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Dear friends

I sent this to the K list of which I am a member and it occoured to

me that it might be of benefit to some on this list.

When I went to the "Kundalini Foundation for Self Realisation"

meditation camp on the ashram of the late Guruji. He told us that we

were blessed that we has been accepted by God that we were in the

taxi home driven by Shakti Kundalini. She is in charge there is no

need to do any more than you have been doing up till now. We were

also told that by joining the KFSR we were under his protection and

that protection would continue after death.

Guruji gave shaktipat to literalily 1000's of people in his life. He

wrote two main books in which he talks of the difficulties that he

went through. He though he was going mad. He did not know it was

Kundalini till his third eye opened and he saw his vision of God

there helping him.

The books are frankly not for the faint hearted but very full of detail.

If any one wants the books ISBN. E mail me and I will look them out

though you would probably have to get them from India or the KFSR.




Sai Ram


PS the though of merging with God scared the hell out of me as I

though I would completely loose my ownself ( somtimes in the past

that would have been considered a blessing) but I was relived to hear

it described by Yogananda and others as "Ever new Bliss"

We are allready waves of the ocean. Just a case of "re-membering"

In Scotland we would say " A chip of the old block"

Sai Ram







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