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I don't follow the belief that science is a cult that perpetuates

societies ills, it's a way of quantifing what society deems is reality.

For some this reality is all there is, which is good for them. For others

religion may be the path but it cannot be considered any better than any

other system. The goal, as far as I can tell, is the ellimination of any

belief or way of quantifing that which cannot be quantified. Realization

that there is a difference between our perception of reality and actual

reality is my goal. I hope to make the most of this reality, not to deny

it but embrace it and realize it's impermenance. Life is best lived as an

indifferent observer.


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At 07:05 PM 4/5/99 -0500, you wrote:

>Mike D <mikdavis


> I don't follow the belief that science is a cult that perpetuates

>societies ills, it's a way of quantifing what society deems is reality.


Agreed. Science has not solved any of mankind's basic problems (in fact,

it has probably created more problems than it has solved) but it's the best

the dualistic mind can do. And it has done some "good" in terms of

increasing human lifespan, curing diseases, and in several other areas.

Although it has also done much damage.

>For some this reality is all there is, which is good for them. For others

>religion may be the path but it cannot be considered any better than any

>other system. The goal, as far as I can tell, is the ellimination of any

>belief or way of quantifing that which cannot be quantified. Realization

>that there is a difference between our perception of reality and actual

>reality is my goal. I hope to make the most of this reality, not to deny

>it but embrace it and realize it's impermenance. Life is best lived as an

>indifferent observer.


It's interesting to note that "indifferent observation" is the very core of

the "scientific method." I agree that life is best lived this way. But

without the qualities of love and humility, indifferent observation can

become arrogance and egotism. Not to suggest you (or anyone else here)

possesses these qualities, but there should be an awareness that

appreciation of beauty and love of fellow man should also be aspects of a

"well-lived life." Just for the fun of it, a quote from Swami Vivekananda,

Sri Ramakrishna's primary disciple:


"What we really want is head and heart combined. The heart is great indeed;

it is through the heart that come the great inspirations of life. I would a

hundred times rather have a little heart and no brain, than be all brains

and no heart. Life is possible, progress is possible for him who has heart,

but he who has no heart and only brains dies of dryness."


With Love,





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>>Mike D:

>> I don't follow the belief that science is a cult that perpetuates

>>societies ills,


BTW, Gene did not say that, and I can't see that he implied it.

>it's a way of quantifing what society deems is reality.


>Tim G:

>Agreed. Science has not solved any of mankind's basic problems (in fact,

>it has probably created more problems than it has solved) but it's the best

>the dualistic mind can do. And it has done some "good" in terms of

>increasing human lifespan, curing diseases, and in several other areas.

>Although it has also done much damage.


Science is a method... the good or ill done through it is done by people.

The method isn't going to disappear... it's the best method for certain

purposes... it's been around for thousands of years... and it's flexible

enough to be used in many fields, not just the hard sciences... and of

course the best scientists use intuition, dreams, whatever works... no

conflict there...


The mystics/occultists are the scientists of religion... or I should say,

of the spiritual life. They're the ones who don't just accept what

somebody says is right or ought to work... they want to see for

themselves. They want to test things out... find out what works... find

out what's true and not true... know for themselves... know, not believe.

Like the disciple Thomas, who said he couldn't believe that Jesus was alive

again without seeing him and touching the wounds himself. Jesus didn't

tell him, "That's the wrong approach, Thomas." He appeared and said, "Here

I am, touch me." Knock on the door hard enough, and it opens...


It is true that the Western world went pretty far in a materialistic

direction before swinging back... toward the meeting and joining of East

and West that we're now in the middle of...

>It's interesting to note that "indifferent observation" is the very core of

>the "scientific method."


Well, it's a goal that can never be reached, as we now understand. It's

impossible to observe without affecting, without changing what you're





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I have found an intresting bond between religion and science.

Suprisingly most of the principles of my faith are provable through

science. The further we begin to develop our minds the line between the

two will become blurred. Although there is one question which still

remains in my beliefs,

Does the universe have an edge?

Anyone who has insight into this either scientific or religous

will help.


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Mike D wrote:

> Does the universe have an edge?


Imagine a Set of Infinity.


As one splits this Set into subsets of Infinity

(children of Infinity if you will)

the subsets inherit the attribute of infinity.


They are infinite.


But to experience these infinite subsets

is not quite the same as to experience


Pure Infinity wouldn't you agree?


Holographic model enthusiasts could expand on this...




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If the universe is an infinate series of infinate subsets, how is

it that anything would ever repeat? By this I mean that the universe is

operating via sets of black and white holes, causing creation and collapse

of these galaxies how is it that an individuals soul is ever carried

beyond this reality? As far as I understand, we're merely a code (genetic)

which encompasses everything from personality to thoughts. What we

interpet as reality has allready been pre-established by these guidelines.

The code, if given eternity would eventually repeat and this is what I

consider to be reincarnation. We feel drawn towards certain people and

beliefs because that is what we are hardwired for. The universe naturally

segregrates itself according to densities, so no matter what when our

universe eventually collapses and is drawn either back inward or towards

the nearest black hole it will eventually reach critical mass and cause

another mini-big bang. It would then proceed to once again create another

universe not unlike our own with all possibilities once again open....

I realize this is sketchy and incomplete. Has anyone read anything

along these lines?


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Mike D wrote:

> If the universe is an infinate series of infinate subsets, how is

> it that anything would ever repeat?


This notion of 'repeating' is quite dualistic. Also, I wouldn't say that all

this was

'an infinite series of infinite subsets'. I'd say the splits and lines that


to cut up all this are imaginary. Suppose you're dreaming and someone says to

you, "you're dreaming" you don't necessarily wake-up right away. : )

> By this I mean that the universe is

> operating via sets of black and white holes, causing creation and collapse

> of these galaxies how is it that an individuals soul is ever carried

> beyond this reality?


Individuality isn't real.

> As far as I understand, we're merely a code (genetic)

> which encompasses everything from personality to thoughts.


Does this understanding bring you peace?

> What we interpet as reality has allready been pre-established by these



What about no 'guidelines' where are all possibilities are at once?

> The code, if given eternity would eventually repeat and this is what I

> consider to be reincarnation.


This 'eternity' you describe is quite time-bound.

> We feel drawn towards certain people and

> beliefs because that is what we are hardwired for.


We're soft-wired too. : )

> The universe naturally segregrates itself according to densities,


Perhaps this segregation is actually most 'unnatural'?

> so no matter what when our

> universe eventually collapses and is drawn either back inward or towards

> the nearest black hole it will eventually reach critical mass and cause

> another mini-big bang. It would then proceed to once again create another

> universe not unlike our own with all possibilities once again open....


Who knows?

But you know what will most likely affect us is our death.


Worlds birthed from a prism.


Imaginary light split.

I journey her spiral staircase

of dimensions endlessly.


A goldfish frowns

from a glassy aquarium with disgust

for being sectioned off

from the lake.


And light seeps through cracks in

orbed walls as I hammer and chisel

with a virtual hammer,

unfathomable, it bears no weight

this instrument of mind,

all momentum originates souly

from intent.


and underneath a clearing sillouette

of darkness

a strange orb in a celestial sky

encompasses every organism with life

as awareness testifies to eternity

for forever.

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Mike D wrote:

> Also, could you elaborate on the Holographic models?



One neat thing is when you take a hologram film and split it up

each piece contains a perspective of the entire image.

The piece, being a whole representation is infinite.

But it's only a subset. It's still not the Whole.

The quality of the individual pieces is not the high quality of

the single undivided film.



Also interesting

holograms are based on (en)coding that represents nothing.


To Make A Holograph-


Step One:

Take a laser that contains the entire spectrum of light that is visible to the




Step Two:

Split the beam.


Step Three:

Bounce one of the beam subsets off of some image

you'd like to record three dimensionally.


Before going to Step 4 I'll raise an interesting phenomena that occurs with wave


vibrations. When two waves are identical regarding frequency pulse parameters

etc. as

measured by science, that when these two waves are brought together they cancel

each other

out. Doesn't matter what kind of waves they are, i.e. if they are sound waves,


vibrations, light or whatever.


Step Four: Combine the reflected laser light from the image you're recording

with the other 'pure' beam.


You've just effectively created every light wave impression that *is not*

the image you are recording.


The frequencies that represent the image get canceled out by the pure beam

effectively leaving only those frequencies of the visible human spectrum

that do not represent the image. A negative.


Step Five: Project a pure laser beam through the negative film to cancel out the

waves that do not represent the image leaving only the ones that do.

Pretty neat trick. This is the nature of perceptual experience.


So the holographic model seems to be a pretty good metaphor

in that the Pure Beam (all frequencies) represents Self/god.


The splitting and fusing process is the work of our imagination,

that is the exploration into the infinite possibilities

one by one in a linear sense.


So it comes back to what would I choose to experience?


Pure Beam

or shadow interference patterns that are inherently nothing?





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The poetry takes my breathe away and echo's in sounds of the



David Bozzi wrote:


> David Bozzi <david.bozzi


> Mike D wrote:


> > If the universe is an infinate series of infinate subsets, how is

> > it that anything would ever repeat?


> This notion of 'repeating' is quite dualistic. Also, I wouldn't say that all

this was

> 'an infinite series of infinite subsets'. I'd say the splits and lines that


> to cut up all this are imaginary. Suppose you're dreaming and someone says to

> you, "you're dreaming" you don't necessarily wake-up right away. : )


> > By this I mean that the universe is

> > operating via sets of black and white holes, causing creation and collapse

> > of these galaxies how is it that an individuals soul is ever carried

> > beyond this reality?


> Individuality isn't real.


> > As far as I understand, we're merely a code (genetic)

> > which encompasses everything from personality to thoughts.


> Does this understanding bring you peace?


> > What we interpet as reality has allready been pre-established by these



> What about no 'guidelines' where are all possibilities are at once?


> > The code, if given eternity would eventually repeat and this is what I

> > consider to be reincarnation.


> This 'eternity' you describe is quite time-bound.


> > We feel drawn towards certain people and

> > beliefs because that is what we are hardwired for.


> We're soft-wired too. : )


> > The universe naturally segregrates itself according to densities,


> Perhaps this segregation is actually most 'unnatural'?


> > so no matter what when our

> > universe eventually collapses and is drawn either back inward or towards

> > the nearest black hole it will eventually reach critical mass and cause

> > another mini-big bang. It would then proceed to once again create another

> > universe not unlike our own with all possibilities once again open....


> Who knows?

> But you know what will most likely affect us is our death.

> ==========================================================

> Worlds birthed from a prism.

> Prison.

> Imaginary light split.

> I journey her spiral staircase

> of dimensions endlessly.


> A goldfish frowns

> from a glassy aquarium with disgust

> for being sectioned off

> from the lake.


> And light seeps through cracks in

> orbed walls as I hammer and chisel

> with a virtual hammer,

> unfathomable, it bears no weight

> this instrument of mind,

> all momentum originates souly

> from intent.


> and underneath a clearing sillouette

> of darkness

> a strange orb in a celestial sky

> encompasses every organism with life

> as awareness testifies to eternity

> for forever.


> ------

> Have you visited the new ONElist home page lately?

> http://www.ONElist.com

> ONElist: The Leading e-mail list and community service on the Internet!

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Message: 19

Wed, 7 Apr 1999 16:49:47 -0500 (CDT)

Mike D <mikdavis


Hello Mike,


<< We feel drawn towards certain people and beliefs because that is what

we are hardwired for. The universe naturally segregrates itself

according to densities, so no matter what when our universe eventually

collapses and is drawn either back inward or towards the nearest black

hole it will eventually reach critical mass and cause another mini-big

bang. >>


I remember when Tiamat, a big black dragon, came to me in vision. Did

not know a thing about that Goddess of primal Chaos in the Babylonian

mythology. Finding out how the Gods, her childs, came to revolt against

Her and kill Her, to make from one of her eyes the moon, the other the

sun, water with her blood, the sky and earth with hear skin. Reading,

briefly after, about that just fascinated me.


Going outside looking at the world, sometimes, i feel i am a Babylonian

looking at the world, i simply feel inside a huge dragon with her two

eyes (the sun and the moon) looking at me. I wonder then why we forgot

to look at the world this way... Then i forget the question and look at

it in another way, as it goes, as it flows, i enjoy it as it comes to my

'holographic eye'.


Newton looked at the world with an apple falling in it, in a very

different way. And with time we came to adopt the most simple expression

of his 'eye' that can be expressed in formulas. Time and space came to

affect me differently starting to go to school and with the clocks and

the way we came to mesure everything around. It's a beautiful way, among

many to look at the world. It's one today we are most used to. We often

forget from where it comes from, we are hardwired to it, then, in some

way ...


Einstein, affected me also deeply in my way to look "outside" of who i

think i am. The strange curves, and the ways time and space dance

together linked with gravity in is mind, blasted my neurons more than

once, to try to understand him. Einstein believed there was a reality

outside of perception, and had a very strong problem with quantum

physics for that, it was his 'edge of the universe'. According to his

late writings he died polarized, still, between what he could not prove

to 'others' that he believed to exist as outside of is theory and



My opinion here, - as any of the words i ever type btw, - part of the

quantum scientifics, saying that all is inside what they define as

'perception', are also falling in the illusion of taking what they can

perceive for the Totality. In this way, they will always find an edge to

the universe: what they believe it is. Or if they believe to hard they

know the totality, their universe will collapse on itself. I.e The

universe of Newton becoming a pure mechanical universe, where all can be

predicted in a linear way from the beginning of time. Beginning of time

and end of time being the edge of that universe, as well as no more

concept of free will. Or the big bang theory coming to the universe self

collapsing on itself to the initial singularity, according to Einstein

theory and others, and the dark matter we don't stop from finding in the

universe, making it's initial mass always bigger. Today, findings seem

to point that the Universe still creates mass from the center of it's

galaxies. Something is poring in from what we call 'nowhere', according

to all initial theory. The Quantum theory comes in handy here to try to

look at that 'nowhere', this new edge, and give it a name. Also time is

starting to be consider as an accelerating entity, in this new model.

But still i see the same game as in the other theories and other worlds.

A new edge, a new nowhere will come after we find a name for that

'nowhere' behind the process of matter collapsing, vanishing back in

'quantum leap' conditions, and time accelerating or the universe

expanding faster and faster.


To me it's a game i enjoy, to look at the world behind all the minds i

can find. Running after the edge to find myself as the edge. To laugth

at myself like a baby dog finding out he is running after his tail. To

look at myself as the edge, the changing edge, flowing with life. Until

i jump on the other side where there is no edge. It's one of my way to

'listen' to 'music', one of my 'ears' to this world.




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Carolyn Maloney wrote:

> Carolyn Maloney <reiki


> The poetry takes my breathe away and echo's in sounds of the

> soul


Hi there flute. : ) much appreciated coming

from a fellow poet who writes with the same effect



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Antoine wrote:

> Einstein, affected me also deeply in my way to look "outside" of who i

> think i am. The strange curves, and the ways time and space dance

> together linked with gravity in is mind, blasted my neurons more than

> once, to try to understand him.



> Something is poring in from what we call 'nowhere', according

> to all initial theory. The Quantum theory comes in handy here to try to

> look at that 'nowhere', this new edge,



> To me it's a game i enjoy, to look at the world behind all the minds i

> can find. Running after the edge to find myself as the edge.



> It's one of my way to 'listen' to 'music', one of my 'ears' to this world.



I grasp the holographic model

with her quantum physique

left with handfuls of sky

teases my probing


Her seductive implications

flirt with my analytical mind

she plays hard to get

like ether mist...

frequently vibrating

no place and everywhere.

Can't put a finger on her or

contain her into formulas and charts...


I gaze into the depth of sky

and scratch my head

where I've scratched it

a thousand times before...

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