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Surrender (FWD)

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from " mic clarke" <mohan contains these words:


Thanks Mic


for these uplifting words which have made so much sense to me.

I have put some of my thoughts too.


Please can we have some more posts like this.

I am trying with difficulty to surrender but this make it all the

more clear to me that if I am struggling it is because I am trying too hard.

I am lacking in patience want results / rewards from my "sacrifice"

and also the ego feels it should be in control even of surrender.

The expression "LET GO LET GOD" springs to mind from some where!!!

I have also heard the process of realising self discribed as

"Peeling the layers of an onion".

THAT is allways there waiting to be uncovered.

Love Chris

Sai Ram


> ... Surrender comes down to two words, being and stillness. In Talks =

> Ramana says: snip

> On this level of surrender practice consists , of giving up wrong ideas =

> by refusing to give them attention. snip


I have found this so. But it reminds me of an 18th Century nuns prayer

which begs to remove her sins but not all yet as she finds Saints to

be so crotchetcy (dyslexic attack)





Occasionally this stillness and this peace will =

> expand and intensify until a point is reached where no effort is needed =

> to sustain this awarenes of being. The attention merges imperceptively =

> with the being itself, and the occasional stray thoughts no longer have =

> the power to distract.


Yes please

> When this point of surrender has been reached, all the ignorant =

> misperceptions which constitute the illusory ego have disappeared, but =

> htis is not the final state of Realisation, because the misconceptions =

> are only in suspension, and sooner or later, they will emerge again. =


Oh no!!!

> Ramana has stated that the final , definitive elimination of ignorance =

> is a matter for Self. He says that efort can only take one to a certain =

> point, and then the Self takes over and takes one to the goal.


Oh yes please

> In the case of surrender, the initial effort is the shifting of one's =

> attention from the world of thoughts to the feeling of being. When there =

> is no attention on it, the mind subsides revealing the being from which =

> it came, then in some mysterious way, the Self eliminates the residual =

> ignorance and Realisation dawns. Ramana summed up it up neatly when he =

> said, "Just keep quiet and Bhagavan will do the rest"( Ramana Maharshi =

> and the Path of Self-Knowledge, p147)=20


"Just keep quiet and Bhagavan will do the rest."



I believe this is so. There is no progress worth speaking of till

Gods grace is accepted by me.


Who put the idea in my mind to go to yoga in the first place that I

might take the first step in search of TRUTH. God did.



> K.Swaminathan

> The Unity of Surrender and Self Enquiry.

> The Mountain Path, Vol 18, no1 1981






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