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Laura/Shiva-Shakti talking

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Re: Laura/Shiva-Shakti talking

> Sun, 28 Mar 1999


> Re: Dharma/Love


> Good Morning Dharma,


Hi Laura, Gene here;


I think that you mistook the attributions here. It seems that you are

talking to me (as Christiana pointed out).


So I will reply to your question, below.

> Thank you for your words. They are beautiful and clear. They are so helpful

> to me.


Thank you.

> Some 25 years ago, without searching, but through a tragic experience, I

> became aware of so much of what you describe. I understand exactly, that we

> are one, within and on the outside. I understand that the "different levels"

> of life are equal to each other. That each is essential and that all of life

> exists with each other and there is no separation. One "particle"of life is

> no more important than another. Bad or wrong has it's place also. Also

> needed.


Yes. Soul-purpose is 'Karma'. To expiate Karma, the full spectrum of

possibility is needed. It is error to dismiss any of it.

> I do not have your beautiful and descriptive words to explain how I know these

> things. All this information was given to me through a conversation with

> "spirit" that was not in words. I do not know how else to explain it. I was

> a young adult at the time. I was simply "open" and trusting in the


> to accept the information.


> Since that time I have strived and am sometimes able to reach the balance that

> I felt that day.


You are always a new person; your current configuration differs from that

which perceived the above event.

I am sure that it was a presage of what is still possible, but now in an

even better 'version', due to your added maturity.

> I am new to this list. I have never been part of another list. I read all of

> these posts and get great pleasure and clarity out of everyone putting into

> words their version of "love". It helps me to remember and be more clear

> about what I know. It helps me to keep "balance".


> With each post, I understand better, what I already know.


Nice way to put it.

> There is a part of what you said that I would like to be more clear on.

> Perhaps you can clarify it. You said,


> "I heard the eternal conversation of male/female, of pursuit and fleeing and

> negotiation; I realized that all of 'matter' is held in its forms by this

> conversation, that in fact the very subatomic particles themselves are in

> eternal conversation with each-other."


> I am learning from you and I Thank you again,


> With Love,

> Laura


Laura, I have always had a very sensitive 'sense of hearing'; I was

measured to be able to hear beyond 40kHz, several years ago. This has been

a blessing as well as an annoyance; at times, I have been unable to sleep

at night, because I am able to hear the 'raster' noise (the high-pitched

'ringing' sound which emanates from the cathode-ray tube) of a neighbor's

TV-set, right through the walls and twenty feet away.


I have attuned myself to the 'sound current', which is what is heard when

there is no other sound to hear. An E Indian religion uses meditation on

this sound, as a form of devotion. If I listen carefully, the sound splits

into several sounds, again and again until a full spectrum of harmonious

sound is heard.


The above is for background. Your question refers to my (condensed) version

of an experience I had last summer, while camping on the wilderness coast

of Washington State, on the Olympic Pennisula (Shi Shi beach, to be exact),

with my most excellent friend, Princess Dharma (no relation to 'our'



I always camp on the sand, among the large drifwood logs, rather than up in

the moist, bug and mouse-filled woods. As a result, I have discovered that

if I lay down on the sand, the rather overpowering sound of the breaking

surf diminishes to a whisper, and other sounds can then be heard, such as

the tiny movements of animals in the woods. I have been suprised by this,

assuming that the sound of the surf would 'drown' all other sounds, but I

found that they all coexist; what I hear, depends upon exactly what I

listen for.


Anyway, I always spend a lot of time in deep meditation while I am on the

ocean beaches. It is never boring, and is the finest place that I have ever

found for the effortless gathering of deep impressions and insights. It is

being immersed in the richest possible symphony of what is spontaneously

occuring in this world, and a total massage of my senses. I can really 'let

go' while I am there, and I go every year.


Last year, after participating in this ongoing conversation (the Nonduality

solon, I AM list, and all of my close and intimate friends who also share

this), I undertook the trip. I found myself in a perfect environment. The

summer climate on the Oly Penn is ideal for humans; I am usually able to go

naked much of the time, due isolation imposed by the rigorous backpack

required to reach the beaches. There are no motor vehicles allowed, no

guns, dogs, etc. It is very peaceful and as private as I would like.


So I find myself on the beach on this sunny day, gentle wind, gulls,

pleasant companionship indeed. I am meditating.


I go deep, deep, deep. As I do, the sounds change from 'present' to

'background', as Self becomes foreground. This is all as usual. I surrender

to the flow of my nature, and lose all boundaries; I am as big as the sky,

and become aware of the Urth as my body. I look out into virtual space, to

see the universe that my Karma manufactures. It reflects back on me, and

the insights pour in. I am breathing it through me; lightning and gentle

thunder accompany my experience. I transform and transform, form solid to

liquid to gasseous states, find myself living in the spaces between

gravitons (weightless). I become an ancient metallic Buddha-stature, hollow

bronze; tiny mothlike souls spat wetly against my inner surface, to slid in

bliss toward the pool of warm blood at my base. All is well, all is normal

(for me).


Suddenly, I become aware of an argument; it is intense and is going on

nearby, 'disturbing' my meditation. In fact, it is an agrument between a

man and a woman, but I am not familiar with the voices. As I allow my

attention to genlty settle on this event, I become aware that this is an

unusual conversation that I am hearing; it has the character of music, of

strings and percussion and piano, but very tightly perfomed, with atonal

overtones. There are no echos; it is crisp and tight, and very energetic in

execution. As I listen, intrigued and in fact rapt (never having heard this

before!), I wonder what this really is.


I sense a stong male presense; also a powerful and reactive female. The

male seemed to be quite confident, and the female quite pissed. It went on

and on and on, endlessly. It was apparant that the male, confidant as he

seemed, would NEVER stop his attempt to 'convince' the female, and that she

would NEVER stop being critical of his programmed and unconscious male

'tendencies'. (Later, the implications of this knowing, were deeply

embarassing to me. I suddenly had the female perspective, and knew, deeply,

why it is that women 'argue' the way they tend to do. )


I was temped to remove myself from my chosen meditative state, to more

closely observe what was going on, but as I moved in that direction, the

agrument blurred into mere noise. It was at that point that I realized that

I was actually hearing something that was always going on, but that I had

never before heard. I decided to deepen my state, to better tune in to the

process which I had 'discovered'.


It dawned upon me that I was witnessing an 'elemental' conversing with

another 'elemental', and that in that process, a tiny bit of 'reality' was

being negotiated into being. I saw this clearly. I cannot explain how such

is done, but it was clear that such conversations are responsible for 'all'

manifestations of what is; this realization dawned with a thunderous

clarity. I experienced a passion then, very deep and profound; I realized

that I was in the process of an initiation.


Shiva (Siva) and Shakti (Sakti) are creating and holding this apparent

universe in the configuration which is appropriate to the purpose of our

incarnation. Our 'gender' manifestation somehow regards our bias in the

polarity-factor of this ongoing creation. I find it exceedingly

strange/significant that the micropoles of reality itself (the basic realm

of interchangable modules) so closely resemble our 'gender-character' as

human men and women.


Since this described initiation, I have been able to hear the conversation

in every sound; every sound is a complex composite of these conversations,

in constant negotiation. It is the 'separate' nature of the polarity that

makes a discreet universe possible; this universe, then, is the result of

an ancient disagreement, which is in process of being resolved. I do my

part to resolve this ancient disagreement, but it is a very deep

displacement that is resposible for it; it has to do with the use of force,

versus abiding in power.


Our 'dilemma' is defined thus; if we use force, we lose power. If we do not

use force, we make no 'gains' in the world, but we retain our power.

Expenditure of power occurs when power is converted to force; one who uses

force, gives that force as power to the one upon who force is used.


The question becomes this; do we strive for worldly gains, and lose power,

or do we retain power, and let the apparent world pass us by? That seems to

be the nature of the disagreement, and the answer seems to be this; abide

in power, and be open to receiving the gifts of others, freely given. This

is the point of view of woman, and her basic objection to the forceful

nature of man. Man desires and uses force, but loses power as a result,

while woman abides in power, unable to give what has already been taken by

desirous and reactive man. Woman than must also abide the nature of man,

while perpetuating his line, hoping all the while for the kind of

resolution which would allow the spontaneous dissolution of this 'material'



I cannot hope to have explained this all, to the satisfaction of everyone.

It is offered as my experience only.


I also offer this; that Krsna's FLUTE is my breath, and the sacred DRUM is

my heart. The eternal dance of life is so played into Being, accompanied by

the clanging of the symbols which are these words.




==Gene Poole==



Reference: "Power versus Force" by David R Hawkins, MD

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At 04:29 PM 3/29/99 -0800, you wrote:

>Laura, I have always had a very sensitive 'sense of hearing'; I was

>measured to be able to hear beyond 40kHz, several years ago.


Wow... that's incredibly rare... I have been measured at around 22 KHz

(average is 20) but that kind of hearing sensitivity is amazing. If you

ever listen to music, insist on the highest quality DENON brand headphones

<g> (no really... their best (non-studio consumer) brand is 2 Hz - 60 KHz,

I believe, whereas most are around 20-20k. Then again, there's nothing

much to input into headphones with that kind of range (normal CD's can

carry up to about 22 KHz max).


<Read the rest, also amazing>


Thank you again, Gene, for sharing your experiences,


With Love,





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Good Morning Gene,


Thank you for responding and WOW!, what an experience.


I am first, grateful that you chose to work with your gift rather then letting

it be a torment in your life. How fortunate for you and those that are able

to grow from it.


Your insights are so interesting. I found myself on the beach feeling what

you described.


You said,


"Suddenly, I become aware of an argument; it is intense "


These are the only words that have left me feeling odd. An argument? I know

that all energy, positive and negative are part of the circle of life.

Perhaps this energy from "an argument" is also necessary. Your use of the

word argument, does it mean there is a constant tension? Do you feel tension?

>From your words, I picture a man in a woman screaming at one another.


I wonder, in accepting that we are all part of one another and that what one

feels, we feel,...is their tension the tension that we feel? Is their tension

our struggle? Do you see or hear a harmony in their argument?


I notice you sign your email "Namaste". What does this mean? It is what the

minister says at the Interfaith Service I attend each week.


I am full of questions. Thanks so much for your time.



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Dear Laura,


At 09:04 AM 3/30/99 EST, you wrote:

>I notice you sign your email "Namaste". What does this mean? It is what the

>minister says at the Interfaith Service I attend each week.


Namaste means "The God in Me recognizes the God in You."


With Love,







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