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>magus (==Gene Poole==)


>Re: Christiana/non-expedient Being


>> Yours Gene (Sandeep and Maurice...) move me into an entrained rhythm

>> which seems to come from another relationship with *time*. Perhaps, in

>> the suspension of ordinary meaning, there is also a suspension of the

>> ordinary agreement of 60 beats to a minute. It is as thought I know 60

>> beats in 10 minutes or... more. It is all, simply, moving more slowly. I

>> wonder if the 60 beats per second is the agreed upon rhythm to keep the

>> self entrained in the trance? I find, once the rhythm shifts, the trance

>> as well as *self as center* receeds.


>I am delighted that you know of entrainment!


Christiana and Gene talk about entrainment. I wish one of the engineers on

the list could describe how that works. Is it pretty mysterious or is there

a physical rationale for it? I know that the other night I was running on

the treadmill at the health club and a friend got on the treadmill next to

me and started running at the same pace as I was. Suddenly it seemed that

we were entrained together and the effort of running became a whole lot

easier. As long as she ran beside me it seemed like I could go on forever.


So I can extend this to spiritual work, how being entrained with a

spiritual partner or friend seems to provide an ease and naturalness to the

work, and also provides a catalyst. My thanks to all those who let me

entrain with their rhythm!



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>From David,

> Christiana and Gene talk about entrainment. I wish one of the engineers on

> the list could describe how that works. Is it pretty mysterious or is there

> a physical rationale for it? I know that the other night I was running on

> the treadmill at the health club and a friend got on the treadmill next to

> me and started running at the same pace as I was. Suddenly it seemed that

> we were entrained together and the effort of running became a whole lot

> easier. As long as she ran beside me it seemed like I could go on forever.


> So I can extend this to spiritual work, how being entrained with a

> spiritual partner or friend seems to provide an ease and naturalness to the

> work, and also provides a catalyst. My thanks to all those who let me

> entrain with their rhythm!


Hello David, :)


I wrote the post, at the end of this email, a bit earlier to the non

duality list. In some ways it talks on entrainment starting from a

single event like the atomic bomb exploding, that pushes the "matrix"

holding atoms to concepts like ecology holding us as our environment. Of

course it's simple in description, and limited in the "definition" of

the Real cause and effect of everything that append from any moment in

all liberty of an absence of origin.


Allowing myself to explore the Sephirah of Hod, in the Tree of Life, for

today, i'm always surprised by what may come out in my way to express or

experience or 'sephirah' differently the divinity from day to day as

they pass, in my meditation.


The subject of entrainment you refer to, and others also do, and

exploring it is a major reason for me to participate on a mailing list

at this point, until maybe one day ones find out there is really nothing

left to entrain, for all is really one.


It seems that there is a counter force to entrainment, that comes with

it, as anti-gravity comes with gravity. I don't know what name to give

to that force, 'pain' or 'knots' could fit, or anti-kundalini, i guess

the names does not matter. But entrainment like acceleration definitely

seems tied to a counter reactive force like friction is to accelaration.


The magnetical field, is a very interesting phenomena to study as the

phenomena of entrainement goes. As the magnetical field generated by a

magnet is function of the alignement of the polarized molecules or

atoms, stuck in a crystallized structure hold by the surrounding

electron links of the atoms or molecules. Exposed to a stronger

magnetical field, all the polarized particles align, so the magnet

keep's generating a magnitical field. Any new structure incorporated

into the magnet comes to align with it's magnetical field. And thus adds

to the entrainment effect of the overall field formed by the magnet.


Hitting the magnet with a mechanical force, (a bit like bringing 'lower

vibration', in the langage of Gloria, to this list), as an interesthing

effect on the magnet overhall. If the magnet does not crack from the

shock, the elements of it, align faster and deeper than they would of

without the shock when exposed to the strong field. The same happens to

the earth when it "suffers" from heartquake, the metal like ions stuck

in the earth, take that opportunity to align more to earth magnetical

field, and by the same way increase the earth magnetical field in their

limited way, but yet significative over centuries. The image of having a

drum in the heart, as Gene used as an image, is very significative to



Of course many phenomena, come to express this in nature, colony of ants

or bees, ADN, Patriotism, Idealism, Ecology, Religion, it seems we are

pushing deeper and deeper, as living tissu, the very source of

entrainment in nature in a process some call evolution.


All this seems to run back, in the end, to the point where we started

from, this very moment, this now. Curiosity, seems to bring us to enjoy,

jumping from that moment to come back ever more often, ever more faster

to this point.







Mon, 29 Mar 1999 18:46:25 -0500

Antoine <carrea



Hello Jerry,


I like the words you used, "condition people for receptivity to the

spiritual components of non dualism". I don't really know if there are

such things as 'normal' outlets to do such a thing. And if so, if there

are outlets less normal and others more normal. Most probably all outlet

is a miracle or none is. It just fascinates me to find out how we come

to forget that all is not a miracle, and how things come, one way or the

other, to look as 'normal', as you say.


Physics seems to be a good medium to point to miracles in the world

created by Aristotle logic (A is different then not A) and Descartes

sharp division of mind and body. 400 years ago, changing the laws of

physics would of been the work of the devil, and saving a life a

miracle. In this aspect, the effect of the explosion of the atomic bomb

on the closed mind of humanity is devastating in after effects (of

entrainment). Simply looking at the generation born before the brain

washing by: "mind is different than matter", and looking at the

generations born or who started to go to school after the explosion of

the first atomic bombs. In this last group you count the generation of

Hippies and so on, such a variety coming out.


In the mind of people, after the first explosion, E=mc^2 came to have a

new meaning. Matter could be changed into Energy, the proof was there,

it's simply a matter of time for it to sink ever deeper in the

"mind/body" of people at large, way deeper than it did in our known



Maybe the after (entrainment) effect of making explode the first atomic

bomb, or small sun, on earth, is not finished yet. The 'normal'

radiation coming after the bomb being only a small effect of it. The

rest not being counted as effect yet by science not conscious enough for

it yet.


I explain myself...


As the the mind finds out, that it's the one containing energy, and it's

itself energy, and can take any form it wants once it cleanses itself of

it's inner "knots" that crystallize it as matter. This mind, that

contains energy to create matter as we know it and feel it, finds out

it's sitting on a bomb: matter, itself crystallized and starting to

crack from the pressure of energy. In that perspective, it's interesting

to study the expansion of the telecommunication network after the second

war, first by phone, than tv, and finally by internet, etc... (at the

limit ecology). As if a broader more subtle "net", was needed to

"contain" this energy of "softening" the matrix of our environment

leaking out of what we believe to be matter or our ground.


A crazy idea, like that, among many, created on the spot, (from

addressing myself to you Jerry, thank you) from a perception using the

narrow lens of E=mc^2.






Jerry M. Katz wrote:

> > > Meanwhile, all this has something to do with the impress of nondual

> > > thought and perception on people, but nothing to do with what reality

> > > IS.

> You have a great website. I'll link from my home page to the sites you

> mention above. I would like very much to keep quantum physics as part of

> our discussions here. While the more spiritual or experiential aspects

> of nondualism are hard for some to get a hold of, the findings of

> physics as reported in respectable, 'normal' outlets are what really

> condition people for receptivity to the spiritual component of

> nondualism.


> Jerry

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Hi David,

>Christiana and Gene talk about entrainment. I wish one of the engineers on

>the list could describe how that works. Is it pretty mysterious or is there

>a physical rationale for it?


Here is the short summary of Bentov's paper. The entire paper is 33K, and

there is an attachment with various illustrations from the paper. If

anyone would like to have it, just email me.


>SYSTEM > > by

>Itzhak Bentov

>[Appendix 1. Lee Sannella, M.D. Kundalini Experience. Lower Lake CA:

>Integral Publishing.]




> The ballistocardiogram of a sitting subject, who is capable of

>altering his or her state of consciousness at will, shows a rhythmic sine

>wave pattern when the subject is in a deep meditative state. This is

>attributed to the development of a standing wave in the aorta, which is

>reflected in the rhythmic motion of the body. This resonating oscillator

>(the heart-aorta system) will rhythm entrain four additional oscillators,

>eventually resulting in a fluctuating magnetic field around the head.

> Our initial experiments indicate that the five resonating systems

>are as follows:


>1. The heart-aorta system produces an oscillation of about 7 Hz in the

>skeleton, including the skull. The upper part of the body also has a

>resonant frequency of about 7 Hz.


>2. The skull accelerates the brain up and down, producing acoustical plane

>waves reverberating through the brain at KHz frequencies.


>3. These acoustical plane waves are focused by the skull onto the

>ventricles, thus activating and driving standing waves within the third

>and lateral ventricles.


>4. Standing waves within the cerebral ventricles in the audio and

>supersonic ranges stimulate the sensory cortex mechanically, resulting

>eventually in a stimulus traveling in a closed loop around each

>hemisphere. Such a traveling stimulus may be viewed as a "current."


>5. As a result of these circular "currents," each hemisphere produces a

>pulsating magnetic field. These fields are of opposing polarities.


> This magnetic field--radiated by the head acting as an antenna

>--interacts with the electric and magnetic fields already in the

>environment. We may consider the head as simultaneously a transmitting and

>receiving antenna, tuned to a particular one of the several resonant

>frequencies of the brain. Environmental fields may thus be fed back to the

>brain, thereby modulating that resonant frequency. The brain will

>interpret this modulation as useful information.

> This paper presents a preliminary report on the possible mechanism

>of the so-called "kundalini." The kundalini effect is viewed by the author

>as part of the development of the nervous system. This development can be

>elicited by the practice of any of several different types of meditative

>techniques, or it may develop spontaneously. Research into this area is

>continuing, and investigation of the kundalini effect by different methods

>is in progress.

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"Brainwave Entrainment" -








I have a computer program that can generate many of the "sound patterns"

detailed in the pages above... you really can "entrain" a deep state of

meditation through the use of sound alone (stereo headphones are required).

If anyone is interested in a demo to report back to the rest of the group,

I could offer a 5-second (or so) .wav file for repeated playback (if you

have a program that can play .wavs without interruption in between) that

will generate a deep meditative state (entrain the brainwaves to 5 Hz

Theta) in 5-10 minutes.






The CORE of Reality awaits you at:


Poetry, Writings, Live Chat on spiritual topics.

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Thank you Antoine, Dharma, David and Tim for continuing this discussion.

seeds are germinating...


Antoine wrote:

"It seems that there is a counter force to entrainment, that comes with

it, as anti-gravity comes with gravity."


Christiana: I had a very unscientific insight as I read your post in

conjunction with what I experienced after reading one from Sandeep

(Nonduality Salon).


I had noticed an aspect of charged mental and energy body entrainment as

a consequence of the very dynamic flow of online thought-energy these

past few days. In the *flow* I had become a bit mesmerized by the dance

of the trance. This afternoon, Sandeep wrote a rather sobering post

which acted like a crystal clear mirror and in that instant the seeming

magnetic flow of the trance was demagnetized and the perceptual energy

turned back upon present. I can now detect two flows.. a balance of one

which holds collective awareness but is not "charged" with the personal

and one which maintains a relative stillness.


So.. a very unscientific answer to your question of what to name this

counter force to entrainment might be.. if it is entrainment of the

personal self.. we might call the counter force "Truth"... if on the

other hand.. the entrainment is in alignment with evolution, the counter

force might be called the resistance which supports the maintenance of



Thank you for this fertile ground,


I don't know what name to give

to that force, 'pain' or 'knots' could fit, or anti-kundalini, i guess

the names does not matter. But entrainment like acceleration definitely

seems tied to a counter reactive force like friction is to accelaration.


The magnetical field, is a very interesting phenomena to study as the

phenomena of entrainement goes. As the magnetical field generated by a

magnet is function of the alignement of the polarized molecules or

atoms, stuck in a crystallized structure hold by the surrounding

electron links of the atoms or molecules. Exposed to a stronger

magnetical field, all the polarized particles align, so the magnet

keep's generating a magnitical field. Any new structure incorporated

into the magnet comes to align with it's magnetical field. And thus adds

to the entrainment effect of the overall field formed by the magnet.


Hitting the magnet with a mechanical force, (a bit like bringing 'lower

vibration', in the langage of Gloria, to this list), as an interesthing

effect on the magnet overhall. If the magnet does not crack from the

shock, the elements of it, align faster and deeper than they would of

without the shock when exposed to the strong field. The same happens to

the earth when it "suffers" from heartquake, the metal like ions stuck

in the earth, take that opportunity to align more to earth magnetical

field, and by the same way increase the earth magnetical field in their

limited way, but yet significative over centuries. The image of having a

drum in the heart, as Gene used as an image, is very significative to



Of course many phenomena, come to express this in nature, colony of ants

or bees, ADN, Patriotism, Idealism, Ecology, Religion, it seems we are

pushing deeper and deeper, as living tissu, the very source of

entrainment in nature in a process some call evolution.

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Intresting to hear a reference to the magnetic field in

conjunction with entrainment. I know very little about entrainment and

quite a lot on the magnetic field and such matters, I'm a student

geologist and am almost done. Space is something that flows like a river,

it's comprised of light molecules ,or photons and yes, the electromagnetic

field counteracts this....


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When thunder comes it relieves the tension and promotes positive

action. Music can do the same by making people enthusiastic and united

together. When used to promote good it brings them closer to heaven.


I Ching (B.C.E 1150?)


Tim Gerchmez wrote:


> Tim Gerchmez <fewtch


> "Brainwave Entrainment" -


> http://www.monroe-inst.com/programs/hemi-sync.html


> http://www.comptronic.com/


> http://www.stardancerproductions.com/


> I have a computer program that can generate many of the "sound patterns"

> detailed in the pages above... you really can "entrain" a deep state of

> meditation through the use of sound alone (stereo headphones are required).

> If anyone is interested in a demo to report back to the rest of the group,

> I could offer a 5-second (or so) .wav file for repeated playback (if you

> have a program that can play .wavs without interruption in between) that

> will generate a deep meditative state (entrain the brainwaves to 5 Hz

> Theta) in 5-10 minutes.


> Tim

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Christiana P. Duranczyk wrote:

> So.. a very unscientific answer to your question of what to name this

> counter force to entrainment might be.. if it is entrainment of the

> personal self.. we might call the counter force "Truth"... if on the

> other hand.. the entrainment is in alignment with evolution, the counter

> force might be called the resistance which supports the maintenance of

> self.


Tank you for expressing that you have understood me on that subject like

i have never felt before, Christiana...

> Thank you for this fertile ground,

And thank you for the beautiful flower.



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