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"There are actually two kinds of time, clock-time and psychological time.

Psychological time is entirely based on thought, and is infinitely

expandable and contractible. Everyone has had the experience of getting so

involved in something that a lot of time has passed, when it only seems

like a few minutes have gone by. In states of extreme anxiety or

agitation, time can appear to slow down so much that every second seems

like an eternity. In sleep, the passage of time is not noticed at all,

except in some vague sense.


Without thought, there is no passage of time at all, and life becomes a

smooth, peaceful unbroken flow, rather than a series of jerks and

'flashbacks'. This is the timeless state of 'the eternal now' where there

is no time. 'The eternal now' can be mistaken by thought as a perception

that it's always now, but that is reducing the eternal to that which is

comprehensible by thought. The true 'eternal now' is a *timeless* state

where no passage of time is perceived except perhaps by looking at a clock.

It's more akin to being outside of time than perceiving that one is always

in the now. In such a perception, thought intervenes, and the 'eternal

now' is shattered into past-present-future, the imaginary domain of thought."






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Hello Tim,

> It's more akin to being outside of time than perceiving that one is always

> in the now. In such a perception, thought intervenes, and the 'eternal

> now' is shattered into past-present-future, the imaginary domain of thought."


Sometimes :), i am in a state outside of time, others i am in the now,

as you describe it. My mind as been molded by physics to look at those

manifestation of time in different ways. Or is it my mind that found

physics young, Duno :))) Non important.


As a photon runs towards the speed of light, a clock moving with the

photon comes to stops, but if it looks or comes back to a clock tied to

the matter it was emitted from, an eternity will have pass on the world

of matter it was running away.


This relation between the photons and the matter of the universe can be

seen as a big jello stuff we could call maya or the first layer of skin,

after what we see as physical matter, of the Cosmos. The photon is like

'stuck' in this layer or maya by the speed of light. The faster it tries

to go, close to the speed of light the heavier the photon gets. If it

would want to go faster than light it would have to become as heavy as

the universe it's trying to escape from. It other words it would drag

the universe with it, all the universe would become, morph into, that

single photon trying to escape. Maybe it's happening all the time, we

are simply a 'morphing' universe as photon tries to escape in all

direction and come back like spring to it's changing center of gravity.

Having the center of gravity stable, you have Einstein general

relativity. Space time is curved towards itseld.


What is the speed of all runing towards nothing? Are they running in the

same direction or in a multiple illusion of direction?


What is actually outside that maya, or skin, the 'matter' cannot know,

from the actual mathematical laws of physics. It can only morph and



Like any skins, this skin or maya of our Universe, as tiny holes in it

to "breath" deeper in that being outside of time like you say. Those

holes, pores, this third skin after matter/our senses, or second skin

after that of matter/energy, are called in physics quantum leaps. The

brain is full of it more than in all the stars at the same time. Here

the tissue of space time, formed by whatever is behind the reason for

the speed of light, is constantly being ripped on the microscopic level.

As if the space time continuum was moving on a matrix full of holes.

>From outside space/time, matter appears in couple, to disappear in

couples as they touch each other again. All this in a orchestrated

fashion in the brain from where perception of time and consciousness to

this plane could come from. This layer jumps from matter to information

or structure, matter becomes information. Energy or power is not as much

an issue as it is for the photon/matter relation in the preceding layer.


Most probably a deeper layer, more subtle, is behind those ones in the

Universe, where mind, information or structure become to

'something/nothing' what is energy to mind. If such is the case, all

this construct of my mind, those three layers here mentionned, have no

more meaning to such an 'identity' that as such a subtle skin. How it

interacts with all the possible skins of it's imagination remains



And the physicist think they invented something when you have the

elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth in alchimy that says the same

thing as i just said with other symbols.


I like your reflections Tim, they help me integrate on some level.


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Dear Antoine,


Thank you... I can attribute the teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti to showing

me the way to "opening my eyes" to that which they were previously closed.

If you'd like, take a look at this website (the only worthwhile look is a

careful reading):




With Love,




At 07:44 PM 3/31/99 -0500, you wrote:

>Antoine <carrea

>I like your reflections Tim, they help me integrate on some level.





Visit The Core of the WWW at:


Poetry, Writings, Live Chat on Spiritual Topics.


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