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Tim Gerchmez wrote:


> Tim Gerchmez <fewtch


> At 01:02 PM 4/1/99 -0800, you wrote:



> >When the 'reinforced standing wave pattern' generated by

> >(attachment-fueled) reaction no longer is fed, the pattern collapases. If

> >this were to happen with you, you would become invisible, and you would

> >dwell soley in the realm of pure consciousness. Those who desire this

> >condition may apply themselves to non-attachment, so as to remove the fuel

> >which powers the standing wave pattern of 'self' or personality.

> >Personally, I do not desire such an event in my life; in fact, I have come

> >'too close' to that event for my own comfort. I am content at present to

> >abide in this great gift of my life as it is.



> You do not desire (and that's good); but do you "reject?" Rejection is

> also a form of desire - the desire NOT to have something happen (that might

> happen). Both desire and rejection create conflict in the mind, and thus

> divisiveness (duality / mental polarization). From this springs fear and

> anxiety.


> Just curious, enjoy or discard,


> Tim



What if you come to a point that when you discard something, body or

else, and it just discard itself from the map of 'others' possibilities

of perception? Before discarding at such levels of manifestation, won't

you come to think twice? or at least find a natural flow where your flow

of creation or of discarding is that that IS?


I guess one has to experience such a final choice to make, to make it.

That is of course if such a choice exist.


Fear and anxiety don't necessarily come from such "power" of "jumping"

or discarding, it simply points to one, in a sharper way, 'where' to BE

in harmony or beauty or why not in Chaos if one enjoys it.


To bring some images... Someone in lotus position reaching 'outside of

time' like you say, Tim, still leaves is body 'behind' to jump outside

of time. Others looking at the body still see a body, that may look dead

or in trance, or in lotus position. Imagine a body, that each times that

it jumps in a trance simply burns away from the perception of other

bodies looking at it. The process of complete re-creation of the body,

directly from 'outside of time', being much more harder than the burning

of it (for X reasons). I guess one can say, that a choice as to be taken

by that body before it chooses to burn to God, once it has acquired that

power. We are all atomic bombs, or just one atomic bomb of life, that

can choose to flow like a flower opening or simply vanish advitam

eternam. The 'subconscious glue' of one anthropological individual, or

the gates before the Tree of life, protect us from having to make such

choice to fast.


This weekend is a nice one to reflect on that, as a social body, with

the images of the Christ power of resurrection or the myth of Babaji,

etc... A ceremony of each moment...



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