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Gemini/Gene Poole

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Re: Gemini/Gene Poole

> Fri, 26 Mar 1999

> "Gemini" <currwamp

> Re: Gene Poole


Hi Gemini...

> Magus,

> Thank you for the excellent exposition on the

> psychology of group dynamics. You underscore two important

> points with clarity and abundance of information:


Thanks. Comments...

> extroversion does not lead to understanding Self. On the

> contrary, introversion is the way. Others may serve as an

> occasional rudder, but the voyage is highly individual and

> uniquely your own.


Highly individual, yes indeed. Beginners or 'old souls', we need to beware

of 'spiritual fascism'. Freedom is freedom, unconditional, ultimately and



Regarding 'intro/extroversion', each is a 'version', ultimately to be seen

as such.

> The human language and dichotomising thought constructs

> will not lead to an understanding of that which is neither

> of multiplicity, or under the authority of spoken

> language. Gross speech is terminally inadequate and in

> fact an innapropriate means for understanding the Divine

> Principle. One is not going to "understand" the Divine

> principle with the fourfold psychic instrument. It must be

> "lived within." Even this is terribly inadequate language,

> but must do.


> Much light

> M


Yes. Difficulties arise when one reads/hears a proclaimed 'realizer'

stating 'truth' in words; such an incident gives 'patent' to the equation

of 'the experience of transcendence' as being expressible, and as such, the

'patent' is then a new goal for the aspirant. But one who imitates/restates

what is 'patented' is perceived as a 'claim-jumper' and is thus eventually

seen as inadequate.


In my view, the 'Divine' does not demand 'religion'; in fact, I will go so

far as to say that it is possible to live and express the Divine, while

never alluding to 'God' or to any religious ideation whatsoever. Indeed, I

see that the vast intelligence which is this Living Universe, is quite

comfortable in my knowing of it in it's basic and raw and unembellished (by

me) nature. Thus, while one may reach for accurate or poetic words to

describe, it is the ongoing experience of communion which gifts me with the

sense of my own veracity which I have so longed for, for so many years. I

cannot expect that any other person will agree with my expression of this,

and that is fine with me. I look carefully at the words of others, to see

if their 'wisdom voice' is the same as my 'wisdom voice', but usually, all

I find is variations, each like a different version of myself. I have

'given up' the search for one to validate my own 'version', as I have

stated above.


To be honest with you, I perceive you (and 'everyone') to be emanations of

the Vast Living Intelligent Universe; your words, though 'version' they may

be, are the living feedback I am getting from the same intelligence that I

am. How can I be 'exclusive', if this is the case? I am having a 'relevant

discussion' with the very 'Higher Power' that I have sought; how can I

disagree, or attempt to overpower or to better define? You are my living

environment, speaking to me in words; what a glorious experience this is!

If I am 'cool', if I can constrain my impulse to 'better' you, maybe my

Living Environment will take that as a cue that I am mature enough to

actually be in conscious communion with 'it'. This I see as a 'secret of

life', and through this 'knowledge' (which I have learned the hard way) I

am attended by what I sought to know and realize. Now my task is to

maintain the balance that makes this possible.


Thank you, "M"...


==Gene Poole==

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Hi Gene,

>In my view, the 'Divine' does not demand 'religion';


Jung said religion protects us from direct experience.

> in fact, I will go so

>far as to say that it is possible to live and express the Divine, while

>never alluding to 'God' or to any religious ideation whatsoever.


It isn't necessary... When I teach meditation, I talk in the first session

about understanding what each person means by the words he uses... and

then we don't argue about which word is the "right" one to use... each

person uses the words he wants to use, and we just try to understand what

we're all saying.

>Indeed, I

>see that the vast intelligence which is this Living Universe, is quite

>comfortable in my knowing of it in it's basic and raw and unembellished (by

>me) nature. Thus, while one may reach for accurate or poetic words to

>describe, it is the ongoing experience of communion which gifts me with the

>sense of my own veracity which I have so longed for, for so many years.


It sounds like you have had a major break-through in recent years. If you

would care to tell about it, I'd be very interested. Maybe you already

have, in your next letter... but I think you're talking about something

more or different here.

> I

>cannot expect that any other person will agree with my expression of this,

>and that is fine with me. I look carefully at the words of others, to see

>if their 'wisdom voice' is the same as my 'wisdom voice', but usually, all

>I find is variations, each like a different version of myself. I have

>'given up' the search for one to validate my own 'version', as I have

>stated above.


I think you have become a shaman... you have found your own way, your own

"wisdom voice," your own vision and your own words for it... you need no

validation from anyone else...


>To be honest with you, I perceive you (and 'everyone') to be emanations of

>the Vast Living Intelligent Universe; your words, though 'version' they may

>be, are the living feedback I am getting from the same intelligence that I

>am. How can I be 'exclusive', if this is the case? I am having a 'relevant

>discussion' with the very 'Higher Power' that I have sought; how can I

>disagree, or attempt to overpower or to better define? You are my living

>environment, speaking to me in words; what a glorious experience this is!



>If I am 'cool', if I can constrain my impulse to 'better' you, maybe my

>Living Environment will take that as a cue that I am mature enough to

>actually be in conscious communion with 'it'. This I see as a 'secret of

>life', and through this 'knowledge' (which I have learned the hard way) I

>am attended by what I sought to know and realize. Now my task is to

>maintain the balance that makes this possible.


How do you see that balance and what it takes to maintain it?




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Patent. What a very simple and appropriate word.

Difficulties arise when one reads/hears a proclaimed 'realizer'

stating 'truth' in words; such an incident gives 'patent' to the equation

of 'the experience of transcendence' as being expressible, and as such, the

'patent' is then a new goal for the aspirant. But one who imitates/restates

what is 'patented' is perceived as a 'claim-jumper' and is thus eventually

seen as inadequate.


In my view, the 'Divine' does not demand 'religion'; in fact, I will go so

far as to say that it is possible to live and express the Divine, while

never alluding to 'God' or to any religious ideation whatsoever.

Nityananda of Ganeshpuri led thousands to Self without every endorsing

a religious tenant or spiritual practice. He said every person was unique.

When pressed about the issue, He would reply "read the Bhagavad Gita," which

is a work of Divine wisdom without religious order.


I look carefully at the words of others, to see

if their 'wisdom voice' is the same as my 'wisdom voice', but usually, all

I find is variations, each like a different version of myself. I have

'given up' the search for one to validate my own 'version', as I have

stated above.


It has been said the one who finds fault in others is only finding

fault in himself.


To be honest with you, I perceive you (and 'everyone') to be emanations of

the Vast Living Intelligent Universe; your words, though 'version' they may

be, are the living feedback I am getting from the same intelligence that I

am. How can I be 'exclusive', if this is the case? I am having a 'relevant

discussion' with the very 'Higher Power' that I have sought; how can I

disagree, or attempt to overpower or to better define? You are my living

environment, speaking to me in words; what a glorious experience this is!

Magnificent. Universal in reason. What a treat to read.


If I am 'cool', if I can constrain my impulse to 'better' you, maybe my

Living Environment will take that as a cue that I am mature enough to

actually be in conscious communion with 'it'. This I see as a 'secret of

life', and through this 'knowledge' (which I have learned the hard way) I

am attended by what I sought to know and realize. Now my task is to

maintain the balance that makes this possible.


Marcus has a mantra of his own device: "Everything is just as it should

be." When one participates in a genuine inner experience, the first impulsion is

to share with others. This can mutate ever so subtly into attempting to make

others see the light, so to speak.

This can have devestating repurcussions, snapping the ego back on itself

like a rubberband.

When established in Universal Consciousness, one sees that everything is

just as He (Shiva) left it. Everthing is as it should be. Some are under Maya,

some have pierced the veil, and everyone is at one of the 7 perceiver stations

that comprise the 36 tattvas. There is nothing to be done. The ego does not

second guess the Divine course and try to 'right' all the 'wrong' people.

You speak beautifully. It is a pleasure to hear these words. It is hoped

that you are heard from often. I bow to you in the heart my friend.

Ananda Bhakti


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