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[NondualitySalon] Gene/Slowness of Being

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Dear Gene..


I've literally spent hours these past two days reading your posts (on

Jerry's and Harsha's lists). What you write, as well as your phrasing

seems to require of me a slowing down.. a suspension of my ordinary

ways of "parsing" language. A few weeks back, in an attempt to define a

movement I experience while online, I identified that in becoming very

still, I sometimes am allowed to move *into* a perception, after which I

might attempt to "sculp" it using language. This written sculpting can

take a very long time, at least as time is counted in ordinary time.

Gloria Lee recognized this process of sculpting.


It is my experience here that many are consistently or, at least,

occasionally, writing in this way and the individual receipt of

impressed Light formation is expressed in a palpably authentic and

wholely deLightful new palate of information. So, I read many of these

posts slowly.. being nourished by the energy riding upon the sculpted



Yours Gene (Sandeep and Maurice...) move me into an entrained rhythm

which seems to come from another relationship with *time*. Perhaps, in

the suspension of ordinary meaning, there is also a suspension of the

ordinary agreement of 60 beats to a minute. It is as thought I know 60

beats in 10 minutes or... more. It is all, simply, moving more slowly. I

wonder if the 60 beats per second is the agreed upon rhythm to keep the

self entrained in the trance? I find, once the rhythm shifts, the trance

as well as *self as center* receeds.


Having sat down an hour ago to reflect and inquire, I now find that only

the above emerges..... the questions, I thought I was going to ask have

moved slightly off my screen. I am left with your hauntingly powerful

words (below) which resonate so clearly with what I experience

(particularly as might refer to the collective body)... I wonder how you

experience this?


Gene: "Please keep up the good work. I know it can be annoyingly

repetative, but this combined effort is a 'new thing'; our combined

processing-power (similar to what is called the 'Beowolf Array'... Jan

can fill you in on that) is yielding results which are more than merely

encouraging. What may seem to be an isolated effort is actually having

far-reaching effects; simultaneous upgrading is taking place throughout

the network. I am excited by the prospect of a spontaneous 'net-boot'

effect, which may well occur. This event, so long-dreaded as the 'end of

the world', may well be in preparation right now. We can only keep

working, and see what the days ahead do hold."


"That this should be occuring 'en masse' is a revolutionary event,

without a doubt. This 'ripple' is moving outward, disrupting all in its

wake. The disturbances which it creates can be resolved now, thanks to

your continued refinement of the parsing-engine of 'nonduality'."



Continued blessings upon the 52nd cycle of this birth spiral...


with love,

Christiana (another '48er)

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> "Christiana P. Duranczyk" <cpd


> Dear Gene..


> I've literally spent hours these past two days reading your posts (on

> Jerry's and Harsha's lists).


I was wondering if someone could point to me how i could come to

to Jerry's list.


I would appreciate it very much.



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Hi Antoine,

>I was wondering if someone could point to me how i could come to

> to Jerry's list.


It's on Onelist.com... the NondualitySalon.




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Dharma wrote:


> Dharma <fisher1


> Hi Antoine,


> >I was wondering if someone could point to me how i could come to

> > to Jerry's list.


> It's on Onelist.com... the NondualitySalon.


> Love,

> Dharma


Thank you for your interest. To please go to



We are different than the gathering here, although there is overlap in

the 'membership'. I like to consider applications of nonduality and to

look closely at the various ways of expressing nondual perspective.


I just sent a letter to the list on the latest findings in quantum

physics (teleportation) and implications for nondual thought. We have

been considering the world of Carlos Castaneda, Suzanne Segal,

Bernadette Roberts, U.G. Krishnamurti, the Boutique Nondualism of

Eucharist; we're off the wall sometimes, offering up dolphins as nondual

fare; Peter Lima just reported on Satsang with Ram Tzu in Sedona; Dustin

LindenSmith just returned from a month at Swami Veda's ashram in India

and will have a report. Stuff like that. Great original poetry. A good

dose of crazy humor, too. Lately people have been sending their versions

of Verse One of the Tao Te Ching, or translations they like. We've even

touched on the nonduality of professional boxing and of transsexualism.

Perhaps next we'll be taking bets on transsexual boxing. You never know

at the Nonduality Salon.


Now, aren't you sorry you asked?


Love to all on ,


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"Jerry M. Katz" wrote:

> We've even touched on the nonduality of professional boxing and of


> Perhaps next we'll be taking bets on transsexual boxing. You never know

> at the Nonduality Salon.


Is your real last name 'Springer' by any chance?

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Hello All,


Professional boxing, transsexualism how about the story of an ex-nun

(Catholic)? I've just finished reading "Through the Narrow Gate" by Karen

Anderson. It's her story of 7 years spent in a convent structure. I was

surprised at how much this book touched me emotionally I feel as if I'm

still reeling. What was so obvious to me was how much time in agony we

humans spend in trying to find God, be God, merge with God. All systems

seem to touch on these themes - kill the ego, transcend the ego, be without

sex, be sex, love the body, hate the body, suffer, don't suffer, love

yourself but only the pure self. It occurs to me that those times when I am

truly at peace are only those times when I feel the bliss of creation, at

one with all, God, Shakti, Destiny, Love whatever it name it has.


I just think we make it so hard does it have to be so?


I have no conclusions just taking an opportunity to express myself.








David Bozzi [david.bozzi]

Sunday, March 28, 1999 3:38 PM

Re: [NondualitySalon] Gene/Slowness of Being


David Bozzi <david.bozzi


"Jerry M. Katz" wrote:

> We've even touched on the nonduality of professional boxing and of


> Perhaps next we'll be taking bets on transsexual boxing. You never know

> at the Nonduality Salon.


Is your real last name 'Springer' by any chance?




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Linda Callanan wrote:

> It occurs to me that those times when I am

> truly at peace are only those times when I feel the bliss of creation, at

> one with all, God, Shakti, Destiny, Love whatever it name it has.


Experience is a most wise Teacher.

> I just think we make it so hard does it have to be so?


No, of course not.

Suffering is purely optional.

I'm not speaking of pain.

But pain is not such a big deal when it is not fought

or when one doesn't choose to

indulge in believing in some sense of unworthiness because it is experienced.

The resistance and self condemnation: all our choice. (thank god)



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Hi Linda,

>What was so obvious to me was how much time in agony we

>humans spend in trying to find God, be God, merge with God. All systems

>seem to touch on these themes - kill the ego, transcend the ego, be without

>sex, be sex, love the body, hate the body, suffer, don't suffer, love

>yourself but only the pure self. It occurs to me that those times when I am

>truly at peace are only those times when I feel the bliss of creation, at

>one with all, God, Shakti, Destiny, Love whatever it name it has.


>I just think we make it so hard does it have to be so?


> To love is to know me,

> My innermost nature,

> The truth that I am:

> Through this knowledge he enters

> At once to my Being....


> The Lord lives in the heart of every creature. He turns them round

>and round upon the wheel of >his Maya. Take refuge utterly in him. By

>his grace you will find supreme peace, and the state >which is beyond all


> Now I have taught you that wisdom which is the secret of secrets....

>the deepest of all truths.


> Give me your whole heart,

> Love and adore me,

> Worship me always,

> Bow to me only,

> And you shall find me:

> This is my promise

> Who love you dearly.


> - Krishna in _Bhagavad-Gita_

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David Bozzi wrote:

> "Jerry M. Katz" wrote:


> > We've even touched on the nonduality of professional boxing and of


> > Perhaps next we'll be taking bets on transsexual boxing. You never know

> > at the Nonduality Salon.


> Is your real last name 'Springer' by any chance?


Congratulations, David, you just invented Tabloid Nondualism. TONY




Of course you have the obligatory picture of Tony Robbins looking

distressed and aggravated, his hair all mussed up and all.

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All systems

seem to touch on these themes - kill the ego, transcend the ego, be without

sex, be sex, love the body, hate the body, suffer, don't suffer, love

yourself but only the pure self. It occurs to me that those times when I am

truly at peace are only those times when I feel the bliss of creation, at

one with all, God, Shakti, Destiny, Love whatever it name it has.


I just think we make it so hard does it have to be so?


Hello Linda,

Below are verses 97-101 of Sky Of The Heart: Jewels of Wisdom From



Without yoga

There is no escape

From the law of Karma.


Only in the subtle state

Can you be without thought.

Discrimination is the merging of mind

Into the higher mind.

Samadhi is the equal vision:

Seeing One in all,

When the fluctuations of the mind

Are stilled.

Through spiritual practice,

Keep the six enemies of

Anger, desire, envy, passion, greed, delusion

Under control.

When you practice,

Do not speak ill of others.

Doing so is like putting a stone

On a young sprouting plant.

Do not relax your practice

Even for fifteen minutes!

The mind should be ceaselessly

In the center.


Act according to your word.

Speak as you intend to act.


Even if you perform purification

For a thousand years,

If you work for results

Self-realization will not come.

Perform purification for even a little while

Without desire, and

You will see God in all

And all in God.





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Dear Marcus,


Thank you. The words of truth are always welcome. In the end I remember

that yoga is union and when united with self one is united with all and

there lies the purity.




Gemini [currwamp]

Monday, March 29, 1999 3:47 AM

Re: [NondualitySalon] Gene/Slowness of Being




All systems

seem to touch on these themes - kill the ego, transcend the ego, be


sex, be sex, love the body, hate the body, suffer, don't suffer,


yourself but only the pure self. It occurs to me that those times

when I am

truly at peace are only those times when I feel the bliss of

creation, at

one with all, God, Shakti, Destiny, Love whatever it name it has.


I just think we make it so hard does it have to be so?


Hello Linda,

Below are verses 97-101 of Sky Of The Heart: Jewels of Wisdom From



Without yoga

There is no escape

From the law of Karma.


Only in the subtle state

Can you be without thought.

Discrimination is the merging of mind

Into the higher mind.

Samadhi is the equal vision:

Seeing One in all,

When the fluctuations of the mind

Are stilled.

Through spiritual practice,

Keep the six enemies of

Anger, desire, envy, passion, greed, delusion

Under control.

When you practice,

Do not speak ill of others.

Doing so is like putting a stone

On a young sprouting plant.

Do not relax your practice

Even for fifteen minutes!

The mind should be ceaselessly

In the center.


Act according to your word.

Speak as you intend to act.


Even if you perform purification

For a thousand years,

If you work for results

Self-realization will not come.

Perform purification for even a little while

Without desire, and

You will see God in all

And all in God.





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