> > > Don't know what to do about all this except maybe keep it in mind.

> > > Holly

> >


> Anandajyoti>

> very very true. "soft grief with each letting go"

> When anyone knows oneself fully as one is , then all arguments, all doubts

> cease to be.

> We find new meanings in all the events in our lives, serving God's purpose.

> But when our tiny ego get the idea , That notion of I am it, (ego driven)

> without the consideration of all the others

> in our relationships, be it, in the family, work place, in the store, at play,

> or at the movie theater, while we sleep, we eat, relax or work, then Gods Play

> is overlooked, ignored, but HIS Love for us unending, always waiting for us to

> have a relationship with Him , through whatever we do , while awake or asleep.


> So much for now, from my communion.


> Anandajyoti

> http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/6782


> ------------------------------


> Name: anandajyoti.vcf

> Part 1.2 Type: text/x-vcard

> Encoding: 7bit

> Description: Card for anandajyoti




Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.

Gloria Joy Greco

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