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Mental/chemical/dna wheel

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To bad the specialist are not talking :)


Was: Re: Ravana/Milosevic type2



<< Many mental illnesses are caused by out of control egos. Especially

illnesses like neuroses, panic attacks, anxiety disorders, depression,

etc (the so called emotional disorders). >>



<< Interesting theory, but one that virtually any experienced mental

health professional would probably dispute. >>


A vast majority, yes, probably, but certainly far from all.



<< These are ego problems, or at least originated as ego problems and

became biochemical in nature later because they were sustained for so

long. >>



<< Now *this* theory is more creative, less interesting, and would very

likely send any experienced mental health professional into paroxisms of

laughter -- unless of course, it came from the lips of a patient, in

which case it might be diagnostically useful. >>


I believe you underestimate the effect the mind can have on body, Bruce,

or the opinion 'others' may have of that. For having observed my parents

at work, both psychiatrist, and having myself developed relations of

friendships with their patients, over all those years. From this little

life experience of mine, with such an interesting variety of people, i

can definitely see an approach in therapy by psychiatrist, where they

look at a mental state producing a chemical imbalance in that person and

medication may be considered necessary to bring back mental health for a

brief period, to allow the person to work from a more balanced mind,

away from the created chemical imbalance in the brain or else.


Of course many other case, are said to come from a chemical imbalance,

or dna defect initially, and not caused from the mind ego, running on a

crazy 'obsessive' wheel initially.


Yet, as an example, to open ones mind on the question: is mind or matter

the cause of the other on anthropomorphic ego level? The Daili Lama came

8 years ago to Montreal to a Congress between spirituality and medicine.

Of course my parents where there. Between all the "professions"

represented, there is a well documented case, that was said to open all

those professions theories, towards each others.


Here is the case in best of my memory.

A father of five boys, 3 generations ago, receives a kick in the balls

from a horse. The father dies in front of is five children's in the

minutes following. As of that day all the males (over generations, 15

males total) from that family never lived more than the age 57. And they

all died from problems from there genitals, mostly prostate cancer.

There was not found any trace of cancer in the family, before the

initial father of the process died from the kick.


So how is the 'prostate disease' as been communicated over generations

to males in that family? some who did not even know about there

grandfather fatal story of a kick in the genitals. Dna, mind? It's all

the same stuff from one deepness of being, among another...


Flying from one idea to the other, looking at humans on the planet as

'neurons' from a 'being' 'brain' in transformation. And the effect of

the media's, and the initial spark that create wars or else, i wonder

what kind of medication a psychiatrist from the stars, would give to the

'brain' of this planet. When all it's neuron (humans) are starting to

focus like in a magnet on the on war or starvation. The first Big pill

was two Atomic Bombs, worked for almost 50, maybe 60 years. This of

course from a perspective of a mad psychiatrist in the stars...


An opinion like that, spiraling around the words exchanged.




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At 08:44 PM 4/13/99 -0400, you wrote:

>Antoine <carrea


>To bad the specialist are not talking :)


Being that I've been in the "mental health system" for 11 years, and have

*personally* known (I.E. been friends with) more mentally ill people than

most specialists (who tend to distance themselves from such people, and go

on the basis of scientific research only), AS WELL AS having done (on my

own) a large portion of the book-learning that the specialist so highly

treasures, I feel that my knowledge in this area is more comprehensive than

that of a specialist (I only lack the piece of paper). In other words, I'm

a specialist without the piece of parchment to wave around declaring me so.


Not only that, but few of the "specialists" will be also coming from a

nondual perspective at the same time, and thus won't be qualified to

comment based on that perspective.


Q: If a specialist told you you had one day to live, would you

automatically assume it's true? Do you know the percentage of specialists

who are complete fools in their chosen fields, having little or nothing but

a piece of paper to wave around? I've met many. If you knew, you might

shudder in fear.






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Message: 21

Tue, 13 Apr 1999 22:29:41 -0700

Tim Gerchmez <fewtch

Re: Mental/chemical/dna wheel


At 08:44 PM 4/13/99 -0400, you wrote:

>Antoine <carrea


>To bad the specialist are not talking :)


<< Being that I've been in the "mental health system" for 11 years, and

have *personally* known (I.E. been friends with) more mentally ill

people than most specialists (who tend to distance themselves from such

people, and go on the basis of scientific research only), AS WELL AS

having done (on my own) a large portion of the book-learning that the

specialist so highly treasures, I feel that my knowledge in this area is

more comprehensive than that of a specialist (I only lack the piece of

paper). In other words, I'm a specialist without the piece of parchment

to wave around declaring me so.


Not only that, but few of the "specialists" will be also coming from a

nondual perspective at the same time, and thus won't be qualified to

comment based on that perspective. >>


I must say that i am d to the digest version of this list. And

only come to read the emails with a 24 hour time difference. Writing

this email i had no idea of the tread on mental illness, already on the

way. And the great post from Holly, Harsha, Rob, Linda, Judy, David,

Marcia, Bruce and you Tim. I have only had a chance to read them today,

with my post send yesterday at the very end of my two digest files for

yesterday. It's also a great learning experience to post in this way.


<< Q: If a specialist told you you had one day to live, would you

automatically assume it's true? >>


Not very different than a voodoo curse, in some way, from one



Also your question brings back to my memory words from Mystress

Angelique of the K-list, she once wrote to me: The worst curse one could

bring to one individual is to bring on him or her total 'enligthement'

(in the sense of total cleansing, or something like that), all that in

one day.


If i could only assume totally i only have one second to live, i could

at least start working on the nano seconds i have left to live...


<< Do you know the percentage of specialists who are complete fools in

their chosen fields, having little or nothing but a piece of paper to

wave around? I've met many. If you knew, you might shudder in fear. >>


At least if i would now, i would try to find a way to survive without





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