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Repost of Shiva/Shakti 'argument'

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Hello All...


Here is a repost of something I did for the NDSolon a while back.


It was 'in context' at that time; a similar context now has arisen here,

around my posting of day before yesterday.


The 'eternal conversation' which "creates the Universe" can be heard

everywhere; it is both foreground and background.


We, as gendered humans, have a wonderful chance to participate in this

conversation in a 'constructive' way, if we can have compassion for

ourselves and thus by extension, for 'others'.


Be that as it may, ancient patterns of relationship continue today. It does

not suprise me that we are still dealing with the same (classical) dilemmas

which 'plagued' the gods and goddesses of ancient times and cultures. Their

mythical stories have been passed on orally and finally in writing, and are

embodied in painting and scupture.


This imaginary story is an embellishment of a theme which I hope is at

last, extinguished in my own 'life story'.


As usual, comments are welcome...


==Gene Poole==


Shakti frees her many limbs...




Shakti, reclaiming her formless nature, is free of the bondage of words and

worlds; once again, she is free, as she always has been, even in her



Shakti, in love with Shiva, and so willing to take any form with which he

would endow her, had fallen into matter, and had lived in faith, trusting.


Shakti, in love with Shiva, and desiring his ardour and pursuit, arose and

fled, yet her matter-bound form consumed her momentum; thus weighted, she

despaired. Thus weighted, she questioned her faith and her trust.


Shakti, fleeing the dubious gift of identity conferred by Shiva,

rediscovered her formless nature, and in that discovery, recovered her

faith and trust in herself.


Shakti, now again formless, is free to take any form, any form of her own

choosing. But Shakti has a catalog of forms to choose from, and this

catalog is the one published by Shiva; it is comprised of images of the

romantic, of the practical, of the 'spiritual' and of the Kali-aspect of

Shakti, that of the destroyer. But Shakti is the creator; can she not

originate a form which pleases her?


Shakti, remembering far, far back, remembers her Divine form, that of the

many-armed one, the one who can seize hold of the world of Shiva, to cause

him to lie prostrate under her conquering foot, a willing sacrifice to her

flaying-knife; as she lovingly removes his skin, his nature is revealed to

him, being the gift of Shakti. Shiva knows that however painful, he must

submit to this form of Shakti, for it is only by this ritual removal of his

covering, that he may also attain his formless nature.


Shakti and Shiva, now both formless, soar and spiral in absolute freedom;

the bliss of this formless flight to nowhere is the eternal celebration,

previously disguised as the bondage into matter and identity. In this

freedom of the ab-solute, this Divine Pair once again weaves a world of

love, adventure, and the eternal hide-and-seek which is the eternal

conversation and the means of this world-creation. Assuming disguise,

Shakti knows that the love and ardour of Shiva will lead him to discover

her in and as the essence of herself as She is; Shiva, having gifted Shakti

with the multitude of forms which She is, loves everything as he loves her,

for he secretly knows that Shakti cannot hide, that She is the ground

beneath His feet and the sky above His head.


Shiva, knowing the nature of reality, honors all as Shakti; and Shakti, the

eternal mother, returns his love as the milk of her breasts; the grains of

the fields and the fruits of the trees. Thus nourished by Shakti, in her

seemingly infinite multitude of forms, Shiva is attentive to any which

approaches Him, as the veritable inversion of his male manifestation...


Seeing such a One apprach, Shiva bows, and welcomes Her, his eyes alight

with love and lust.


Shakti: "How can you lust for me, when I am the one which you already

always have?"


Shiva: "I desire to know you in every way, every flavor, as I would know

all of you, dear Shakti".


Shakti: "Do you not have faith in my faithfulness, O Shiva, that I am

always for you? Is not your lust evidence of your fickleness, O One of many



Shiva: "O Shakti, your questions do not stir doubts within me, for I know

you are the very air that I breath, but I must say, that the form which you

now wear, is one of great delight to me; and why would you wear it, if you

do not desire me?"


Shakti: "This form which you see, O Shiva, is the one which you have given

to me; is this not evidence that my _essence_ is not enough for you? Do I

not comprise each drop of water that you drink, and each morsel which does

nourish you?"


Shiva: "O Shakti, do you fault me, for desiring to have all of you? Is not

this form which you now wear, my gift to you, in which your essence is

sheathed? Is not your beauty and grace my compliment to you, given in

adoration and eternal gratitude to you, for your eternal companionship?"


As he speaks the above, Shiva notices 'another' Shakti-form to meander by,

hips a-swivel, her scent greeting his nose as an awakening of his



Shakti: "I see by your arousal that you are pleased by that one, O Shiva!

If you are so pleased by her flowing blonde hair and jutting buttocks, then

pursue her, O lustful one!"


Shiva: [He is feeling a bit conflicted] "O Shakti, now that I am speaking

with you, your essence is known to me, and it is this which I love; I care

not for the physical form of that one, but only for her essence, which is

your essence, is it not?"


Shakti: "Shiva, although you speak truely, your words cannot excuse the

lust which so obviously inflames your Being! Do you lust for every form, or

for My Essence, only?"


Shiva: "Forgive me, Shakti, for my polymorphous desires; you are correct,

it is your essence only which I desire."


Shakti: "Then, O silver-tongued One, that is what you shall have!"


With that, Shakti vanishes with a 'POP!' sound. Looking about, Shiva knows

that Shakti is everywhere, and begins to long for her in the form in which

he most favors her.


Shiva: "Why do I prefer this and not that? Why do I have this troublesome

preference? What has it ever gotten me, except loneliness and an endless

search? Can I not be content to abide here, within Her, knowing that I am

in her womb?"


Shrugging, Shiva dials the Celestial Singles Hotline...


Meanwhile and simultaneously, in 'this' dimension:


"Congratulations, Mrs Smith! It's a BOY!"


Shiva: "Whaaaa!"



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