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Fw: Merging with Siva Lesson 56

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Lesson 56


A Springboard To Eternity


The uninitiated might ask: "What is it like to be in the clear white

light?" The young aspirant may reply, "It is as simple as sitting in a

darkened room, closing the eyes in deep concentration and finding the

entire inside of the cranium turning into light." At first it may be

only a dim, moon-like glow, a pale flicker of several different colors,

but then it becomes as bright and intense as the radiance of the noonday

sun, then crystal clear and white. It all depends upon the composition

of the mind states of reactionary patterns as to how the light in the

cranium will first appear.




Of course, clear white light is not absolute, for light invariably implies

the existence of shadow. The shadows that sometimes fade out inner light

are the instinctive functions that hold the physical body intact. These

are represented as attributes in the external mind and character of man.




Attachment, for instance, holds our cells together; it is also the

root of much suffering, for attachment to material objects or people

keeps man's awareness externalized, incapable of expressing itself

in full freedom. Man who is caught in the magnetic forces is prone to

resentment. Not being able to cognize various fears as they occur, he

stores them up into a conscious resentment of all threats to the false

securities found in attachment. Resentment burrows deeply into the outer

mind's layers, undermining much of a person's creative endeavor. The

reactionary conditions resentment is capable of agitating are subconscous

and cast many shadows over clarity of perception for long periods of

time. Those who resent are often jealous, another shadow or character

weakness which stems from feelings of inferiority, a limited view of

one's real Self. After one burst of clear white light has occurred, the

force fields of attachment, resentment and jealousy are shattered. An

increased control of the mind, an expanded consciousness, is maintained

which frees man little by little from ever again generating the magnetic

holds consuming his consciousness in these shadows. When man allows

himself to routine his external thinking and action to settle into

uncreative, static conditions, pressures of various sorts build up,

and the undisciplined mind releases itself to the emotion of anger,

a state of consciousness which renders a man blind to the existence of

inner light in any degree.




Fear is another shadow which causes man to have an inability to face a

critical moment, even in the intimacy of his deepest meditation. But

fear is a protective process of the instinctive mind, allowing time

to temporarily avoid what must later be faced. Fear, being an intense

force in the mind's, as well as the body's, structure, must be handled

positively, for when man thinks under the shadow of fear, he causes

his fears to manifest. The flickering shadows of worry brought on by

allowing mind to irrationally jump from one subject to another, never

centralizing on any one point long enough to complete it, must be handled

through disciplining the flow of thought force, for worry provokes a

darker shadow--fear. Fear when disturbed causes anger, submerged anger,

resentment, causing a jealous nature. Hence the constant play of the

clear white light versus its shadows.




By becoming conscious of the way in which the mind operates in even a

small degree, the young aspirant to light finds it easy to fold back

the shadows into shafts of clear white light.

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