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How Is the Affirmation of Faith Used?




Intoning the affirmation of faith, we positively assert that God is both

manifest and unmanifest, both permeating the world and transcending it,

both personal Divine Love and impersonal Reality. Aum Namah Sivaya.




On the lips of Saivites throughout the world resounds the proclamation "God

Siva is Immanent Love and Transcendent Reality." It is a statement of fact,

a summation of truth, even more potent when intoned in one's native

language. "God Siva is Immanent Love and Transcendent Reality," we repeat

prior to sleep. "God Siva is Immanent Love and Transcendent Reality," we

say upon awakening as we recall the transcendent knowledge gained from the

rishis during sleep. These sacred words we say as we bathe to prepare to

face the day, God Siva's day, reminding ourselves that His immanent love

protects us, guides us, lifting our mind into the arena of useful thoughts

and keeping us from harm's way. Devotees write this affirmation 1,008 times

as a sahasra lekhana sadhana. It may be spoken 108 times daily in any

language before initiation into Namah Sivaya. Yea, the recitation of this

affirmation draws devotees into Siva-consciousness. The Tirumantiram says,

"The ignorant prate that love and Siva are two. They do not know that love

alone is Siva. When men know that love and Siva are the same, love as Siva

they ever remain." Aum Namah Sivaya.


Scriptures Speak on Affirmation of Faith


Namastaraya namah shambhave cha mayobhave cha, namah shankaraya cha

mayaskaraya cha, namah shivaya cha shivataraya cha.


* * *


Homage to the source of health, and to the source of delight. Homage to the

maker of health and to the maker of delight. Homage to the Auspicious and

to the more Auspicious.

Yajur Veda

>From all knowledge, yoga practice and meditation, all that relates to the

Aum sound is to be meditated on as the only blissful (Siva). Indeed, the

Aum sound is Siva.

Atharva Veda


By means of the hymns one attains this world, by the sacrificial formulas

the space in-between, by holy chant the world revealed by the sages. With

the syllable Aum as his sole support, the wise man attains that which is

peaceful, unaging, deathless, fearless--the Supreme.

Atharva Veda


Mantra yields early success due to practice done in previous life.

Self-fulfilling, too, is the mantra which is received according to the line

of tradition, with due diksha, obtained in the right way. Innumerable are

the mantras; they but distract the mind. Only that mantra which is received

through the grace of the guru gives all fulfillment.

Kularnava Tantra


Japa is the happy giver of enjoyment, salvation, self-fulfilling wish.

Therefore, practice the yoga of japa and dhyana. All blemishes due to

transgressions of rule, from the jiva up to the Brahman, done knowingly or

unknowingly, are wiped away by japa.

Kularnava Tantra


The bank of a river, the cave, the summit of a hill, the place of holy

bath, the confluence of rivers, the holy forest, the vacant garden, the

root of the bilva tree, the slope of the hill, the temple, the coast of the

sea, one's own house--these are the places lauded for the sadhana of mantra


Kularnava Tantra


Have faith in God. Believe in Him with all your heart. Think that in the

world He is for you the sweetest of all sweet things. Think that there is

nothing other than God. Sitting or standing, walking or lying down, think

of Him.



Through the Letters Five can God's holy feet be seen. Through the Letters

Five, the whole world you can rule. Through the Letters Five, mind's action

can be stilled. The Letters Five have come and entered my heart.



Let not the effect of past deeds rise in quick succession andoverpower you.

Chant the Panchakshara--the mantra of the five letters.

Guru Vachagam


Thinking of Him, great love welling up in their heart, if they finger the

rudraksha beads, it will bring them the glory of the Gods. Chant our naked

Lord's name. Say, "Namah Sivaya!"



The mystic expression "Namah Sivaya" is the sacred name of Lord Siva, is

the sum and substance of the four Vedas and conveys in the sacred path

souls which are full of devotion and do utter it with a melting heart and

tears trickling from their eyes.



The Lord of Appati is both inside and outside, form and no form. He is both

the flood and the bank. He is the broad-rayed sun. Himself the highest

mystery, He is in all hidden thoughts. He is thought and meaning, and

embraces all who embrace Him.


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