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Sutra 16

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>From The Sky of The Heart; Jewels of Wisdom From Nityananda:




Praise Shiva!


When the individual spirit leads


The inner Shiva-Shakti upward


To the Brahmarandhra at the top of the head,


The individual becomes one with the




This is liberation, indivisible liberation,


The bliss of the Absolute.


Pure consciousness.



In the beginning was Shiva,


In the beginning was Shiva-Shakti alone.


The great protector is eternal bliss.


Great desirelessness is eternal bliss.


You who are without desire,


You who are without the three gunas,*


You who are endowed with virtue,


Master of your Self, king of Jivanmukti--


Look inside!



The human form is the highest of creatures.


There is nothing higher.


It has created all the countries.*





*Three gunas are:

Sattva-The principle of being, light, happiness, and harmony; essence; balance.

Rajas-The principle of motion, activity, passion, and pain.

Tamas-The principle of inertia, insensitivity, and and delusion.


Collectively these are called Prakriti, cosmic Nature, the "stuff" of all


Tamas guna (inertia, thickness) is one end of the spectrum, sattva guna (pure

light) is the opposite end, and rajas guna is the meeting of the two, for when

pure light and pure density meet, the result is fire. yet upon reaching sattva

guna, there is no more hierarchy. In the pure state of sattva guna, everything

is seen as as equal; there is no seperate mind, no chakras, no nadis--nothing is

separate. Sattva guna is pure and perfect balance.


*Shiva-Shakti is pure consciousness, the union of pure potential and pure energy

that forms the dynamic stillness at the heart of the universe. Kundalini and

prana are components of this highest of forces; they relate to Shiva-Shakti like

body and arm relate to the pure consciousness of being.




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