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Antione/ Kosovo & Death

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Thank you for your question. You said,


"What bring you to say such a thing Laura? Seek in you to find, if you

want of course..."


I have no anger with this person. (Malosovich) My statement to "Do him in"

means to STOP him. If killing him is the way, then killing him is the way.

If locking him up is the way, then locking him up is the way. It is not a

thought process for me or an emotional process for me to STOP him. It is

perhaps, a maternal reaction.


He very simply, is killing and hurting innocent people. The more time that is

spent on the how's and why's, the more lives are being taken, the more

families are being ripped apart.

I can only imagine the confusion and the fear that these people are going



I see that we are all a part of life. I understand that the atoms, the ants,

the animals, the trees and plants, etc. are all part of part of us. I do not

see any particular being as more special then another. So, if there is a

disease among us, I choose to rid of the disease. It would not be emotional.

It would not be in anger. It would be simply to rid of the disease. That is

how I see this man.


I find it interesting that as I read your response, I went through, (and still

am going through) an ego thing. The fear of being judged as some kind of

vigilante, is very uncomfortable for me. I'd like to take a minute to explain

some of my thinking.


About death. Except for a small handful of friends, all of the people that I

grew up with are dead. They all died during my teenage years. Car accidents,

drugs, fire,

a gang beating. And the death that left the biggest impression, my brother was

hit by a car at 16 years of age. I came to my realization that death was a

different place then I was. Death was not an end of life. I was clear about

this at 19 years old. I understood that my grieving was my "missing the

person sharing in my life on earth."


I remember when the "death penalty" was being voted on, here in New York. I

remember thinking, killing a person is not punishing them. Sending them on to

the place where my brother was, was not a punishment. If I believed that death

was a "bad" place to be, then I would be believing that the people that I

love, like my brother, were being punished or something. My brother and the

people I love that have "passed on" have simply passed on. So the death

penalty might not be a punishment. It is the FEAR of leaving this life and

entering the unknown that frightens the men and women on death row. Perhaps

it is the feeling that there is NO LIFE AFTER DEATH that gives us our

righteous feelings about killing someone. Perhaps we think that by killing

them, we are punishing them because we think we are ending their life. Sound

like we make this life on earth the "end all and be all." I don't think so.

Life doesn't end.


Antoine, I love everyone, everything. I have never even struck a person in my

life time. I don't have angry words for people. I have love. I have no anger

with this person. I have a desire to have resolution. I don't want people to

hurt anymore. Sometimes when I think of death and myself, I wish only that I

do not go through pain. The death part I accept. Willingly. Stopping

Malosovich just seems logical to me. It seems to me that talking,

negotiating, and now bombing has not STOPPED him.


Antoine, thank you for helping me to exercise my thoughts. Thank you for

letting me take a look inside.


With Love,


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> Thank you for your question. You said,


> "What bring you to say such a thing Laura? Seek in you to find, if you

> want of course..."




Been looking within me to what to answer, after reading your email. And

i could not find nothing, that came to type as usual from who knows

where. The memory came to me that i wanted to write in my last email:

"Seek in you if you want, for you, of course, i don't need the answer".

I remembered also that i did not write: "for you, i don't need the

answer". I felt an inner force not to write this automatism of mine. So

i wrote the "..." in the end.


Now I know why... I don't know how to state it exactly, but looking in

me to write this email i only fell Love. This pure divine flow of love

that flows like a waterfall from the skies to the waters in a sweet

softness or caress of Being.


Thank you Laura,


I love you deeply,



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