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Dear Friends

as I have time on my hands at work with not a lot to do but say my

Mantra write the name etc ( which gives me great peace) as I await

the inevitable closure of my buisness which is possibly Shakti

Kundalini preparing me for somthing better. I though I would escape

into this true story as sometimes we can get too complicated when all

we have to do is be ourselves.


I am the perfect Chris Hughes: as I view my performance from a safe distance.


Let Go let God.



When I was in Putaparthi I shared a room with two Russians and a Dane Uffa

He and I became great buddies. His girl friend was there but under

Ashram law he was not allowed to stay with her. He was tall very like

Arnold Swartsneker ( dyslexic attack) to look at and in fact he and

his former wife were two of the top models in his country.

We shared a lot of jokes as his English was excellent he also at one

time played for a famous English football team. He would take me by

the hand somtimes, so that I could keep up with him striding through

the crowds.

I had never before had such physical contact with a male and it felt

very natural to my surprise. I found I had unconditional love for him.


I would not walk down the high street in Inverness, my home town,

like that though.


See a condition allready.


Any way one day I said to him when he was berating me (tongue in

cheek, he had appointed himself my temprary Guru as he had been

following Baba for fourteen years and given up all attachment to

material things, in other words broke) for some minor infringment of

ashram room rules.

Well at least Uffa I have a sense of humour. He looked down at me and

smiled ( no doubt one of his famous ones) shaking his head said "Oh

no chris you dont; but your parents certainly had"" Beat that if you can.

Well the humour ( God given) is standing me in good stead, how would

I survive without it.

Love Chris

Sai Ram




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Chris Hughes wrote:


> Chris Hughes <aird.house


> Dear Friends

> as I have time on my hands at work with not a lot to do but say my

> Mantra write the name etc ( which gives me great peace) as I await

> the inevitable closure of my buisness which is possibly Shakti

> Kundalini preparing me for somthing better. I though I would escape

> into this true story as sometimes we can get too complicated when all

> we have to do is be ourselves.


> I am the perfect Chris Hughes: as I view my performance from a safe distance.


> Let Go let God.


> When I was in Putaparthi I shared a room with two Russians and a Dane Uffa

> He and I became great buddies. His girl friend was there but under

> Ashram law he was not allowed to stay with her. He was tall very like

> Arnold Swartsneker ( dyslexic attack) to look at and in fact he and

> his former wife were two of the top models in his country.

> We shared a lot of jokes as his English was excellent he also at one

> time played for a famous English football team. He would take me by

> the hand somtimes, so that I could keep up with him striding through

> the crowds.

> I had never before had such physical contact with a male and it felt

> very natural to my surprise. I found I had unconditional love for him.


> I would not walk down the high street in Inverness, my home town,

> like that though.


> See a condition allready.


> Any way one day I said to him when he was berating me (tongue in

> cheek, he had appointed himself my temprary Guru as he had been

> following Baba for fourteen years and given up all attachment to

> material things, in other words broke) for some minor infringment of

> ashram room rules.

> Well at least Uffa I have a sense of humour. He looked down at me and

> smiled ( no doubt one of his famous ones) shaking his head said "Oh

> no chris you dont; but your parents certainly had"" Beat that if you can.

> Well the humour ( God given) is standing me in good stead, how would

> I survive without it.

> Love Chris

> Sai Ram


Without humor we're dead. We're a cult. I think humor has to go very

far, right down to the most subtle bonds that keep all this together, so

that it won't stay together and only the humor remains. So that the real

space opens. Humor is one road to liberation, I would say.


This might be supported by Peter Lima's story of his most recent visit

with Ram Tzu (told on the Nonduality Salon list), in which he said Ram

Tzu found many things very amusing, including Peter's sharing of what

the Nonduality Salon was. There's a message in the amusement.


How does this hold up in a world in which horrors are happening? Each

person has to come to an understanding of that, I suppose.



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