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the Divine Feminine

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Hi, Laura..


Well, you'd think since I do this all day, that I would be able to

control myself when home.. alas.. You asked for a few title

recommendations. There are so many women writing now exploring all

facets of women's ways of knowing and perhaps experiencing the

distinctions of divinity as expressed through the lens of the female.

While I personally have some edge about the further bifurcation of

divinity and gender, I nonetheless (as Gene identified yesterday) have

come to understand that there are distinctions when we are attuned to

certain frequencies.


Below are a few titles I have been moved by.... the list could go on..


Ryan, M.J.(ed.),(forword by Ken Wilber) The fabric of the future: women

visionaries illuminate the path to tomorrow. ConariPress, 1998.


Ryan, Regina Sara. The woman awake: feminine wisdom for spiritual life.

Hohm Press, 1998.


Norris, Kathleen. The quotidian mysteries: laundry, liturgy, and

"women's work". Madeleva lecture in spirituality; 1998. Paulist Press,



(Actually *anything* by Kathleen Norris.. Dakota: spiritual geography

and Cloister Walk are wonderful)


Galland, China. The bond between women: a journey to fierce compassion.

Riverhead Books, 1998.


Christ, Carol P. Rebirth of the goddess: finding meaning in feminist

spirituality. Addison-Wesley, c1997.


Borysenko, Joan. A woman's book of life: the biology, psychology, and

spirituality of the feminine life cycle. Riverhead Books, c1996.


Duerk, Judith. Circle of stones... and... I sit listening to the wind

Luramedia, 1989,1993.


Flinders, Carol. At the root of this longing: reconciling a spiritual

hunger and a feminist thirst. HarperSanFrancisco, c1998.


I'd also recommend anything by Angeles Arrien, Riane Eisler, M.C.

Richards, Joanna Macy, Marion Woodman, Barbara Brennan, Jacquelyn Small

and Pema Chodron. (have I overwhelmed you yet).


Have fun!

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Dear Laura:


Hinduism and yoga both teach and value the "Divine Feminine". Ram/Sita,

Vishnu/Laxshmi, Shiva/ Parvati to name but a few. There is a system known

as the Ten Goddesses of Wisdom which is used in Tantric Yoga. Basically,

the Ten Goddesses are all aspects of Kali who is considered Maya. Maya is

known as illusion but it can also be translated as the Magic of God. What

is believed is that Shakti the chief feminine aspect is the creative energy

itself without Shakti Siva could not be. The Shiva/Shakti connection has a

multitude of connections but one way it was taught to me in terms of

creation is that Shiva is like the movie screen - just there and that Shakti

was the movie projector the movement, the whole show.


Hope Friday night goes well for you.




Laura wrote:

>Hi All,

>I am a part of an "Interfaith Ministry". As a group we consider and


>all religions.

>It is a group of sincere men and women and families that come together


>one roof to praise "love". It has been a place for me to go and hear NO

>prejudices. It has been a place of peace and understanding and education.

>There has been a longing within the group to explore "The Feminine


>Friday I am invited to do research and present whatever I find to better


>educate us all.

>Does anyone have any ideas they would like to share?

>Thank you,





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Thank you, thank you!


I am excited about Friday night. The more I read the more I feel a presence

within me for the "Divine Feminine".


I am taking your words and going to the library this afternoon. I'm traveling

a new and welcomed path. This is great!


Love, Laura

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Thanks so much for your list.


It is curious for me to be studying the "Feminine Divine". All my life, on

this earth

(41 years) I have learned that God, Buddha, Christ, etc. are all male. And

eventhough my intellect understands God to be a non-gender, a spirit for that

matter and not a person, i am still aware that all I've been taught represents

a HIStory.


A few weeks ago when this idea of a Feminine Divine was first introduced to

me, I felt a sort of disloyalty to the Gods that I've known and loved.


With an open heart and an open mind, I am now learning a HERstory. I am also

starting to feel HER within me. It is the beginning of a new journey for me.


Thank you again for the list. Today will be spent in the library doing



Love, Laura

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Thank you for your prayer. It is beautiful and went straight to my heart.


There is something happening within me, regarding the Feminine Divine. It is

subtle and strong and wonderful. I'm too new to understand these feelings.


Your thoughts are so very, very welcomed and appreciated as I go along this





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Hi Laura,


At the library see if you can get a hold of David Frawley's TANTRIC YOGA AND

THE WISDOM GODDESSES. It's a wonderful book.






Wednesday, March 31, 1999 9:31 AM

Re: the Divine Feminine






Thank you, thank you!


I am excited about Friday night. The more I read the more I feel a presence

within me for the "Divine Feminine".


I am taking your words and going to the library this afternoon. I'm


a new and welcomed path. This is great!


Love, Laura



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On Wed, 31 Mar 1999 LTRIA wrote:

> A few weeks ago when this idea of a Feminine Divine was first introduced to

> me, I felt a sort of disloyalty to the Gods that I've known and loved.


> With an open heart and an open mind, I am now learning a HERstory. I am also

> starting to feel HER within me. It is the beginning of a new journey for me.


> Thank you again for the list. Today will be spent in the library doing

> research.




one devotee of Tara mother of the Buddhas piping up :). On my path we say

the nature of women/the feminine is wisdom. The nature of the guys is



so may you open to wisdom in all its forms and be free of the suffering

caused by delusion and ignorance.


i wrote a prayer to Tara once, if you've seen it before, you can ignore it



Homage Noble Lady Tara,

Swift in action

of compassion..


Under your protection,

Myself and other

beings are gathered.


Appeased from

fear may we


find the strength to

aspire to Bodhicitta


and know kindness,

compassion, wisdom,

equanimity and joy.


The blue Utpala

flower at your left ear

blooming full and radiant

held in the gesture

of the 3 jewel mudra...


may the wheel of Dharma



To my sisters who

live compassionatly

and always work for others


praises to you,


true daughters of our Mother.


For me, who has forgotten and

misused her good karma,

Now here i make confession...

i request your forbearance.


Please remain amoung us

and until all are free,

teach us the sublime way.


In my heart there is a light....

that echos and is lit by you.


To those who would understand


May they know they are made of tears...born from tears...


as you were born from the tears of Chenrezi.


And may every being without exception


know sublime awakening and freedom.

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Another book on Arya Tara from a buddhist perspective...


In Praise of Tara : Songs to the Saviouress : Source Texts from India

and Tibet on Buddhism's Great Goddess



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