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Thank you for your response, Gloria. This

has been quite a day for taking 'a good look'.


And what I realize, somewhat to my surprise,

after reading your words, is the extent I am

comfortable with the philosophy, "let it be".


I'm realizing the extent that I see the perfection

in even what appears to be a most loathesome act,

and the most self centered of choices.


I'm realizing what an 'evolutionist' I've become. <s>


There's no hurry. No race. There is all the

'time' in the world. If someone wants to live

out of their solar plexus for another millenium,

then "let them be". If they're in my life, or share

a mailing list with me, and I'm 'affected' by them,

it's my choice to find the blessing. If I'm not

'bothered' by their acts, or 'inspired' to

speak with them, their posts would just roll on

by me.


And still, the perfection of 'let it be' also

encompasses the presence of those who would

encourage an apparently more efficient and

consciously assisted evolutionary transition.


The realization that surprises me most, however,

is just how little the 'intent' or 'will' of

the personality may have to do with our transitioning

.....looking at the picture with a big screen.


Brugh Joy once wrote, "our conscious mind trying

to 'direct' the unconscious is rather like a quark

of a flea on a tail of a dog trying to wag the dog".


I beginning to see what he meant by that.


That's why I appreciate so much the phrase

"let it be" as well as Gene's great word,



Thank you, Gloria, for this opportunity for

me to explore this further.



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Melody wrote:


> Melody <melody


> Thank you for your response, Gloria. This

> has been quite a day for taking 'a good look'.


> And what I realize, somewhat to my surprise,

> after reading your words, is the extent I am

> comfortable with the philosophy, "let it be".


> I'm realizing the extent that I see the perfection

> in even what appears to be a most loathesome act,

> and the most self centered of choices.


> I'm realizing what an 'evolutionist' I've become. <s>



It means you have detached enough to understand that nothing is as it

appears. In this awareness one begins to see and understand from a brand

new perspective.


> There's no hurry. No race. There is all the

> 'time' in the world. If someone wants to live

> out of their solar plexus for another millenium,

> then "let them be". If they're in my life, or share

> a mailing list with me, and I'm 'affected' by them,

> it's my choice to find the blessing. If I'm not

> 'bothered' by their acts, or 'inspired' to

> speak with them, their posts would just roll on

> by me.



Yes, it is all up to the individual, when you no longer give another

person or set up circumstances the power over you...then it all changes

because you are the witness and not the experiencer. No longer in the

state of action/reaction, being is what is left.


> And still, the perfection of 'let it be' also

> encompasses the presence of those who would

> encourage an apparently more efficient and

> consciously assisted evolutionary transition.


> The realization that surprises me most, however,

> is just how little the 'intent' or 'will' of

> the personality may have to do with our transitioning

> ....looking at the picture with a big screen.



Not quite, it is your soul intention that exposes all of the picture to

you. It is when you surrender to God/Higher Self that the pieces come

together, the surrender is directly related to your soul intention and

your free will actually focusing on Higher Will which is a very pure

letting go. Tbis isn't something that can be learned from reading

books, going to lectures, any of the standard methods of learning. This

is direct spiritual revelation which only becomes possible when the

bridge of consciousness is forming so that Spirit can bring the pieces

together in your behalf. It is really all a matter of grace.


> Brugh Joy once wrote, "our conscious mind trying

> to 'direct' the unconscious is rather like a quark

> of a flea on a tail of a dog trying to wag the dog".


> I beginning to see what he meant by that.


> That's why I appreciate so much the phrase

> "let it be" as well as Gene's great word,

> "abide".


> Thank you, Gloria, for this opportunity for

> me to explore this further.



Let it be and abide are the same as "being" which pretty much means one

becomes the witness which is the state of knowing. It is no longer

something you try to understand or chase after, instead it is experience

without effort.


> Melody


> ------

> Come check out our brand new web site!


> Onelist: Making the Internet intimate




Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.

Gloria Joy Greco

e-mail me at : lodpress and visit our homepages at:




Hope you enjoy them!

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Hi Gloria G,


You said earlier:

"These lists are here to bring souls together in great harmony to bring

light into the world and thus be a source of healing in our planet.

This acts like a beacon of light and love spiritually and directly

affects the astral plane. When lower energy comes to disrupt the process

it dims the light...in the long run making it only stronger, however, it

is important that the participants recognize the individual

responsiblity to how this manifests.

Is there not another way we can handle thoughts and feelings? The way

that most do this is to observe, detach and let it go."




Going back to the essence of my initial

inquiry, my question now is, "how do you

reconcile your more recent responses to me, with

this post to Tim and Bruce?" It seems contradictory

to me, but perhaps it's not. On one hand I hear

you say in so many words, "your behavior is not in

others' best interest, and it would be better for

you, for us and for the world if you would change it"


But then you say to me,


"It means you have detached enough to understand that nothing is as it





"Yes, it is all up to the individual, when you no longer give another

person or set up circumstances the power over you...then it all changes

because you are the witness and not the experiencer. No longer in the

state of action/reaction, being is what is left."




Gloria, if it is all up to the individual to

be in witness, and nothing is as it appears, how

then can these 2 guys seemingly have any 'power'

to 'dim the light' for us?


And even if they did have such power, what

if the 'dimming of the light' is Perfection

for this group? What if it is part of their

soul's intent to dim the light of this group?


If you choose to help me be more clear in

what you are offering from your perspective,

I would be grateful.



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Gloria Greco wrote:

> I think it was Dharma who had suggested that this was not the list for

> processing, by processing I mean helping another person learn the

> interior dynamic of the work... which is witnessing what ever comes up

> and allowing it to simply flow by without thought or reaction. I agree

> it would be very nice if everyone on every list understood there is a

> moment to moment process which is the individuals responsiblity to work

> through.


Hi Gloria,


Adding to this, if I may, I have seen that the real purpose of these

lists is not different than the purpose of any real Ashram. It is a

place where people can be with good people prior to initiation, and

after initiation during the time initiation is drawing Grace and the

subsequent inevitable changes one goes through. One needs company and

guidance. Who is the Guru at this 'Ashram'? The list as a whole. I have

called it the Holo-Guru, for it is all of us.


So many of the things we talk about are ways of keeping people here, so

that they'll receive initiation and then grow with it. How does one

receive initiation? That's a whole other subject! There are

straighforward ways, and ways that are not so evident. Some have been

initiated right here or on other lists without knowing it. Perhaps they

suspect it.



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Melody wrote:


> Melody <melody


> Hi Gloria G,


> You said earlier:

> "These lists are here to bring souls together in great harmony to bring

> light into the world and thus be a source of healing in our planet.

> This acts like a beacon of light and love spiritually and directly

> affects the astral plane. When lower energy comes to disrupt the process

> it dims the light...in the long run making it only stronger, however, it

> is important that the participants recognize the individual

> responsiblity to how this manifests.

> Is there not another way we can handle thoughts and feelings? The way

> that most do this is to observe, detach and let it go."



> Going back to the essence of my initial

> inquiry, my question now is, "how do you

> reconcile your more recent responses to me, with

> this post to Tim and Bruce?" It seems contradictory

> to me, but perhaps it's not. On one hand I hear

> you say in so many words, "your behavior is not in

> others' best interest, and it would be better for

> you, for us and for the world if you would change it"


> But then you say to me,


> "It means you have detached enough to understand that nothing is as it

> appears...."


> (and)


> "Yes, it is all up to the individual, when you no longer give another

> person or set up circumstances the power over you...then it all changes

> because you are the witness and not the experiencer. No longer in the

> state of action/reaction, being is what is left."


> Gloria, if it is all up to the individual to

> be in witness, and nothing is as it appears, how

> then can these 2 guys seemingly have any 'power'

> to 'dim the light' for us?



It is indeed a paradox isn't it? The thing is this, if it wasn't these

two individuals it would be someone or something else. Because this is

the way of the world and indeed the process is going on at different

levels all around. We are in the world...but not of it. Therefore, I

said while this is the purpose of the lists and yes it does dim the

light...in the long run it makes it stronger. Why? Because as the

consciousness expands then the process changes along with the ebb and

flow. So while individuals who get into the dynamic of action/reaction,

it steals the light as other individuals also get sucked into it, (the

test) However, as the witnessing continues and the letting go is sincere

and truly experienced from deep resolve and knowing, then the light

comes back and for some it may have opened up a channel for a deeper

commitment and understanding of Divine Will.


I think it was Dharma who had suggested that this was not the list for

processing, by processing I mean helping another person learn the

interior dynamic of the work... which is witnessing what ever comes up

and allowing it to simply flow by without thought or reaction. I agree

it would be very nice if everyone on every list understood there is a

moment to moment process which is the individuals responsiblity to work


If this were the case, nothing would ever come in that would cause that

dip in the wave, and no one would be tested at all with the influx of

thought and emotion. Is this realistic?


Satsangh is beautiful and harmonious, a part of being in this state is

having obtained the ability to remain in the state no matter what comes

down. Divine Will is creating from its own state of will and purpose,

how then can we question anything that manifests.


Back to your question, in large part...lists like this take on the

responsiblity to hold the center and maintain the flow while the dip

goes on. This is a very powerful and appropriate assignment for group

consciousness, wouldn't you agree?


What would the purpose of this be? Right now the world is pretty much

up in arms over what is coming down in the conflict, the mental/astral

plane immediately responds and cause and effect go out in every

direction. When people can remain in the union...(non-dual state) it

really acts as the buffer for what is taking place. By remaining in

union, and not getting side tracked and sucked into the conflict...it

does work wonders in terms of keeping Divine Power in place, and

offsetting what could easily explode into an even bigger conflict.



> And even if they did have such power, what

> if the 'dimming of the light' is Perfection

> for this group? What if it is part of their

> soul's intent to dim the light of this group?



I would say it is only being used, everything that happens is for

purpose, nothing is an accident. I think Harsha said there were maybe

120 people on the list. If one, two, ten or twenty came in to create

disruption, it would only be a test to see if the negative energy could

be absorbed by the light, God is working through many bodies to maintain

that pure creative sound.


> If you choose to help me be more clear in

> what you are offering from your perspective,

> I would be grateful.



I hope this answered the question. Perhaps someone else will want to

add to it.


> Melody


> ------

> Ta Da! Come see our new web site!


> Onelist: A free email community service




Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.

Gloria Joy Greco

e-mail me at : lodpress and visit our homepages at:




Hope you enjoy them!

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Jerry M. Katz wrote:


> "Jerry M. Katz" <umbada


> Gloria Greco wrote:


> > I think it was Dharma who had suggested that this was not the list for

> > processing, by processing I mean helping another person learn the

> > interior dynamic of the work... which is witnessing what ever comes up

> > and allowing it to simply flow by without thought or reaction. I agree

> > it would be very nice if everyone on every list understood there is a

> > moment to moment process which is the individuals responsiblity to work

> > through.


> Hi Gloria,


> Adding to this, if I may, I have seen that the real purpose of these

> lists is not different than the purpose of any real Ashram. It is a

> place where people can be with good people prior to initiation, and

> after initiation during the time initiation is drawing Grace and the

> subsequent inevitable changes one goes through. One needs company and

> guidance. Who is the Guru at this 'Ashram'? The list as a whole. I have

> called it the Holo-Guru, for it is all of us.



I understand this, and of course this is what it is for. Initiation is

a natural part of the awakening process.


> So many of the things we talk about are ways of keeping people here, so

> that they'll receive initiation and then grow with it. How does one

> receive initiation? That's a whole other subject! There are

> straighforward ways, and ways that are not so evident. Some have been

> initiated right here or on other lists without knowing it. Perhaps they

> suspect it.


> Jerry


> ------

> Ta Da! Come see our new web site!


> Onelist: A free email community service




Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.

Gloria Joy Greco

e-mail me at : lodpress and visit our homepages at:




Hope you enjoy them!

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