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Chris/The Dance of Existence

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Hi Chris,


I needed so much to hear what you wrote today. At this stage of my spiritual

growth I believe that violence is an essential part of life.


I responded to the "Kosovo" posting a few days ago. I responded to how I

would take care of the situation.


I was fortunate enough to have Antoine, bring one of my statements forward and

this gave me a chance to thoroughly look and listen to what I said and then to

expand on it.


The bottom line is that even though I have never been and am not, at present,

a "violent" being, I would choose to kill, terminate or whatever it takes, to

stop Malosovich. For two days now these words have been haunting me.


However, I do believe that there is a time when we have to take care of

ourselves. To me this is just like nature taking care of itself. I am not

aware that nature may have a conscience. I do know that I do. And although

my "solution" remains the same regarding a solution to the killing and

hurting of thousands, I remain sad.


Just "Feeling Out Loud",


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LTRIA wrote:


> The bottom line is that even though I have never been and am not, at present,

> a "violent" being, I would choose to kill, terminate or whatever it takes, to

> stop Malosovich. For two days now these words have been haunting me.


> However, I do believe that there is a time when we have to take care of

> ourselves. To me this is just like nature taking care of itself. I am not

> aware that nature may have a conscience. I do know that I do. And although

> my "solution" remains the same regarding a solution to the killing and

> hurting of thousands, I remain sad.


> Just "Feeling Out Loud",

> Laura

Gloria here:

Hi Laura,

I think Bob Dole said it pretty good on the radio last night. He said

it was his generation that went through the Hitler thing with genocide.

He said it was something so terrible for all of them when they actually

realized what happened in full...that they made a pledge to never let it

happen again.(I think he was speaking of the men in the service, he was

a war hero) He said, now we see it again in another form, so those of us

with heart and ability to feel have to do whatever comes to us... no

matter the cost.

We have seen pictures for so long of people suffering, starvation, etc.

but there is really something about making those people, young and old,

leave their homes with no food, water, clothes...etc. And you know they

are going to be out there in the winter cold, without food, no help,

nothing. This is indeed something that grabs the heart. It is our

humanity that screems out in pain, so we all suffer in this.

Don't feel bad about it, we are one...if our brothers and sisters

suffer we all suffer. This is the collective consciousness, in this

way...we can reach them and hold them in our love. Even those poor

soldiers that are following orders in doing these killings and

destruction of the people...I really feel for them as well. Can you

imagine what that is doing to them? Some are full of hate and the karma

of this condition, but many are not...this is almost worse then being on

the other end because of the repercussions and guilt which is to follow.

God only knows the cause and effect of this stuff. There is a form of

insanity at work, so the humanity is right in our face.

I am watching it now they say they have children and many people who

have not had anything to eat for five or six days they are afriad they

can't get there fast enough for the young ones. We can only pray that

the angels are gathered with them lifting them up in our love.


> -----he


Gloria Joy Greco

e-mail me at : lodpress and visit our homepages at:




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Thank you Gloria,


I needed your words.


I am reading and listening to all that's being shared with regard to the

Kosovo tragedy. I feel so much sadness over this issue. And of course, I

accept this sadness because it is real.


My confusion is that among all these peaceful people, I hear no one saying

how to stop him. I hear instead prayer. I am not saying prayer should not

be part of our constant nature. I am saying that I fear by just praying, we

are not taking responsibility for the damage that is being done. I feel a

sense of urgency to STOP HIM NOW.


I am a partof this earthly society. I am a part of this family, this

community of humans. I do not want to just pray for the tragedy to be over.

I wish I could do more. The more (because I see no other alternative) is to

stop him. Now. Before more people get hurt.


I do not expect a response. I am just a frustrated being lately. I heard

Clinton on the tube yesterday trying to rally more support for his efforts.

Trying to get more people angry. For his political agenda to continue the

fighting. The bombing. As humanity hurts each other more, I hurt more.

Around the bush and around the issue we go. Again and again and no one

taking care of the obvious. The general public, the innocent public,

suffering and dying for the politics of a few. How sad and yet how

consistent and never changing we are. Never learning from our past mistakes.

Feeling so much about all this.


Please forgive me for being a downer.


A few days ago someone posted thoughts about the possibility of organized

prayer over the Kosovo Tragedy. If anyone knows more about this, I would

appreciate the information.


Love, Laura

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The message <2cfc5615.3703e66d

from LTRIA contains these words:



> Hi Chris,

> I needed so much to hear what you wrote today. At this stage of my spiritual

> growth I believe that violence is an essential part of life.



Yes but not necessarily of your's Laura.

I have been swayed by the recent post from Harsha.


A story about Sai


Sathya Sai was approached by a devotee who asked when he had the

power to heal people why did he not heal everyone? For example there

were two over there, a blind man pushing a cripple, with a body all

twisted, in a wheel chair. Sai said you only see the present I see

the past present and future.

The devotee asked for clarification and was quickly transported to the past

to see that the cripple was in a past life a cruel judge who was

responsible for the torture and crippling of many an innocent and the

blind man was the torturer who had taken delight in blinding the

victims. The Karma was however made easier for the two to go through

because of the compassion showed by the devotee.



Large snip


> my "solution" remains the same regarding a solution to the killing and

> hurting of thousands, I remain sad.


So am I Laura. I could quite easily have the perpetrator's of these

terible things encarserated for life, but if faced with the situation

where I was face to face with them I could not kill to save my life

and reading your contributions here I do not believe for one moment

you could either. If it was a situation where at that moment I could

take some action short of killing to disable disarm wound to prevent

some innocent being hurt then that is different. You may think I am

splitting hairs.

> Just "Feeling Out Loud",


I am glad you do Laura God Bless You and keep you safe



> Laura

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LTRIA wrote:




> Thank you Gloria,


> I needed your words.


> I am reading and listening to all that's being shared with regard to the

> Kosovo tragedy. I feel so much sadness over this issue. And of course, I

> accept this sadness because it is real.


> My confusion is that among all these peaceful people, I hear no one saying

> how to stop him. I hear instead prayer. I am not saying prayer should not

> be part of our constant nature. I am saying that I fear by just praying, we

> are not taking responsibility for the damage that is being done. I feel a

> sense of urgency to STOP HIM NOW.



Yes, I know what you are saying, but somethings in life are not just cut

and dry. The mind says this is the solution, when in fact, it maynot be

as easy to do this without starting a major world conflict. This is

somewhat delicate with Russia putting their battleships near by as well.

We don't even know if all the cards are on the table, what is behind the

scenes. This is why you stay the witness, notice your feelings and

thoughts about it without judgment, and just stay centered on Divine



> I am a partof this earthly society. I am a part of this family, this

> community of humans. I do not want to just pray for the tragedy to be over.

> I wish I could do more. The more (because I see no other alternative) is to

> stop him. Now. Before more people get hurt.



That can happen if it is God's Will. If it is not, how would you see

this happening?


> I do not expect a response. I am just a frustrated being lately. I heard

> Clinton on the tube yesterday trying to rally more support for his efforts.

> Trying to get more people angry. For his political agenda to continue the

> fighting. The bombing. As humanity hurts each other more, I hurt more.

> Around the bush and around the issue we go. Again and again and no one

> taking care of the obvious. The general public, the innocent public,

> suffering and dying for the politics of a few. How sad and yet how

> consistent and never changing we are. Never learning from our past mistakes.

> Feeling so much about all this.



Your not a downer, your speaking for a lot of people...but even in this

we have to know that there is purpose for everything. We are souls first

and we have things we are working through and sometimes it means having

true suffering... as an individual, soceity, and all of this is working



> Please forgive me for being a downer.


> A few days ago someone posted thoughts about the possibility of organized

> prayer over the Kosovo Tragedy. If anyone knows more about this, I would

> appreciate the information.



I posted that, I don't know if I have it anymore however, i dumped my

trash. Maybe someone else has it. I was woke in the middle of the night

last night with visions of people and faces in angony and fear, I was

there working with them, in particular one family. This is where we can

assist by telepathically and spiritually being with these folks to help

them detach from the suffering. There comes a point in the suffering

where it no longer has an effect, so that even if they move out of body

to the other side they are not in agony or fear. Love is the answer for

this, so as long as your heart is light and filled with love you can

directly assist spiritually. If your heart is filled with hate and anger

however, you can't help but send more pain into the situation.Do your

spiritual homework inside and then just open up and pray that whatever

is going to happen for the individual be what that soul needs at this

point on the path. Gloria


> Love, Laura


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Gloria Joy Greco

e-mail me at : lodpress and visit our homepages at:




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