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Tim G and Kundalini

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Hello Tim,


An observation like that from reading your few last posts.



Quoting the posts


Post 1



Kundalini, eh? Have you looked into that?



Kundalini has different meanings in different contexts - but if you're

speaking of the typically described "Kundalini energies" as perceived by

the mind and by the subtle and gross bodies, I've never experienced any

of that. I would guess mostly because the path of jnana is a very

direct path, straight to the Source, that bypasses most of that nonsense

(no offense to anyone else on different paths, or who may be interested

in 'K'). I simply have no interest in experiencing funny energies

traveling through my body, or psychic powers, or anything of that

nature; I'm just interested in renouncing everything that is false until

only Truth remains, I.E. "Neti, Neti," wiping the glass clean so that

Self may shine through it. This is the path Divine will has chosen for

me. A somewhat "unpopular" path these days, as bhakti and raja seem to

be the two "most common" yogas in the "modern world," particularly in

the West. Of course, no path is 'pure,' and mine incorporates elements

of bhakti, raja and karma, but the main focus is jnana.


Post 2:



Tim, in the email thinking:

"Lately (the past several days) I've noticed that when I'm not utilizing

mind very much, I am at peace. But when doing things that require a lot

of thought, such as adding to my website, or posting a message that

requires much analysis or deep thinking, I notice a tremendous amount of

tension in my body. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?


This is something new. Previously, I could abide either in deep thought

or in lack of thought with a fair amount of relaxation. But now I'm

finding that deep analytical thinking of any kind brings a tension, an

anxiety that wasn't there before.


Is this due to resistance of some kind on my part? Or is it a natural

progression along the path to Realization? If anyone has a clue, I

would appreciate hearing it."


Post 3:



Tim in Ego death:

"We are specks of awareness that project our own universe and then

experience it." -- Deepak Chopra


"Ahh, tonight has been an interesting one. I have been reading a book

entitled "The Flame and the Light," by Hugh I'Anson Fausset. Tonight I

faced perhaps for the first time the primal fear of death of ego, the

possibility of complete dissolution of self "into" Self. I looked the

fear straight in the face, and it was terrifying. From the viewpoint of

the ego it appears as a hideous blackness, a monstrous moving shifting

ocean of black waters with claws and teeth that eat and destroy - and

this is a true statement, for to the ego Nirvikalpa Samadhi is death.


To die to the known and proceed straight into the unknown... my feet and

hands grew icy cold, and the heart in this body began to palpitate. But

I did not hesitate, I stood steadfast for a time, and looked directly


the heart of the fear. I considered the possibility of giving up this

"personality," this artificial construct, and what it might mean.


It would be wonderful if Nirvikalpa Samadhi could be seen, just for a

moment, from the "other side," would it not? I'm positive that such a

view would completely dispel all fear. But alas, such is not possible.

I am

working on accepting the fact that in order to COMPLETELY Realize the

Higher Self, lower self has got to go. Not all at once, of course,

unless it be the will of Divine Grace. Perhaps not even in this

lifetime. But go

it must. Ego must die for Self to be truly born. "Personality" itself

must die, dissipate, melt into the primal ocean from which it emerged.

To truly contemplate this is terrifying.


Comments welcome,"







Like you said Kundalini as different meanings in different context, and

according to experience. Personally i do see kundalini at work here, in

some way or the other. The gates wanting to open in front of the Tree of

Life. Until projecting the Universe and experiencing it, becone one and

the same thing.



"if you're speaking of the typically described "Kundalini energies" as

perceived by the mind and by the subtle and gross bodies, I've never

experienced any of that."


"To die to the known and proceed straight into the unknown... my feet

and hands grew icy cold, and the heart in this body began to palpitate."




" But when doing things that require a lot of thought, such as adding to

my website, or posting a message that requires much analysis or deep

thinking, I notice a tremendous amount of tension in my body. Has

anyone else experienced anything like this?"



Yes of course, the tension leads, to me, to new gates to open to the

natural flow. My "biological" or "subconscious" is finding a way to talk

directly instead of my anthropological ego construct. The tensions felt

then when thinking or doing (like in a life and death situation in

combat or else) from my experience comes from the subconscious flow

becoming stronger than the anthropological ego and yet the

anthropological ego being strong enough to resist. In other words the

tension points to where we need to learn to let go.


"This is something new. Previously, I could abide either in deep

thought or in lack of thought with a fair amount of relaxation. But now

I'm finding that deep analytical thinking of any kind brings a tension,

an anxiety that wasn't there before."



I like to talk in seasons, like in taoism. In winter the lakes are

covered with ice, nights are longer, there is a mirror between the

waters and the skies, so the explorations of the stars becomes easy

without moving anything in the waters. Spring is coming, ice melts,

plants grow, the waters and the earth even, come to become sensitive to

the sky and stars. The "skin" of the universe starts to breath. One

trying to keep a layer of ice over life in spring ask for great

energies, and most probably creates tensions. The relaxation must be

deeper even in the flow of life.


"Is this due to resistance of some kind on my part? Or is it a natural

progression along the path to Realization? If anyone has a clue, I

would appreciate hearing it.


Resistance, progression.... Not much difference to me.


Ohm :)


until it becomes Alms


in All





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