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Christiana/non-expedient Being

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Re: Christiana/non-expedient Being

> Sun, 28 Mar 1999 01:55:11 -0800

> "Christiana P. Duranczyk" <cpd

> Re: [NondualitySalon] Gene/Slowness of Being


> Dear Gene..


Greetings, Christiana. It is a delight to communicate with you. You

wrote... and I comment;

> I've literally spent hours these past two days reading your posts (on

> Jerry's and Harsha's lists). What you write, as well as your phrasing

> seems to require of me a slowing down.. a suspension of my ordinary

> ways of "parsing" language.


Yes. If you do a 'traceroute' on my particular phraseology, you will find

that I send (as you read) requests to far-away, disparate 'servers' within

your _aggregate consciousness_, what you refer to as "the collective body".

By so doing, I tie together what had been discreet, and in so doing,

encourage automatic reconfiguration of 'your' memory/indexing schema.


This is (I confess) deliberate on my part; on the other hand, I am simply

communicating the way I always do, when I have no particular idea to

convey. I simply share my 'way of Being' with the 'reader', in awareness

that as I formulate, so others must decode. By requiring a deep reach, what

had been forgotten is retrieved.


This (new?) game of 'extended ping-pong' ramifies in several dimensions

simultaneously, as you feel; not only the personal, but the universal is

brought 'into play'. And now, I have this to say about that... it is 'just

exercise'. This is NOT to say that I am saying nothing; on the contrary,

there are things that I want to say. But the things, topics, themselves,

are of less importance than becoming aware of the operations of

'consciousness'. That is why I say it is 'just exercise'.


I do not want to give the impression that I am sitting on a load of secret,

esoteric information; rather, I am introducing (to some) a way of 'playing'

which has the redeeming value of 'building muscle' in the multidimensional



This being said, I put no value on the outcome of this 'exercise'. As you

see, those who 'catch the ball' will also absorb the spin which I impart

upon it as I launch it. I am not 'trying' to do anything; rather, I am

sharing Being. I am grateful for your sharing.

> A few weeks back, in an attempt to define a

> movement I experience while online, I identified that in becoming very

> still, I sometimes am allowed to move *into* a perception, after which I

> might attempt to "sculp" it using language. This written sculpting can

> take a very long time, at least as time is counted in ordinary time.

> Gloria Lee recognized this process of sculpting.


I miss Gloria Lee.


You refer to what I identify as 'translation', above. That is, that I (or

anyone) launch a packet of symbols, and the receiver must decide at what

level to initiate comprehension. 'Sculpting' I see as the resolution... of

what has been received, into the closest approximation of what is 'known'.

Re-sending then verifies the accuracy (if any) of the re-sent images.

> It is my experience here that many are consistently or, at least,

> occasionally, writing in this way and the individual receipt of

> impressed Light formation is expressed in a palpably authentic and

> wholely deLightful new palate of information. So, I read many of these

> posts slowly.. being nourished by the energy riding upon the sculpted

> words.


Yes. This is an accurate description of the process we are undertaking. It

is to our credit that we are both sensitive and willing to allow deep

penetration. Your words find home in my deep knowing-dynamic, and stimulate

in-kind reciprocity.

> Yours Gene (Sandeep and Maurice...) move me into an entrained rhythm

> which seems to come from another relationship with *time*. Perhaps, in

> the suspension of ordinary meaning, there is also a suspension of the

> ordinary agreement of 60 beats to a minute. It is as thought I know 60

> beats in 10 minutes or... more. It is all, simply, moving more slowly. I

> wonder if the 60 beats per second is the agreed upon rhythm to keep the

> self entrained in the trance? I find, once the rhythm shifts, the trance

> as well as *self as center* receeds.


I am delighted that you know of entrainment!


Your question is answered thus; as a contrast (which you describe above), I

offer wide-bandwidth or 'full-pipe' connectivity. The issue of time is

understood as the 'periodicity' (beats per time-period) which are unique to

each individual 'dimension'; by combining all dimenisions into a

full-spectrum transmission/experience, all 'periods' are available. The

freedom to experience the 'period' of one dimension while 'Being in'

another, is freedom indeed, and produces an affect which I call

'Chronolysis', or the 'melting of time'. It is interesting to note that

certain 'mind-altering' drugs are essentially 'Chronolytic' in their affect

upon consciousness. One 'overall' affect produced thus, is called

'synesthesia', which may be experienced as a mild 'psychedelia'.


Not only the visual sense (of reading) but also the auditory sense is also

'despecifified' by the chronolytic affects of reading the writings of a

chronic synesthesiac, such as this.

> Having sat down an hour ago to reflect and inquire, I now find that only

> the above emerges..... the questions, I thought I was going to ask have

> moved slightly off my screen. I am left with your hauntingly powerful

> words (below) which resonate so clearly with what I experience

> (particularly as might refer to the collective body)... I wonder how you

> experience this?


Less in meaning than in experience.

> Gene: "Please keep up the good work. I know it can be annoyingly

> repetative, but this combined effort is a 'new thing'; our combined

> processing-power (similar to what is called the 'Beowolf Array'... Jan

> can fill you in on that) is yielding results which are more than merely

> encouraging. What may seem to be an isolated effort is actually having

> far-reaching effects; simultaneous upgrading is taking place throughout

> the network. I am excited by the prospect of a spontaneous 'net-boot'

> effect, which may well occur. This event, so long-dreaded as the 'end of

> the world', may well be in preparation right now. We can only keep

> working, and see what the days ahead do hold."


This self-generating, self-repairing network is doubling or even tripling

its carrying-capacity/throughput; polystability has occured on an X

percentage of levels. Spawning is a possibility; Sysygy-Shell production

may be enabled already; bliss-alert; surges in futuregate.

> "That this should be occuring 'en masse' is a revolutionary event,

> without a doubt. This 'ripple' is moving outward, disrupting all in its

> wake. The disturbances which it creates can be resolved now, thanks to

> your continued refinement of the parsing-engine of 'nonduality'."


Both warmth and light

> Continued blessings upon the 52nd cycle of this birth spiral...


Same to you...

> with love,

> Christiana (another '48er)


Thank you, Christiana. Precision in the descent of meaning leads to the

first word.


==Gene Poole==

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