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Harsha/List as topic

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Please forgive me if this was posted before. Managing two lists and all the

admin crosspostings has confused me; I am reordering my filing system.



Re: Harsha/List as topic

> Fri, 26 Mar 1999 12:48:27 -0400

> "Jerry M. Katz" <umbada

> Gene Poole Web Page


Jerry, you wrote to me;

> Thank you, Gene, for your recent post addressing motivations and

> dynamics on these lists. It was a bolt of thunder, a mantra.


You are most welcome, sir.

> May I recommend to readers your web pages:


> <http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/umbada/gene.htm>


> Jerry


Jerry, thanks for your good work all-around, and for updating my site,

above. It is now much more readable, IMO.

> And:


> Fri, 26 Mar 1999 12:32:18 -0500

> "Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" <hluthar

> Re: Gene Poole Web Page


> Harsha: Thank you Gene for accepting the invitation to speak. I felt your

> voice would be of much benefit to the group. We need you Gene. I need you.

> Do give an introduction if you feel comfortable doing so. Your words have

> been heard. And you are embraced like a brother.


Thank you, Harsha. I congratulate you, and every contributor, for the

creation of a unique experience here.


As to an introduction, you have done well; I suggest that those with the

interest, visit my area on Jerry's site, above. There is a lot of

biographical material there.

> For those who don't know Gene, he is a master of words and subtlety. Gene's

> analysis is always multi-layered, multifaceted, and characteristically

> profound. This is especially true when the human dilemma being faced is

> profound. That dilemma which befuddles most of us, creates the opportunity

> for Gene to undress the problem until the root causes are shown. Hopefully

> we will also learn how our perception of what the root cause is will

> translate into workable solutions for this Satsangha. You have my deep

> appreciation Gene. We can all thank Jerry for "discovering" you.


I must say, that since Jerry's 'discovery' of me, that I have felt

considerable expansion of my space. My 'emptiness' is greater than ever,

and 'fuller' than ever, also.


As to how... as you allude above, to make this list 'work', I see that it

is already working quite well. Perhaps some participants are unused to the

'nitty gritty' of conscious evolution; as you may see, it is impossible for

everyone to agree on anything, all of the time. What is certain, however,

is that when we are dealing with humans, both pathos and bathos will



I guess the question may be, are 'we' willing to serve as a 'boot camp' for

'spiritual aspirants', or do we expect only the 'cream of the crop' to show



I for one, enjoy participating in the 'coming out' of those who are perhaps

for the first time, finding their way via this avenue of words. I know how

difficult it can be to express one's inner truths and feelings in a way

that is pleasing to everyone. It can be scary or at least intimidating.

Even I (!) am somewhat intimidated by Harsha's glowing description of 'me',

above. What can I do for an 'encore'?


As usual, I will 'remind' that there is no ridgid form to conform to, and

no penalties for honest expression. There is also no guarantee that a

participant will NOT take a 'potshot' at you.


I do not intend to set the standard for content; in fact, I have been

'holding back' for this reason. I truely enjoy every sincere contribution,

no matter how naive it may seem to someone. As someone has said, truely, we

are all beginners.


Now, as to 'root cause', as Harsha states above; it seems that the 'root

cause' of any suffering here (manifested as discord, etc) is to be seen as

exactly the same as that of suffering 'anywhere'. That is to say, that

'attachment' to what is changing, or clinging to what is impossible to

stabilize, to try to make such permanent, is the 'root' to be seen and

dealt with. But I caution against any wild wielding of the 'spiritual

root-cutter' in the name of such an obscure 'cause' as a mailing-list.

Certainly, it is possible to 'observe without reacting', and to act without

attachment... or is it?


I have known a few 'highly evolved' individuals, and they, like anyone, are

_painfully_ familiar with the experience of being overtaken by passions of

every sort. I find it exasperating to be confronted by someone who angrily

asks me why I have not overcome my passions... yet!


Once, I asked a Swami if he was still bothered by his 'passions'. He looked

at me for a moment, his eyes filling with tears. I felt really bad there,

assuming that he was full of sorrw. But to my shock, he began laughing. He

lost control of himself completely, and actually fell down on the floor,

where he lay, looking at me, howling with laughter. I felt about an inch

tall, for a moment. But then I realized that he was giving me the most

sincere and direct answer that I could ever expect to get. I was ashamed

and humbled; I was ashamed, because I realized the utter arrogance of the

assumption behind my question about his relationship with his 'passions'. I

had assumed that such a one as he, would have 'overcome' his 'animal

nature', that he had 'graduated' to a 'higher plane' of Being. Well, he had

indeed moved to a higher plane, at least higher than mine, at the time. So

much for the 'galloping shoulds'.


I feel that it is a 'racket' to expect to be able to ask for guidance and

wisdom, and to already be expecting the 'guru' to be conforming to my 'high

standards'. I offer the little story above, as an example of this. The only

'gurus' I know of who offer ironclad 'guidance' are actually tyrants in

disguise. I have seen plenty of this, in both mainstream and 'new age'

religions and paths. I steer clear of tyrants, having drank deep of their

controlling nature in my childhood.


So I guess what it comes down to, is that a list is a public/social arena.

Anything can happen here or anywhere; there are no guarantees, only general

guidelines. I feel the pain of anyone who is publicly reprimanded, shamed,

or punished. I assume that it is up to each participant here, as in 'real

life', to do their best to be non-harmful to others, even in their

enthusiasm to share 'truth'. Again, there is no dogma which is worth

harming anyone to enforce. In fact, the materialization of dogma, quite

guarantees that only dogmatists will remain. So I am 'dogmatically



Enough rambling for now...


And thank you, John LaGrue, for your kind remarks.


Ever yours,


==Gene Poole==


"Community is the sharing of the burden of personality"

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