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There is an analogy that is very illustrative of the way to mukti, it is

the analogy of the spoked wheel. Shaped like the old wagon wheel, this wheel has

an outer rim, dozens of spokes that travel towards its center, and a large

central hub which has hole in its center (for the axle to slide through).


The wheel analogy here will be used in the context of the various philosophies

and the seven perceiver stations from Shiva to the Sakala.


The outer rim represents station 7, the sakala, who is bound by all three malas

(Anava-primal limiting condition, Mayiya-maya and her five coverings, and Karma

mala, reducing the experient down desirous of perceived good and bad acts).


The spokes represent the various philosophical systems, i.e. Vedanta, Shaivism,

Buddhism, Christianity, etc...


If one begins at one spoke, or philosophy, one must travel back to the outer rim

to start anew again. Though many think this is not necessary, one must start

from the essentials of any philosophy, lest they suffer unseen obstacles.


As one travels down the spoke of choice towards the hub, the first one half of

the distance of the spoke represents station 6, or Pralayakala. Here the

experient has been freed from Karma mala. The second half of the journey down

the spoke represents sation 5, or Vijnanakala. Here the experient is freed from

both Karma mala and Mayiya mala.


Reaching the hub is a milestone, for here begins the Universality of the

experients understanding; this is in accordance with the universality of

stations 4,3,2,and 1.


It is at the hub where the last limiting condition, the primal limiting

condition of Anava mala ceases.


This makes the hub a milestone also in the sense that the experient has mastered

the avikalpa state, or thoughtless state, which is the beginning of the truly

universal experience. Dichotomising thought constructs, and mastery of them

through the understanding of the dual nature of such allows the experient to

merge into the higher mind.


It is at this stage that, due to the cessation of dichotomising thought

constructs, that philisophical ideas become obsolete. It is from here (avikalpa)

that true understanding forms.


With the above mentioned said then, station 4 is the first truly universal

experience; the experient here is called Mantra. Here 'I' and 'This' (universe)

are equal; there is unity underlying difference. Here Kriya or action is



Slightly deeper into the central hub is station 3, whereas the experient becomes

more established in the 'I' side of experience. 'This' (the universe) is still

clear, but is only an aspect of the Self. The experient here is Mantreshvara.

Here jnana or divine Knowledge is predominant.


Finally, at the innermost section of the central hub (which forms the ring or

rim of the central hole) is station two. Here 'I' is predominant as the

experient surges towards the 'I' unity, but still has a dim experience of the

universe. Here divine Will is predominant.


It is at this point that divine Will is necessary. Through divine Will or the

Iccha of the Supreme, the remaining ignorance is burned away by the fire of

Bhairava and the experient becomes no different from that of supreme



We, all of us, no-one excluded, will reach this central hub. It is the only goal

in our existence. All other goals are secondary and are contained within this

one purpose. Prattling about which spoke is better is utter nonsense.


All of us pursue this hub down our own spoke, which is a highly individual



Single minded of purpose we travel towards the Unity consciousness of the hub.


Sadgurunath Maharaj Ki Jay


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