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Merging with Siva Lesson 71

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Lesson 71


Affirmation Is a Power


The power of affirmation changes and remolds the putty-like substance

that makes up the subconscious areas of the mind. For years we have

repeated sayings and statements, attached meaning to them in our thoughts

and through listening to ourselves speak. This has helped form our life

as we know it today, for the subconscious brings into manifestation the

impressions we put into it. Therefore, to change the subconscious pattern

and increase the spinning velocity of it, we must remold with new ideas

and new concepts its magnetic forces. This can be done through the power

of affirmation.




Affirmation, when used in wisdom for spiritual reasons, is a power, and

should be understood through meditation. Before beginning to work with

an affirmation, we must understand completely from within what we are

doing, being sure that when our subconscious has been remolded we can

take the added responsibilities, the new adventures and challenges that

will manifest as a result of breaking out of one force field and entering

into another. Only when we face and accept fully the new effects of our

effort should we proceed with an affirmation. First we must understand

the nature of this power.




An affirmation is a series of positive words repeated time and time again

in line with a visual concept. Such a statement can be repeated mentally

or, preferably, verbally. Words in themselves, without a pictorial

understanding, make a very poor affirmation. To choose the affirmation

best suited to our needs, first we must realize what we do not want,

and then we must take steps to change it, in the very same way we would

discriminate in giving away or throwing away our possessions in order

to purchase new ones. Whether one is dealing with home and possessions,

thoughts and concepts, self-created inhibitions, or blocks and barriers

of the subconscious, the principle is basically the same. If one feels,

"I can't," he cannot. If he is always criticizing himself and lamenting

over what he cannot do, then he has to reverse this pattern and change

the flow of magnetic mental force, enliven its intensity by saying orally

and feeling through all the pores of his body, "I can. I will. I am able

to accomplish what I plan."

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